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Boxing day at work was extremely busy for most of the day. I worked 9-4:30 and by the end I was dying to leave lol. My feet were hurting. Oddly enough, they stopped hurting when I was shopping in a few different stores... From my store I bought a skirt and necklace I've had my eye on for awhile, and then I headed to another store for a top to go with the skirt. This store had buy one get one free, so I also got this beautiful light blue sweater dress. A shoe store had a 50% off on sale items, so I got a new pair of flats for work for $15. There were these boots too, which were originally $150, that I could've gotten for $25, but I didn't "need" them. So I'm home now, sort of watching Happy Tree Friends. I can't go over and see other family this week because I work, and Alex is sick now, so I don't think he's going either. Too many nights of too little sleep caught up with him I think.

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Oh lord. I need to get a new tall dresser. The one I've been using is my brothers and he is moving it to his new place next week. I've looked for used ones online and in a couple of thrift stores and have found nothing. I found one at ikea for $50, and showed Alex, saying that we could order it, and have my brother pick it up and bring it to us when he comes to pick up his dresser. His response: $50 is a lot of money right now. Well, where am I supposed to put my clothing?? Can't hang bras and swimsuits lol. I could hang my t-shirts, but for the amount I'd need to spend on hangers, I may as well get the $50 dresser. Heading off to my friends place with a bottle of wine now

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Woohoo! I found a dresser online. Right as I was emailing the owner though, the site went down for maintenance. The hardware on this one is actually the same as the old school dressers that we already have.


Last night was really fun. We polished off a bottle and a half of wine-- hers was italian, mine was argentinian. We played outburst with her kids and after they went to bed, we sat around talking and making up for lost time until 1 am when I realized how tired I was! We definitely need to get together more often. The problem is that there are so many outside factors, but we should work on that.


I'm sleepy but not quite ready to go to sleep, so I'm feeling kind of bored... I spent hours cleaning the house tonight and it feels so much better. I still need to do the floors, but at least I don't feel claustrophobic. For fun I will list my christmas gifts (so far)


- bed in a bag- MIL

- super awesome shiny silver toaster- MIL. We determined that I needed one after everyone had to toast their bread in the oven. LOL.

- high quality wine glasses- MIL

- handbag- Alex-

- silver anklet- Alex

- spice rack- Alex's grandma and grandpa (joint gift)

- a funky glass pendant and some kind of hair clip dealy- Alex's grandma and grandpa

- $50, cute wire angel earrings, and a loaf of homemade fruit bread- Mom

- small things, like an earring set, a speaker/case for my ipod, glittery bra straps- MIL and her fiance

- Calendar, a neat beaded bookmark, and a $25 gift card (joint gift)- Dad and stepmom

- Wine which has since been consumed- Alex's sister


Every year I seem to be spoiled. Alex's gifts always surprise me. Last year I was big into watercolour painting, so he found some great brushes and other accessories for painting. This year he remembered that I'd at some point said that I'd love a leather handbag. He thinks the one he got me is leather, and I'll just not point out that it's not lol. Fact of the matter is, he really put a lot of thought into it. Lots of pockets, a long strap so I can wear it crosswise and leave my hands free so we can hold hands, big enough to hold the essentials but not like my cavernous hobo bags. It's nothing that I would have picked out for myself, (mom purse LOL) but I love it because he painstakingly chose it for me and I have made it my main handbag, which he is very proud of. The anklet was supposed to be a bracelet...LOL.. but he didn't check. Ah well, I can wear it in the summer and when I'm not wearing leggings with my skirts and dresses. I'm pleased that he is so happy with his new housecoat and his transformers dvds. I'm not sure if MIL liked any of her gifts, but I tried. I really did!


I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to visit with Alex's Dad for Christmas this year, but I have to work and Alex is sick. I assume that our gifts from him will just be brought back with his sibs, and we will see him soon enough to give him his gifts. Work has been nuts, so I am eager for boxing week to end, but that means that school starts again. This month has gone by so quickly!

