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Erection and Kissing Poll (FOR GIRLS)

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How about some male input?


I seriously can't be bothered to go through 25 pages to see if anyone's said anything similar


If you're attracted to someone, you can get a boner by just looking at them.


A lot of people think that if a guy has an erection, they must be thinking about sex. This is not true


We can be thinking completely wholesome thoughts and just want to have some cuddles and the nice sensation would bring about an erection.


And sorry girls. It doesn't even mean you're a good kisser. You wouldn't believe how easily we're turned on by you. It's unfair because it makes us almost completely at your will.

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We can be thinking completely wholesome thoughts and just want to have some cuddles and the nice sensation would bring about an erection.


And sorry girls. It doesn't even mean you're a good kisser. You wouldn't believe how easily we're turned on by you. It's unfair because it makes us almost completely at your will.


I'm afraid to break this to you girls, but it's all true. Personally, I've never kissed anyone that I didn't like, but would imagine that not finding someone attractive wouldn't prevent an 'uprising'.


Very happy to hear that so many of you find it a turn-on though. I reckon a lot of guys get embarrassed about it because it makes them seem like they get turned on very easily, and I suppose it's seen as comparable to premature ejaculation.

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i love it. i would however prefer not to feel it on the first dates since it would make me feel like thats all he has on his mind(which is probably true but still) its nice to think that Maybe he is also just focussing on me and having a nice time in my conmpany. but i definatly love feeling a guys boner when we are making out since it shows i turn him on and it feels great to grind against

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I'm afraid to break this to you girls, but it's all true. Personally, I've never kissed anyone that I didn't like, but would imagine that not finding someone attractive wouldn't prevent an 'uprising'.


Very happy to hear that so many of you find it a turn-on though. I reckon a lot of guys get embarrassed about it because it makes them seem like they get turned on very easily, and I suppose it's seen as comparable to premature ejaculation.

Bingo. I was embarrassed by it at first but then thought to myself, "I can't help it if I find her attractive, so she really should take it as a compliment". And if she has a huge problem with it then it's certainly someone I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with.


EDIT: err, maybe I missed one of the points made: namely that we can get a boner even with someone not attractive to us. It's probably true but that's sort of irrelevant anyway. I'd question the motives of any guy getting close enough to kiss a girl (so she could even feel a boner) if he is not in some way attracted to her...

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  • 4 weeks later...

it's strange, just my presense makes my boyfriend go hard. he gets embarrassed by it quite often because it happens a ton in public, but we always make a joke out of it. he says the way i speak can just make him 'pop up', haha

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  • 3 weeks later...

lol what a funny thread.


I don't think I've ever been embarrassed about getting a boner when kissing a girl and I find it hard to believe that any guys are really embarrassed about it.


Also, a note for the ladies: When we're hard, we ALWAYS want you to grab it, rub it, or at the very least acknowledge it with a remark like "wow, your giant * * * * * is hard!"

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Idk when ever I make out with my girlfriend yeah I get a hard on but it is a bit awkward and normally yeah I try and hide it but here is an absolutely off topic question. So I have never asked her if she minds or anything but she usually initiates some form of sexual stimulation for both of us aka dry humping etc..... So that is a sign, I am guessing that she likes it???? We have only been dating for 4 days and * * * * is moving fast so it is hard to read a brand new person..... Anyone help me out here??? Thanks



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  • 4 weeks later...

wow reading this made me feel better, when im with my g/f and im just laying there holding hands or holding her etc, im like "oh god hope he doesnt surprise her under there whats she gonna think? then im like what is wrong with me, this little activity shouldnt get me up" but boners in school suck ass i hate it...it seems as if i have a boner cycle, it is almost always at the same time every day i get one

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awwww hell yeah. i'm not shy. i mean if the girl is into me enough that she has engaged in making out, i highly doubt she would care. it never even crossed my mind if it would offend her.


i let it be known that im young and healthy!

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I LOVE that this thread is over 3 years old.

I bet if I come back here in 15 years it will still be going.


Anyway, the only guy who didnt get a boner kissing me made me think he was GAY.

This was a guy I dirty danced in front of all night and who had tol dme how sultry and hot I am.

Turns out he was a whiskey d1ck.

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This reminds me of my 1st boner encounter.

I was so damn pure that in 9th grade I was at a dance and this senior who was 6'5 (i was and am 5'5) was slow dancing against me and i thought he was rudely pushing against my stomach with his lower arm.

Hahahaha. It wasnt an arm.

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