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hey guys, please gimme your advice


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Hey..my situation is pretty annoying. I went to prom with this boy, and we both had an amazing time...by the end of the weekend we were both so into eachother and not only us but every1 who was with us saw the sparks. As we came back home into reality...i had to deal with the fact that there was another girl. He had been chasing her for 4 years, and once she learned he was starting something with me, she finally came around to him. He told me it was nothing personal but he just owed it to himself to finally get her. I understood. At that point I decided to only flirt with him if he initiates the flirting... i dont want to seem like im chasing him..so i would just reciprocate the flirting, and if he doesnt start anything we basically dont talk. I keep my cool and act like i dont care and dont like him much, but i DO! and if we do heavily flirt he backs off b/c he doesn't want to ruin chances with the girl. To top it all off, i heard she took a break from him b/c of personal reasons she had to deal with. Now i know he'll still be 'waiting' for her, since he did wait for 4 years already...but i want him to see that he could get me, without waiting, without all the trouble that girl puts him through.. i really could give him exactly what he wants, and she and i discussed that i would be better for him (ironically, the girl and i are friends!)...i guess i'm playing hard to get...but what do you guys think i should do? THe boy is really not playing me or nething, he is a genuinely nice kid..but he is inlove with this girl..and he doesn't kiss me so i wouldn't be led on...but somehow i feel as if he wants to kiss me...for example one night, he was just kissing my finger since he knew he couldnt kiss my lips...

how do u guys think i should go about this...? i REALLY like this boy and i want him to really like me back....im so close but just not there... help!

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hey, i think it sounds like the guy likes you, he just likes the other girl more and doesn't want to miss the opportunity he's been given, since he has been waiting for her for 4 years. if u want him to like you, you can't play hard to get, but you don't wanna come of as slutty either. believe it or not, guys, at leased me and all of my friends, don't like it when girls do either, i know some do, and i don't know about this guy, but i don't. so u want to appear like you interested in him but not desperate either. eventually he will see that he's waisting his time waiting for the other girl to come around and realise that he's be better off w/ you. I know it kinda sounds like it'd be him settling for you, and it might be, but it sounds like at first he'll be settling, then he'll realize that you're the better choice.

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AAh the dreaded love triangle...it sucks. Anyway it sounds that this guy reallyd does like you, but since he also likes this one girl, and he's waited for her, it also sounds that he likes her too..hmm...I would personally try to move on...it sounds now that your the 'odd man out', and it can be hard to get the person you like, if they like someone else. Yet if you truly like him, go after him! Good luck!

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When he said he owed it to himself to get the girl he'd been after it sounded to me like maybe he wasn't that enthusiastic about her but is having difficulty letting go after chasing her for 4 years so he feels he has to go after her now, from how you make it sound he could well get over er before too long. with any luck he'll come round.

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The guy likes you but is having a hard time getting over his crush. Be a good friend to him and don't try to push him into a relationship. Eventually he'll come around and see the two of you have a good thing going. Sounds as if everyone knows it, he's just not ready yet. By being a friend he'll see how good of a person you are and will eventually wake up to what he's been missing.

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