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I'm starting to really consider asking for my old job back. This holiday season has really shone a light on how good I had it before-- 8 hour shifts, set schedule... I had to miss out on visiting other family this christmas because I had to work, and I missed out on all the fun while the others were here. I feel like I haven't even had a holiday, and school starts in a week. Yesterday, I had to miss out on going skating (an annual tradition) with my mom and niece. Last night Alex's sibs rolled back into town and today they're all going skating. Guess who got called into work for a 3.5 hour shift? This girl, right here. Guess what I get to do today. Process returns. And how much will I make? $32. SO worth it. FML. It'd be allright if they were full shifts, but they're crappy retail shifts, 4 hours tops.


On the bright side of things, I have new years eve and new years day off, and Hotmail finally reinstated my account!

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Just when I'm fed up, something happens to reinforce the fact that I am a good person who deserves good. I got to work and talked with my manager for about 10 minutes into my shift, she explained that she gave each of us at least 2 days off in a row because no one has really had a break. She also promised to try really hard to not call me in today after I explained the lack of family time over the holidays. Work was good. It was busy and we're way over the sales goals for the week. I stayed an extra half hour and after that my friend and I hung out-- I helped her shop and we hit up Lush to go halfsies on a gift box. They had buy one get one free, so for $15 each, we got $30 worth of Lush products.


We went and had coffee with her mom and after that we had dinner-- bento box and sushi to share, did some more shopping, and at 8:30, I got home to more wine waiting for me. Alex, his sister, and her bf and I went out to play pool, got glorious burgers from Wendy's and then came back and played some games. It was a super fun night and I'm so glad they were able to come back and have a longer visit with us!


Today we all slept till noon. They're gone now-- heading home tomorrow, and I have three days off work. Woohoo!! Today is lazy/running errands day and tomorrow is our NYE party. I'm not even sure who's going to show up-- but it'll be fun nonetheless. I bit the bullet and applied for a student loan. Alex and I are officially married in the eyes of the government now. Exciting He's my turtledove pair.

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Well you can't, but we didn't want to take tax hits by declaring it when we were both on student loans and barely working.


I hit up five thrift stores during the span of an hour the other day looking for a dresser...zilch. So weird.


Called my second job to see if there are hours next week, and manager told me that 20 people are without hours. Geez LOL. Guess I won't be there much at all. I'm perfectly okay with that. It wasn't worth taking that job. I'd rather have been able to stay home with the family and not have those long days

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The party last night was fun. We had just the right amount of people over, with some surprise guests. A few of us dressed up I couldn't wear my new black dress because I forgot to have it altered, but I did finally get the chance to wear this white and black number that I had wanted from this high end store, and actually found at a thrift store. Hahaha! Many drinks were spilled, games were played, fun was had. The only thing I wish is that I had been able to have some deep conversations with friends that I don't get to see that often, but we can always do that in another setting. I will really miss 2010... it was an amazing year, but I can't help but wonder what 2011 has in store... 5 year anniversary with Alex--what to do, what to do, first spring/summer in our home, road trip in the summer... lots of opportunity for it to be another epic year.

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Lazy day today. Well, sort of. I always feel like I'm being lazy, but I guess all I did that was lazy was watch a movie (What Happens in Vegas) It was cute and I really liked having the house to myself-- even Alex was gone to work for a bit-- to watch something silly. I cleaned up from the party and then went for a walk. I'm trying to learn to love this neighbourhood the way I loved the last one, but I don't know if I ever really will. The house is infinitely better than the old apartment, but I miss the area so much. It was a nice walk though, and I covered several blocks, found some random trails, checked out all of the new houses being built... It's really chilly here right now. I'm pretty sure it's going to snow. When I got home, my ears were frozen and my skin was all red.


I just finished taking down all of the Christmas decor and cleaning up all the tree needles. I don't know why, but I didn't want the decor up for one more day. Maybe it's because school is starting on Tuesday and I just wanted to make sure to get it done, but I think part of the reason is that I am just tired of all the holiday stuff for this year. I don't feel scroogey, I just feel done. So, Christmas at our house is officially over until next year.

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I'm sure you'll grow to love your neighborhood, it just takes some time to get used to. I know when my boyfriend moved, I missed his old apartment, but now like his new one much better. Plus it's a little bit closer to me.


