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I was just wondering how many women here use vibrators? I lost my virginity earlier this year, and before that I had never masterbated. Even now, it's not something I do. To me it does nothing because I know it's me and I even get bored sometimes! When my boyfriend fingers me thats a whole different story. I thought maybe getting a vibrator might help me. Any ideas for a first vibrator? Has anyone here used the "ohmibod"? It sounds amazing...

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Explore! Vibrators are so much fun. I can always get an orgasm with one, any old time, but never have with a guy. haha


Don't spend too much money. All you need is a simple 5 inch one that curves a little at the end. (Standard vibrator? I dunno what it's called, or if it even has a name...) What works for me is the vibration close to my clit, not the shape. So keep in mind, simple might be better.

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  • 2 weeks later...
addicted?? I don't know about that....sex is a very emotional thing for women...i'm not sure a vibrator will really subsitute for that. but anyway, i have the bullet and i enjoy it. have fun!


i believed worriedgirl's point is that sometimes the body becomes so used to orgasming from a vibrator that it is no longer able to orgasm by other means.

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Is there any way a vibrator can help lead to orgasms? I've never had one before, I've gotten so close but I can't seem to 'tap into' it and finally release. It's extremely frustrating and it's painful for me to masturbate and never get that release.


I am wondering if after I've had my first orgasm, if it will be easier to have orgasms from that point on.

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Is there any way a vibrator can help lead to orgasms? I've never had one before, I've gotten so close but I can't seem to 'tap into' it and finally release. It's extremely frustrating and it's painful for me to masturbate and never get that release.


I am wondering if after I've had my first orgasm, if it will be easier to have orgasms from that point on.


The Hitachi Wand is really good for that. It's huge and not something you want to carry around with you everywhere, but it's known for helping girls orgasm the first time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You are still young in the world of sex, it might be something that comes with experience. Every female can orgasm. And to answer your opening question I have never had a vibrator, kinda prefer waiting for the real thing. I also don't get one because I am scared I will like it too much and then no man will be good enough. As it is, it takes me some internal effort to relax sexually with a guy. I can imagine not making that effort if I have a great alternative..lol.

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I've been close to orgasming a few times but I just hold back because I'm afraid of "squirting"


For what it's worth, I would consider that very hot if my girl did that. I mean, if there's ever a sign that I'm doing something right, that'd be it. I can't be the only guy that feels this way.

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So a late update to this thread. Bought a vibrator, used it for about a minute or so and never looked at it again haha. It does nothing for me.. Maybe I need the whole emotional attachment that goes with sex that only a partner can bring... I'm still concerned about the orgasming though


Keep trying, you'll get there. It may be that you just need more or different kinds of stimulation, there is a lot of variation in what it takes for girls.

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