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Ask Men Thread


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Due to popular demands and success of the Ask Women Thread im going to start this thread. Ask all and any questions. Ill try to answer them all and for the ones i miss i sure someone else will be able to help you out


Ask away!


i just noticed there was already one started


Mods please delete this one!



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I couldn't see the other one right away, so I'll ask you a question! What sorts of things does a girl do in a relationship that make her seem high-maintenance? And how do guys feel about this?


Depends on the girl and the guy. High maintenance for one guy might be a girl who texts/call all the time, or expects the guy to be with her as much as possible. For some guys who have girlfriends that are also their bestfriend, it's not bad, but for some guys this is problematic.


For me, high maintenance girl expects a lot of gifts ie expensive things.

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Men, suppose that you are at a bar or a coffee shop or any kind of social settings with your other male friends and chilling. What would you think if a woman comes and start talking to you and your friends? Is it creepy or strange? Would you be ok with it or engage her in your conversation?


i would love it and i would try to incorporate you her into the group. Possibly even share some of my nachos

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Guys are sexually stimulated by the visual. Even happily married men will check out other girls even though they might have no intention of cheating. Kind of like how some women check out guys even if they have a boyfriend.




Just have sex with her. If you aren't good tell her before hand. Also tell her that you are worried you won't be as good as you think. Do the do and if you aren't good enough, then she knew what to expect, if you are great, then you seem like a humble man. Both of which makes you look either honest or playing down your strengths. It's pretty much a win win.

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Why do guys wolf whistle? What is the motivation behind it?


I've never actually heard a guy wolf whistle to say "hey sexy" more like "lol look at this guys" but not do it at girls. And the time I heard it was in middle school one day with a kid playing around, he never did it since, and I never heard it since back in middle school.


But I'm 21 and that was probably past my generation so I really can't answer that question.




Guys lie to ones they love, love doesn't mean you won't lie. Love is just a feeling. Some guys really do love their wives yet will cheat on them, it doesn't mean that their love wasn't true. Sex and love are two separate things to people, lying isn't all that much different.

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I have another one - what if a girl your age said you had a nice smile. How would you take it? Say the situation was a classmate.


I would thank her for her compliment. Anything beyond that would depend on the context.


Can a guy tell if a woman is faking confidence??


Faking confidence in what way?

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Say a woman is not very confident and you would meet her and are talking would you be able to tell from body language, answers etc, etc, that she was faking confidence? And if you could tell would you still ask her on a date?


If the vibe felt right, it wouldn't matter.

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