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Same Rington as Ex

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I have an iphone - the acoustic guitar ringtone was my ex's (chosen by her)...I have since deleted her number because of the rough split, and do not use that ring tone.


Today, on the subway, a guys phone went off next to me with - you guessed it - acoustic guitar, iphone ring tone. For some reason, my eyes welled up. It wasnt even a deeply emotional thing...I simply had this physical reaction to hearing it again. My hand jerked for my pocket to check (even though I knew it wasnt mine), and I had to immediately play it off like I had something in my eye, even though I knew exactly what was going on. Crazy - after 4 months, my body is still physically attached to little triggers like that...really, really sad.


Has anyone ever had anything like this, after so long?

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My phone broke a couple of months ago and I had to reactivate an old one I had when I was with my ex. When I scheduled appointments in it, it defaulted to the ringtone I had assigned to him (I did not realize it when I set the alarms). The first time that alarm sounded my heart skipped a beat or two. It doesn't effect me negatively, but I was immediately reminded of him when I heard it. Needless to say I have since changed that tone.

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It's natural. You're human. I've also had similar reactions to smelling a former ex's cologne or hearing a song we used to share. Even if it hurts now I agree with EE that eventually they become nicer associations. Right now your emotions are still raw so you're struggling with it. Be patient with yourself.



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My ex used a certain ringtone for her alarm in the morning... I heard that thing multiple times a day with her. Never heard it anywhere else in my life... then, 3 months to the day she dumped me, what do I hear in my classroom?


Some girl has it as her ringtone. Oh my god. My heart just sunk.

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yup...its horrible...Ive heard it a couple more times this week (I guess people like it around here)...also, the ringtone she had for her phone also gets me - "sex on fire," whenever I hear it, does the same thing...her bday is on tuesday...still deciding what to do...

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