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Can introverts get promoted/grow within a company?

Double J

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Introverts (like me) are known to be reserved and humble about their accomplishments. I refuse to kiss butt and cave into workplace politics in order to get ahead. I like to go to work, do a good job and leave promptly. (On occasion I work overtime, but I'm not supposed to because, despite being full-time, I'm an hourly employee.)


I like structure and repetitive tasks, and I like contributing mostly through the written word as opposed to verbally. I don't mind dealing with others as long as I'm interacting with a small group or on a one-to-one basis.


Are any of you guys the same way? Do introverts like me in for an uphill climb as far as promotions? What if we refuse to change our personalities for corporate America?

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I am introverted and I operate that way at work most of the time. However for some aspects of the job I have learned to be a good actress when it comes to the social climate at work (i.e. pretend to be more outgoing than I am- force myself to be more social and get out of my comfort zone, even though I find it a little draining at times). If you fake it for a little while you may find that you actually get used to it. To me, money is the motivation to make me very good with verbal communication at work. I still avoid non-required company lunches whenever possible and have the gut reaction of "EWWWWWWW" :silly: when I get e-mails from coworkers who are trying to arrange a "potluck" or "trivia night" (yuck lol). I avoid those at all costs.


Most introverts can ultimately be very socially intelligent if they push themselves a bit.



I do what I need to do in the social game to get a promotion without the expense of my own values. I will never kiss butt but I do pay extremely close attention to workplace politics. I do a lot thinking about how to properly handle every situation (typical introverted over-analyzation lol)


I don't think you will face an uphill battle for a promotion.


I like to go to work, do a good job


^That already sets you apart from a good portion of people and any in-tune supervisor will be able to see it. You probably have the reputation of being "dependable" which is very important.

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Yes, we can, but you'll have to speak up more often and sort of fake it a bit. I've been promoted twice at my company, but I don't think I'll be promoted again nor do I wish to so now it all works out for me.


All in all, you don't need to be perceived as extroverted to make into say middle management, but it helps to be perceived as such for high level exec positions. Keep in mind some high level execs are actually introverted, but they fake it enough to be perceived as extroverted. Frankly, it's said one has to fake it, but that's discrimination vs introverts for you.

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Upper level positions in any company require strong communication skills and "people" sense. You have to know how to manipulate people to get what is best for the company. This is very difficult for introverts, but it can be done. I guess I'm weird, I love the potlucks, retirement lunches, company picnics, etc... I just can't stand working in big business! Law and education require the same things, but the end goal is more to my liking. Just become good at schmoozing and small talk, even if you have to fake it. You HAVE to get noticed to move up, bottom line.

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