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Erection and Kissing Poll (FOR GIRLS)

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I think it's extremely sexy when a guy gets an erection from just making out. I've only been in this situation once before and I have some questions.


Is it painful for a guy when he doesn't "take care of" his erection?


How long does an erection typically last?


What are some ways that I could show him that I'm aware of his erection and that I like it without just coming out and saying it?


Like I said, I'm new to all of this, I just need some help figuring it all out.

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I think it's extremely sexy when a guy gets an erection from just making out. I've only been in this situation once before and I have some questions.


Is it painful for a guy when he doesn't "take care of" his erection?


How long does an erection typically last?


What are some ways that I could show him that I'm aware of his erection and that I like it without just coming out and saying it?


Like I said, I'm new to all of this, I just need some help figuring it all out.

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>>Is it painful for a guy when he doesn't "take care of" his erection?


Its uncomforable yea


>>How long does an erection typically last?


Depends on how long he's stimulated I guess. I can go a long time, lol.


>>What are some ways that I could show him that I'm aware of his erection and that I like it without just coming out and saying it?>>


I think if you feel it through his pants and then just keep right on kissing he'll know its ok.


Now a question for you girls: Do your boyfriends "leak" during long make out periods? I do and its very embarrassing - if I'm wering khakis, sometimes I get a huge wet spot I have to hide.

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I think it's extremely sexy when a guy gets an erection from just making out. I've only been in this situation once before and I have some questions.


Is it painful for a guy when he doesn't "take care of" his erection?


it can be


How long does an erection typically last?


depends on the situation. if it was stimulated for a minute, it can go away quick.


What are some ways that I could show him that I'm aware of his erection and that I like it without just coming out and saying it?


brush up against it more aggressively. slowly slide your hand down there and touch it.


Like I said, I'm new to all of this, I just need some help figuring it all out.


somebody asked something about leakage. it can leak if stimulated for a long time. least for me. it's just the pre-.

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Well from my experiences if I were making out with a guy and he got a "woody" usually he'll take my head and put it on top of it. Of course IMO that is a turn on because I know that he's ready for action. Of course I have also experienced some guys who couldn't get it up and those that would be hard as iron but then when it's time they go back to being limp-so I guess it just depends on the person

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i thought about this the other night. i was kissing the girl good night when i was leaving her place. i schwinged. she liked it. i've never been embarrassed since i was like 14. i think it's funny now. she enjoyed it. too bad i had to go. *sigh* she wanted to go back inside. hehe

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i love it when a guy gets hard when i kiss him, really turns me on too. i was dancing with a guy just last night and i rubbed up against his leg a bit and then his crotch for just a second and i could tell straight away that he was turned on, i think he got a bit embarrassed so i just kissed him and once he realised i found it a turn on he didnt really care about it

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I just want to state the fact that people have their own opinion...Personally, I do not find them attractive, as Girl Friend said, I have no intention of sleeping with the guy. He's turned on by me, which is purely physical. I don't see how some people can not love their partners without being turned on by them. I kiss my boyfriend and he never gets an erection, even if its a long period of kissing, he never does and never has. It is not impossible to be not sexually turned on by girlfriend...I am definitely not ugly, but my boyfriend has loved me for 2 years and we have both vowed abstinence. I love him so much and he loves me, and we have never needed to take it further. I personally find erections disrespectful, because it feels as though the guy sees what you are doing as a 'turn on' but not a loving expression through the heart. I find it to be insulting.

But that's me, people are different, I don't appreciate people saying however that those who don't like erections are prude/immature/embarrased of their sexual orientation. Because I am none of these, but I find erections unneccesary and an insult at the fact they get them over small things.

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I hear what you're saying but a guy can't help it when he gets an erection. Its a physical response to the situation, to being turned on. I've gotten an erection just talking to a girl and believe me it can be very embarrassing. I didn't intend to be disrespectful. Also, its quite possible your bf got a boner, but just hid it.