I took down all of the Christmas decorations, too, well except for the lights outside. Haven't gotten around to that yet and will probably leave them up for another week. I wanted to get all the decorations cleaned up and the tree out of the place though, which I did. Now the place looks kind of bare, but it's clean.

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Sweetpea- yes I will grow to like it, I'm sure. It's just that I was spoiled in the old neighbourhood. It was 2 blocks from the harbour and a fantastic seawall, and a few different parks, as well as downtown. My commute to work was a walk along the seawall. But, I'm sure I will get used to the new surroundings, find some new routes. I'm super close to the university now, so my goal is to walk to class as often as I can.


The only lousy thing about having a party is being the host and not being able to really sit and talk to everyone individually. I was especially craving some talk time with a friend I don't get to see too often, so I gave her a call today and we made plans to go for a walk and a coffee tomorrow. She has health problems (severe back problems requiring multiple surgeries, etc...) so it's really hit and miss with her. If she has a bad night, she can't do anything the next day but nap and take pain meds. My wish for her is that she will be able to go back to college eventually and maybe even have a job. She is probably the bravest person I know. If it were me, I think I'd be miserable, but she is always so lovely and when she does get to go out, she absorbs everything until the pain comes back.


I just had a long chat with my Dad. I'll admit, the main reason I called him was to ask him to send out the tuition money he's saved for me since I was a kid, but I also called because I am worried about him. We talked about his work and the regular stuff, and how he is in a major depression right now that he can't seem to get out of, even with upped meds. I finally confided in him that I too have it, and while I think it made him a bit sad to hear that, I feel like the wall between us has been chipped away a little bit. I don't want him to feel bad about it, and we basically decided that everyone has their own cross to bear, and this is ours. I hope his new meds kick in soon because he is having a really hard time.

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Holed up in the bedroom having a girly movie marathon. I love that Alex and I feel completely comfortable to just go off on our own to decompress and do things just for us. He's been playing a video game for most of the night and we're both just happy as clams. I watched The Sweetest Thing (bad), It Could Happen to You (good), Riding in Cars with Boys (okay), and The Jane Austen Book Club (good). Out of the four, I recommend It Could Happen to You

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I'm sorry to hear about your dad.. I can understand how it would have been sad for him to hear you go through the same thing but it must be so good to realise when he talks to you about this stuff you understand completely..


The Jane Austen Book Club - the movie - is way better than The Jane Austen Book Club - the book. Totally agree that It Could Happen to You is the best of the lot. Also agree that its great to be able to spend lots of time doing our own thing. I'd go nuts if I couldnt chill in front of the computer. And I don't think my H would survive if he didnt get lots of reading time.

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Thanks indigo, I agree. I feel as if we had a conversation as two adults, not just father and daughter. I can also understand now why he keeps himself pretty hidden from us kids. I realized that I don't call him when I have it bad, because I don't want to burden him and I certainly get less social if not anti-social. I don't think he has it as bad as my grandpa did, but my grandpa also drank, so it obviously exacerbated the problem. I learned this year that my grandpa actually had to be institutionalized, because he made some beautiful paintings and metal etchings there, and my dad explained that it was part of his therapy. I never knew the guy, but it sounds like he put my dad, aunt, and grandma through hell.


For the first time, I am wondering if it is fair to have biological children when there is a possibility of passing those genetics down. I know everyone has their own thing to deal with and no child will ever be perfect, but while depression isn't exactly up there with lupus or some other horrible disease, is it fair to have children knowing that depression could rear its ugly head at any point in their lives?


It's another beautiful sunny day here today and I'm plotting what to do with it. My friend called this morning-- she's sick, so can't go out. Darn! To tell the truth, I'm getting bored and looking forward to school starting tomorrow Isn't that just the way... I finally get full days off to relax and do whatever I feel like, and there is nothing left to do. I guess I could have been painting, but I'm just not into it right now. I would like to take more classes to the hang of all the techniques again. Like anything else, it requires practice.

