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My parents are really really really stressed out. They work 24/7, they got tons of bills, etc. and theyre not like they used to be. I just feel like i get in the way most of the time. i know itll probably never happen but sometimes i seriously feel like i need to get away and leave them alone or sometimes i even think of suicide. I know its not the answer, but in the back of my mind i just think about it sometimes and now its becoming more frequent. At the same time though i also want to run or get away because at times i despise my parents. I have posted other posts about my anger problem and 90% of the time its from my parents. I seriously dont know what to do but i feel like i have to do something soon. If anyone has any advice about what i should do about this it would be greatly appreciated.

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Hey there,

If your profile is indeed correct and you're 12 years of age I would suggest that you try to leave your parents' financial problems for them to worry about, afterall, it is their responsibility. Suicide certainly isn't the answer to your problems, and as for running away, that's going to cause quite a bit of conflict in your family. When you're having problems at home or your parents are getting on your nerves, why not go and spend some time at a friend's house, or a relative whom you get along well with? Once things have cooled down a bit you can return, but try not to do this too often, it's best to confront them with your feelings rather than try to escape them.

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well in the back of my mind i just THINK of suicide.....i know that i would never really attempt that. And i usually do go to a friends house or something but thats just escaping temporarily, then i have to go back to them. I know the financial probelms are theirs but i dunno i guess it affects me to. If i confront my parents theyll think im joking or something and they wouldnt take it serious, but even if they did take it serious they would take it the wrong way...i guess i just dont know to do...

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I know it's hard, but like I said, leave them to deal with their own problems. If their financial problems are affecting you in such a way that you're feeling as though their not satisfying your basic needs (food, shelter, clothing) than you should most definitely talk to them about it, and MAKE them take you seriously. On the other hand, if their financial problems are only to a certain extent and their just not giving you as many things as you'd want, perhaps get a summer job like delivering newspapers. When your parents have really gotten you down for whatever reason, talk to them about it, let them know you're growing up and you'd appreciate it if they'd listen to you and consider the things you tell them. If you approach them in a mature and confident manner they're more likely to consider your views as that of an adolescent rather than those of a child.

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ill try talkin to them but when i say financial problems are affecting me im not talking about them not getting me stuff....that would be for a little bratty kid that their parents spoil...when i say it affects me i mean that they dont act the same way they did, like before they would be all happy and wed have conversations and all about normal stuff but now they totaly ignore me and ive basically become the outsider of the family.

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