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My boyfriend didn't coz I checked, as I 1. He was in his underwear and 2. I touched to see.

It can be helped. The thing is, there are lots of guys who don't get them but are in love plentiful. And the thing is erections in response to that situation are a turn on. If someone talks to a girl and gets turned on, its very disrespectful. You make her feel a bit like a piece of meat, like you can't talk to her like normal without getting turned on over her.

It hurts, and many men can prevent them, just by believing women A. Don't like them and B. Why be turned on over women talking? Think of how much that might hurt her.


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I know there have been a bunch of topics like this, but the girls don't reply much to them and it'd be nice to have a girls input.....


When you are making out with a guy and you feel a boner does it make you think "eww thats nasty" or do you like it?? These examples are just general, if you could explain more thatd be great.


no id just be like "honey drop your pants and let mama get to work!"

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If your bf was in his underwear and you touched him down there and he didn't get hard then he's got a lot more self-control than most guys, that's all I can say. Believe me thats not the case with most young guys - we just get a reaction and it gets hard and the more we try to wish it away the harder it gets



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Also Bryan, reading through all of these posts and erection books, they occur as a physical result to what could eventually happen. Which is insulting.

"Yes, it's definitely a good thing. Just be polite with it and don't start with the dry humping - the anticipation of what's to come is much more of a turn-on"

And this is true, men start to get excited, whilst not even thinking about it.

I think that if you girlfriend/wife likes it, then good for you.

But I really think that people need to stop saying things like=


"Trust me, most healthy boys do...."-WBMcA63

"Anyway, the only guy who didnt get a boner kissing me made me think he was GAY.

This was a guy I dirty danced in front of all night and who had tol dme how sultry and hot I am.

"Turns out he was a whiskey d1ck." -selkie

"I think I can safely speak for 99.999% of men when I say its VERY good and probably a huge turn on."-matts0344

"Not to mention, that any girl that kisses a guy, should be expecting the 'gross boner' if not someones not doing something right."-Rabican


They are not hot for every girl and not every guy is into sex. Not everyone wants that. So I thought people could not name names if someone is not into physical encounters which do not measure up to mental encounters. Some couples (such as ours)

prefer to not be physical in any way - a small kiss now and then is appreciative. But it dosen't mean we are freaks. We let each know we love each other by being in the presense, by talking, by him not getting an erection from me talking. He respects me and I respect him and its precious. So please, just don't name names people.

We aren't anymore freaks than you are, we are just plain normal don't have/need urges.

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I totally get that and I totally respect you and your bf for that ... but I still think you don't quite understand the young male anatomy. You assume if a guy pops one, he is making a sexual advance or disrespecting you in some way. And thats just not the way it is. Believe me, we get totally unwanted erections a lot of time. Its part of nature. Help me out guys!



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I totally agree with Bryan on this one. As a girl who has been in this situation a few times, I know it can be awkward. But I understand that it's natural. I've made out with a few guys who have gotten erections and some that haven't.

The ones who have gotten them were all pretty much when we were about 15 or 16 when they couldn't be helped. Now that I'm in my 20's, it's not as frequent of a thing, but it happen sometimes.

I would never get offended because it's a PHYSICAL reaction. It usually has nothing to do with what the guy is thinking. You can't get angry for something that isn't intended.

I can understand why you might think the guy wants sex, but that's not always the case. Some guys just don't have the self-control that others have, and you shouldn't hold that against them.

Just thought I'd chime in on this one.

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But you see, both of you, I get that.

But you both mention its about 'self control.'

It can be controlled. If men were willing and had the determination that some do, then its possible not to get them.

Also erections are caused from a turn on. A physical response to the situation. And I don't find that appropriate, I don't find it right to be turned on from a kiss, an expression of love.

Kissing, I find is not something that is supposed to be a turn on. It is meant to be a mutual feeling of love. Many people kiss as a lead on to something else. And I do not see that its okay to be turned on from a kiss.

And thats my own belief.

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