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Hes not replying to any of my txts/ call what do i do?


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Hi all, Ive been with my bf for 7 months. We do move at a fairly slow pace which is fine with me but im scared of getting hurt so i put up a barrier a lot of the time when i do really care for him.

Anyway, Monday evening he came round and we spent time together and had sex. We dont get to see each other a lot due to our busy schedules so I got a bit worked up mon night and text him asking if he was just using me for sex. I have to admit I did get very worked up about it and know now to text this was a bit out of order but at the time i did feel he uses me.

Well since then hes not spoken to me and ive text and called once. I even emailed today trying to smooth things over .....nothing no reply! Hes not a massive texter anyway and i know these last 2 weeks have been manic in work for him but i hought he would have least replied.


Question is what do i do now? Im thinknig leave him to contact me?

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Well, if he really is only using you for that, you shouldn't want him to begin with...


And if you think deep down that it isn't true and you wrongly accused him of that, then you should call and explain you got worked up and apologize (or leave a message apologizing if he won't take your calls).

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If he's not returning calls [texts are one thing..you need to pick up a phone!] if you've tried several methods and he's not responding, what is there to do?


Let it go, and wait and see what he does because the ball is in his court. Leave it be, you've made the effort and perhaps when he's ready he will contact you, or things will just end.


Its clear he isn't interested in speaking, and is potentially very hurt by your accusations or you've called him on it and feels theres no need to contact you because he's been 'caught'


Sit back, relax and see what happens.

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Wow. I hate these situations and even reading them I can feel your anxiety. Do you think it was just the comment you made or could there be another possible explanation other than the work schedule? Hopefully he's not blowing you off.


Don't send anymore texts, etc. You don't want to scare him off. Let him come to you. If you keep trying to contact him your only setting yourself up for failure because you may get ridiculed and get your feelings hurt when/if he contacts you.


Just try to remain positive and focus on other things. It seems he is.

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I agree that you should call him - that was a very insulting thing to say.


Yes I know it was an now I cant believe i said it, if i could turn back time i would and handled things differently. I guess I acted on impulse and got fairly worked up

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