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Can't do this anymore


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Suicide is a very big thing, please try not to hurt yourself more than you deserve. Take a look around these forums, there is a lot of help here, and a lot of these people helped me from my suicidal state too.

PM if you want to talk about it, I'm always here to help.

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Hi and welcome to eNotAlone! I'm very sorry you are experiencing so much pain right now in your life, but you have come to the right site to share your feelings, as well as talk with with others who have perhaps gone through the same (or still are).


Suicide is never the answer, not only would you be cheating yourself out of the life God gave you, but someday you will meet someone special in your life....your soulmate, who is waiting for you. It's hard to say why some people are given so many challenges throughout their life..., but perhaps you were hand chosen to become strong and were put on earth for a very special reason. We are all special in our own way and serve a purpose in our individual ways with the people that cross our paths during our lifetime.


As bleak as things look to you now, what about a year or two from now...our lives change so quickly...you never know what lies ahead, we have no guarantees...but you must give yourself a chance. If you are not happy now, and know the reasons why....then please try to change your direction & take your future into your own hands and move forward to change it to positive. Please take some time and browse through other posts....especially this one by....XxBury me DeepxX called "This is only the beginning". Somehow where there is a will, we get the strength to make it through those unbearable times....and by doing that we become stronger & we, in turn can help guide others.


You can pm anyone of us if you ever feel the need to talk.


take care...


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hey just hang in there, get out and do things to take your mind off of it or somthing!~!~!... pm me if you want to talk...... please dont hurt yourself ive had friends so it and everone gets hurt by it... i mean it!!! PM ME





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My life has been filled with physical,verbal and sexual abuse, rape, sexual harrasment, clinical depression and a schizophrenic episode. I self harm everyday and have been on anti-depressants for the last 5 years. My life isn't worth living, im hurt, so hurt. Im tired. I just want to die. Im going to. I just need a day and a plan. Something i havnt tried before. I can't get out of bed in the morning, and I cant stay out of it through the day or night. Eating isnt important anymore. I have no energy to eat.

I have flashbacks. Im on medication for panic attacks.


That is the basis of everything. Its depression that has taken over my life completely though. I just cant cope anymore. I've been in hospital, had therapy, psychotherapy and so many other forms of help. I've tried so hard to be well, but im so tired.

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you need a rest. some escape.

i sucked

the moon

i spoke

too soon

and how much did

it cost?

i was dropped from


and sailed

on shooting stars

maybe you'll

be president

but know

right from wrong

or in the flood you'll

build an ark

and sail us to the moon

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I'm very sorry to hear about how things have been going for you. Those are a lot of issues so you must feel like there is an incredible weight on your shoulders. It must really seem that death is preferable to having to face another day with those issues.


I can tell you that I was also in your position. While my issues were different, the feelings were the same. I felt death was the only answer to stop the pain inside.


But I did find some help. Between the help of some very good friends, some medication, counseling, and a lot of time - eventually I felt better. I also worked on my faith and found that gave me a new purpose in my life.


Here are some links I found useful when I was feeling this way:


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I'm not going to sit here and say things will magically fix themself. Because they won't. These are all issues that have to be dealt with and they do cause pain. But what you do need to realize is that you do not have to face these things alone. Thats what we are here for. Thats what your friends are here for.


Remember that depression is a liar. Its an evil, nasty, no good liar. It tells you things about yourself that are not true. It tries to bring you down, tells you that you are worthless, tells you that nobody loves you. And everything its telling you is nothing but a lie. I hate depression. I have it, and I have to live with it - but I hate it.


Please keep writing us and telling us whats going on. Or you can write me privately as well and I will do my best to help. Even if I can't help - I can certainly listen.



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Hello PinCushion,


I understand things must be really bad for you right now. Please talk it out here or contact any of us privately and we'd be more than happy to talk to you.


Also, I'd like to suggest you contact a suicide hotline immediately. If you need help finding one in your area let me know and I will assist you. They are wonderful people and you can call them anytime day or night and talk to them. They will not judge you, they will just listen to you and try to help you.


Please stay with us. We want to help you.



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