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Erection and Kissing Poll (FOR GIRLS)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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What a fun 5 year old thread!


I got to say the kissing boner is a major turn on!


But lets twist the topic a little... with a question. How many women out there get THAT stimulated just by kissing? I mean what would be the female equivalent of a kissing boner??


For me it's like a lightning bolt from my lips straight to my...... ummm..... crotch. (Couldn't think of a good word that wouldn't get censored) Is this a similar sensation for most women when they're making out?

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But lets twist the topic a little... with a question. How many women out there get THAT stimulated just by kissing? I mean what would be the female equivalent of a kissing boner??


I get very very very horny when kissing. Especially if it's someone I really really like and feel so much sexual attraction towards. The thing that makes it perfect is if we're both at the same pace and doing exactly the same thing without thinking about what the other person is doing.

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This is a great thread. I wish it was around when I was younger.


I get aroused very easily. I don't even have to be kissing. If I am near a hot girl and I think she likes me I will start to get erect. This was even worse as a teenager. I saw guys in high school that could joke around and hug the hot girls and I never noticed them getting erect or anything. I didn't understand how they could control it. (Maybe they were the gay guys.) If I hugged a girl I liked I would start to get erect and become embarrassed, then I'd clam up and avoid physical contact. It was a shame because I think I was more sexual than most guys but appeared to like girls less because I wouldn't flirt for fear of getting an erection.


I wish I had seen this thread as a teenager, but we didn't have the Internet back then. And no one ever told me that erections were nothing to be embarrassed about.


The best thing for a girl to say to the guy is probably something like "It's OK. don't be embarrassed." Just getting it out in the open will help the girl and guy relax and enjoy being with each other.



However, if a guy gets a boner from just a hug.. that's when it's classified as gross.

Why is it gross if you turn him on just by being close and hugging? How is he supposed to stop it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's awesome. It means you're doin it right and I am hugely complimented when I'm kissing my boyfriend and i feel him get hard. Y'all that didn't know that happens-seriously, very rarely will a guy make out and NOT get an erection. Now you know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know there have been a bunch of topics like this, but the girls don't reply much to them and it'd be nice to have a girls input.....


When you are making out with a guy and you feel a boner does it make you think "eww thats nasty" or do you like it?? These examples are just general, if you could explain more thatd be great.


Usually it's a nice sign that he likes you. If it's the first time we ever made out, though, I think I'd be backing off a bit though.

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When you are making out with a guy and you feel a boner does it make you think "eww thats nasty" or do you like it??

Erections are a normal reaction and function for men. Why would it ever be a "gross" thing? If girls think that, then they have the mindset of a 13 year old.


And you don't think women get wet either?

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  • 2 weeks later...

riverHop, I know, it surprises me too, that 1 year ago I totally freaked out just at the mention of erections.

I think its because I had been hurt to badly by my first love. You know how much your first love means to you. He kind of damaged how I felt about sex and sexual intimacy. And I disliked that erections could mean a power over a women. They could also mean that they are more into the feelings she gives him rather than her as a person. I started dating another guy whos been my friend for years. I knew how much he cared about me as a person, but he was ALSO attracted to me, and i could trust this. I found myself SO attracted to him, physically and emotionally, and i realised that it is a part of life. And I shouldn't spend my life being so serious. I love the feeling being intimate gives. Seeing him so attracted to me, just being around me, and no other woman, feels amazing. I'm really glad I grew out of it.

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This happened to me when I would just be making out with my ex-gf, while touching and sucking on her breasts. As things got hot and heavy, I even came in my pants. I felt embarrassed although she didn't know about it. But do girls like that??

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This happened to me when I would just be making out with my ex-gf, while touching and sucking on her breasts. As things got hot and heavy, I even came in my pants. I felt embarrassed although she didn't know about it. But do girls like that??


I think that has happened to me. She'd likely think it was hot and wouldn't mind as long as you could keep going (if you guys were planning on having sex afterwards).

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  • 4 weeks later...

The guy I'm dating right now... we were friends first and we would hug sometimes, but he would hug me in a very awkward way - kind of like to the side. I was thinking what the hell is wrong with this guy. It took me a few hugs to realize that he was trying to hide his enormous boner. It was gross at first. Now that we're dating it's not gross anymore. We mostly joke about it and how it takes him just a look at me or a thought (not even a kiss) to get a boner. In fact it's flattering.


But to answer your question (from 5 years ago, haha!) it all depends on how the guy feels about it. If he's confident and jokes about it then it's cool, but if he's embarrassed then not so cool.

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Ok, i can talk from a guys standpoint that when you get an erection, you wish it wasnt there almost.

Some of us are so freaked out that you might just up and slap us or something


Just three days ago i made out with my new gf for the first time, and it was in front of my friend (truth or dare) and when we were done my friend cheered and said "so... you standing at attention?" and of course i only laughed, but my girlfriend instead hugged me real tight and started nibbling on my ear


yea... that made the matter only worse

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