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Found my dream girl.. but..


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Hi everyone. Just wanted to say thanks for advice I have gotten here in the past.. also.. I have an issue but I will try to keep it brief:


I've met my dream girl, a girl that to me is the most beautiful girl (inside and out) in the world. She is amazing to hang out with, tons of fun, I can play with her as my friend and goof off or have serious in depth conversations with. She's got the heart of an angel and the look of one too. So here's what the situation is with my dream girl:


I asked her out but she said that she didn't want to date right now cause she is leaving for a year long trip in africa soon (to help children who lost their parents to AIDS). But she said that we could hang out as friends. We swaped number and i really thought I had been rejected. But the next day I got text messages on my phone and a phone call. We talked and hour and a half the first time and 3 hours the second time. She invited me to go to the beach with her which I did but she made it very clear that we are going only as friends and that I knew she didn't want to date now. We went and our time together was SOOO much fun and SOOO damn amazing. Well I asked her out a few days later for the next weekend. But she said she was busy that day and I said "well ok, maybe we can go out later in the week" and she said... "maybe". Ugh that was bad to hear. Maybe I over reacted to that maybe.


Anyway we haven't had any long conversations on the phone lately but I have seen her a bunch but only in a group of our friends. However she does call me to see if I am coming to whatever get together is going on.


The point is she is leaving soon (at end of the summer) for africa for a year (atleast, could stay much longer if she wanted) and I keep thinking that this could be my soul mate. She is that amazing to me and I feel a lot for her and it was almost instant. So I am just having trouble thinking about what it will be like when she leaves, or is about to leave. Do I tell her exactly how i feel before she leaves? Or could that upset things with her trip and just smile and let her go and take heed that is it was ment to be then it will be someday? I don't know what I am going to do. Please help... any comments or advice would be SOOOO appreciated. Just add your 2 cents even.


Thanks so much for listening to me blab and for reading all this stuff. Thanks again to all of you.



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Sounds to me you are laying the ground work for making a nice new friend. Try and remember she has already told you what she wants. Try and respect that just for now. She is going away for a year, and you can always say in touch via email. She will be back again, and at that time you may have developed a stronger friendship because you were in touch with her while she was away.


Good Luck, don't push her...she has a mind of her own.





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I had the same thing to happen to me, but my dream girl had (and still has) a boyfriend instead of leaving for a year. My dream girl liked talking to me and hanging out with me but she has a boyfriend! Lord knows I've tried to figure her out. Maybe because I'm mister nice guy? Doubt it, I could have kicked her bf's butt 20x over......... BLEH... anyway your problem: I guess wait a year and see. She either wants to be friends which would be impossible to disengage your feelings toward her and lower them to the level of "just friends" or wants to put off having any LONG distance relationship until she gets back so she can have a local one... hopefully with YOU!

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I would try just to remain friends with her. It can be hard to let the one you truly love go...but in life there are decisions that can be hard for you alone to make. So, if you truly do love her...let her go. You've told her before, and it seems that she just thinks of you as a friend, and still is. Whatever you decide though, follow your heart. Good luck!

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Thanks for the tips. Anyway yeah thanks very much for the advice. Even though I haven't told her stait up I am pretty sure she knows the way I feel. And I am pretty sure that if she wasn't going away she would atleast want to date me, just based on how she's acting twords me. So since I am fairly certain that both people understand how the other feels but both people understand it can't happen now, I am just goint to let it be.


No use in telling her straight out exactly how much I feel for her since I am fairly certain she knows I like her quite a bit anyway. I think i will let it be until she gets back and I know this sounds dumb... but I actually like her so much that I don't mind waiting for her. I have never felt that way before but I don't mind a year apart. During that year I can have my hopes and dreams that it's possible it may happen when she gets back. Wow, never liked someone so much to where I don't mind waiting a year for them... dang.. this is bad.



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