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Beaten broken boy


Beaten and broken

He walked in school

Knowing he would be teased

And be called a fool


If they only knew

What pain he endured

How bad he was hit

Their vision was blurred


The teasing continued

Day In and day out

So did the beatings

Without a doubt


But it had to stop

The abuse was so bad

And all of it came

From the fist of his dad


His mother was no where to help

She left when it began

She up and left her beaten son

Packed her things and ran


Slams and hits are familiar sounds

As the night rolls on

Sometimes he is beaten

Until the break of dawn.


The neighbors hear but speak no words

They listen all night long

His screams they haunt their nightmares

Its almost like a scary song


But after years of this sad song

Someone speaks their mind

That beaten boy now has a friend

He's no longer left behind


Beaten broken was his home

Screams that filled the ears

Of neighbors who sat and listened

While drowning in their tears


Teasing ceased at school each day

For they all wish they had known

Of the boy who screamed at night

Inside his beaten broken home


Comments and opinions are greatly appreciated



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