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BF is STILL seeking revenge on his ex-wife.

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My bf of 2 years is apparently still seeking revenge on his ex-wife and I don't know how to deal with it.


Last night, my bf found out that his ex wife's new bf is a porn freak and he sexually abused his own daughter. My bf is angry about this situation because he has a 17 yo daughter and a 12 yo son and he doesn't want the new bf around his kids. I understand and agree with that but he seems more interested in "getting" his ex wife than simply protecting his kids. Basically, he still wants some kind of revenge on her. Apparently, he has been asking around town about this new bf and seems to keep pretty close tabs on his ex's FB status and who she is dating, etc. I really don't understand this because I don't keep tabs on my ex at all. I don't care who he is with or where he is. I will admit that I trust his judgment on who he would have around my children.


I'm just wondering if I should be worried that he is not over his ex. We have discussed marriage and I don't want to get into a situation where he is still hung up on her in some way. I do not believe that he wants her back on any level but why hold on to the anger?

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I guess that's what i'm asking. Yes, I do believe that he is definitely concerned about his children but he specifically said last night, "I'm waiting on [ex wife] to mess up one more time and then I'm gonna be all over her." It just seems to me like it's more than just about his children but I'm looking for feedback to know if I'm over-reacting.

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No, but then you don't have the worry about your children that he does about his. There may be some sort of personal vendetta against her because in a previous thread you said it was not a good divorce. But even if that is true he still has good reason to check up on her and try to protect his children from possible abuse.


If I were you I would support him in the latter motive and ignore the first - partly because it may not even be relevant and is driven by your desire to get married while he is against it at the moment.

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I think it is important to separate the two issues. But do keep in mind it is because he was so burned the first time that he is reluctant to marry again. So if you make waves over stuff like this the less likely he is to want to try again.

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Then that's probably what he meant when he said - I'm waiting for her to mess up one more time, and then I'm going to be all over her.


I didn't get that thought that he meant that as, he wasn't over her. I got the thought that he meant that he's waiting for her to screw up, so he can be all up on her to fight for custody.


You need to try to separate these two issues. I don't think this has anything to do with her per se, more of the fact that this is his child that he's concerned about.

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