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I wouldn't find depression to be as bad some other diseases or problems. Like if I had Ectrodactyly("lobster claw syndrome") I definitely would not have children, because I feel like that would be mean to pass on and have them deal with that. Or if the condition I have now, if it were genetic, I would not have kids. But with depression, I don't find it to be such a big deal. I feel like there are so many people in the world who have depression, that is it pretty normal to deal with it. If you want to have children, I don't think the possibility of depression should stop you.


I love art myself, though I'm not so much into painting. I just love drawing and sketching things. I'll shade with pencil, but I like to keep things black and white. I haven't had much time to draw lately though, but would like to. I may start up again soon. I should just force myself to pull out my sketch pad and go for it. I wish I knew how to paint well. I'm sure you are much better at it than I am.

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Thank you sweetpea, I mean that.


Maybe I will just take a stab at finishing the painting I started... I plan to hang it in our bedroom. Eventually, I'd like to make something bold and bright for the living room. I haven't sketched in years, but used to be decent at it. Painting is difficult because you have to have decent tools. If you don't have the right brush for the right thing, you're not going to get the result you want, regardless of how careful you are.

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Today was just one of those days where halfway through, you realize that it just isn't your day. Things kept going wrong, one after the other. Bizarre things, like the bank wasn't supposed to close until 4, but it was already closed at 3:30, the library was closed (on a Monday) the bakery where Alex and I were also going to stop in for a treat was closed, when other stores on the same street were open. We decided to go to the grocery store to pick up an apple pie because he'd been craving one all day, and lo and behold, the fire alarm is going off and the lineups were crazy. So we left and went to another store. It was just all day long... I was glad to get home. Made a good dinner without burning the house down, so I guess there is no impending disaster. I just kept getting this feeling like "maybe we shouldn't be out driving around today..." Heebie jeebies, kind of.


I keep seeing numbers in a row everywhere-- usually 1's, 3's, or 5's. I swear nearly everyday for the past month or so, when I look at the oven clock it says 11:11 or 1:11. That happened today and I told Alex it has been happening a lot. When we got to this farmer's market, I looked up and saw the gas price at a nearby station: 1.111. Driving into town, the big digital clock on the downtown mall: 3:33. I got so curious that I looked it up on google and apparently those can be signs from angels. Please. I'm skeptical, but at the same time, I really feel like I am being guided, like something is prompting me to look over and see those numbers almost every single day, in various situations. I can't really shake the feeling that it's not just coincidence.

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That's obviously your personal opinion, but I've got to completely disagree. Depression is not a joke and unless you have had major depression and know first hand how serious it can be, perhaps time to inform yourself about it.


eNA is a good place to start, as you can see that many people suffer from depression, there was a time in my life when I felt extremely depressed, the only thing is I was never diagnosed, and I'd consider it absolutely mild compared to other people who suffer from extreme depression.

If you haven't seen the movie Helen with Ashley Judd, maybe you can think about watching it -- some people find it a complete bore, but it shows some f the most difficult sides regarding clinical depression when family is involved, yet the person feels no one can understand them


Depression is a serious illness and not something people should take lightly, many many suicides are committed because the individuals are severely depressed.


I have friends who suffered from clinical depression and let me tell you it is not a walk in the park.

It most certainly plays a big roll when it comes to parenthood, because the person feels they can't help themselves, let alone their children, never mind the partner.


Obviously anyone can suffer from depression, but I personally would not have children if I was depressed (until I felt I was fetter, or that was confirmed by a physiologist) since the person can hardly handle themselves.

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Sherry - it will absolutely happen for you when the time is right. You have such a good man. Your married with kids friends may have great men by their sides.. but they may not. You definitely have a good man .. that's worth a hundred marriage ceremonies. And there's no doubt he's committed - he just wants to do it right .. with financial security.. and that's a good idea. When two people love each other this much a wedding ceremony should be something special to cherish - and waiting for the right time is worthwhile.


Also - you really do have so much time (biologically) to have those kids.. sooo much better for you, Alex and those kids that they come into a home situation where you are financially comfortable. I know you know all this stuff.. but please don't let all those friends and their lives bother you. You will have it all someday soon. You have the hardest part nailed - a wonderful, committed partner. And honestly.. when its your time it will be that much sweeter.. and you'll have a wealth of friends with so much advice and support for you.

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