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How can you making lighting like this for photography?

Pall Wall

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I'd like to shoot my own movie poster. I have a digital camera that shoots 1080p pics. I'd like to get shoot my friends in this kind of professional lighting

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But here is the thing, I'm don't want to get super big lights that are a $1,000 bucks like at a real studio. I rather just use (and this will sound stupid) but just a portable to light to take anywhere like using a lamp. I'd want to go to friend's houses and shoot their pics as they pose. So isn't there a specific lamp or bulb I would need for an amateur job like this?


Also does anyone here know a good site for this kind of info, and where I should places my lights to make this kind of lighting effect?


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What kind of camera do you have?


A head shot can be done easily as long as you have enough light, very white background (if you're trying to mimic the picture above), and use an external flash with a remote bounced off an umbrella or through a diffuser. I'm assuming the pictures above have two or more lighting. Main light on the upper right and a filler light from the left. Also utilize the natural light outside if you can't get enough light and you're on a budget. Early in the morning or late in the afternoon will be perfect when the sun is defused; cloudy days are perfect to shoot any time of the day with no harsh light and you can use a decent external flash as a fill light. It'll probably be your best bet to get enough lighting yet still have a professional look.


Check out sites like this:

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Flash techniques:

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