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What is going on with him?


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Well here's the story. My ex and I are both 18, and we were in a serious relationship for year and a 1/2. We spent the night at eachother's houses, did everything together, were always very affectionate toward eachother, hardly ever got into fights, were always laughing. It was absolutely perfect. We were looking for apartments, and were planning on moving in together this summer. Well, a week before graduation (by the way, we were both seniors in high school), he told me that he needed a break and he needed to spend time with his friends before they left for college. Though i was very sad, we remained friends and I understood his reasoning for breaking up. We also both agreed that moving in together would be moving a little too fast for us. SO we decided not to, and we decided that we'd get back together by the end of the month. WELL, once graduation happened, our families took pictures of us, and it felt like we were still going out. The first couple days of summer, I found out about some girl he and I both know. She's a fairly large girl who is a tom boy. She's like "one of the guys" and has been friends with my ex since they were very young. I guess they had been spending a lot of time together. Well i asked him about it, and he told me that they were just friends and that he told her that he didnt want a relationship. But he began avoiding me. He didn't answer my phone calls, and he was ALWAYS with his friends. One night last weekend, i got a call from him at midnight. I wasn't home, but he talked to my mom and asked her to have me call him when i get home. I called him the next day, he was very nice... but said he needed to let me go. He told me "i will tell you about it later" and was very nice. Well he never called, and I have yet to hear from him. I've passed him on the road a few times and he pretends not to see me. What is going on with him? I really don't understand....

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It sounds to me like he is wants the relationship to be over between you two... He is breaking it off very gently without trying to hurt you too much. I know of a lot of people who break their relationships off just before summer, so they can have fun with any girl they want, or even meet someone at collage... Don't worry - my guy is nasty too - he broke it off with me and we have a 1 week old baby!!!


I hope things can work out for the best for you.


- nibs

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the same thigns happening to me...but now Hes going out with my best friend... and he i freakin love him and dont want to get over him... my


u seriously ahve to read it to understand... honnestly. i may not be giving the BEST advice, but honey...i tell ya to IGNORE THEM till They calls you...and trust me... he will....dont sit around and wait for them, when they realize what they lost, theyll come crawling back... just give it some time... i just wish i had the freakin courage to wait... thats my problem lol sn: jess000006

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