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She wasn't an outdoor cat until last week when she suddenly started going outside. Alex says she's making up for lost time, but whenever I say that my older cat has started going outside randomly, people say "uh oh". She has an ear tag but it's not from us, it's from my grandma's old address...

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Yeah she's neutered, thank goodness.


I really really hope we can get married next October. I've been brainstorming a bit, and I think it's do-able. I have some extremely handy and loving friends. Once is a seamstress, one is a really good photographer, one is in luv with a dj and a member of a local band... maybe we could even get them to play a few songs for a few extra bucks. The reception I'd want would be a potluck or a dessert/drinks/dance reception. It'd be indoors, so we wouldn't have to worry about rain. We could just do plain bands and I could upgrade later if I wanted more sparkle. I don't have expensive taste, wouldn't bother doing favours ... My remaining grandparents, and Alex's paternal grandmother, aren't doing that well and I'd really like for them to be there.


Would it be tacky to have potluck AND byob? We could get some wholesale beer and wine, but not everyone likes that.

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I was going to say, she may be in heat if you hadn't and she's out prowling. One of my cats got out before we fixed him to prowl and was gone for 24 hours before he showed back up, no worse for wear.


For me it wouldn't. I would have loved to do a potluck but a lot of people view a wedding as whoever is paying for it needs to supply the guests the food, not the guests supply the food. But I think if you konw everyone would be okay with it, go for it. A lot of people have given me flack for our reception menu: pigs in a blanket, fruit, vegetable, and cracker trays, sandwhiches (with different meats), chips, and chicken flourtine with soda, water, punch, and tea to drink. But I know it's what my guests would be comfortable with. If I served a 3 course meal, my family would think I was a snob! And it's easy on our pockets coming out to only be $260

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I think a wedding potluck would be awesome. And OG, your wedding menu sounds great! I loooooove pigs in a blanket.


This is all coming from the girl who had bbq ribs at her wedding reception... and got some on her dress. I think I might be a redneck at heart.

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lol, thanks Firiel. I don't even know how to make them but apparently my BM does. Thank God. That was one of the things L picked to have on the menue since they will be eating about noon, just some light lunch snacks. That also takes into effect when you have the reception Sherry. Brunches are much cheaper than say reception DINNERS late at night.

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Pretty sure my sister doesn't care if I finish paying for the car or not. I called her today explaining that I can't come over because the ferries are so darn expensive. She said she'd pay for me to come over...


It's almost $70 each way now for a car and driver! Ridiculous! I hope the BC Ferries CEO chokes on coins when he's swimming in his pile of money A La Scrooge McDuck. I spent that last weekend and it was worth it because it was a big help to my sister since she can't drive anymore, but I definitely can't do that 2 weeks in a row when I'm not working for an entire week.


I feel bad, but she said that it would help her so much if I just took our niece home with me because then my sister doesn't have to ride the ferry to bring her home, and then to get back home herself.

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Java is home! Alex picked me up from the ferries today and I asked him if she was home yet. He said sadly that she wasn't home, and maybe she is in someone's home. We were in the backyard checking out the plants and BBQing and I called her, as usual, and this time we heard a meow. Checked the street and checked the yard next door, but no Java. He heard her meow again and all of a sudden I said, "oh my god, the shed!" He unlocked the shed, and there was Javvie. She's lost a lot of weight, thank goodness she was fat to begin with.


She has been drinking and eating some wet food for the past 20 minutes now, but she seems okay! I was in the shed on Friday and I didn't see or hear her, so I'm not sure if she's been in there since Friday or since Wednesday. For having no food and water for 5 full days, she is doing really well. So relieved that she is home. I'm a little worried that she'll be sick later since she has just filled her tummy with food and water when it has so clearly shrunk, but I can't bring myself to take the wet food away.

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I would keep an eye on her for the next few days. If you have it it wouldn't hurt to take her to the vet to get checked out but I know how expensive those visits can get... last month Jasper cost me $95 from our wedding money. I"d do it over again because he's better and I'm not worried about him but that's still $95, ya know?

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Hmmm I've come to realize that regarding engagement at this point, I am just feeling annoyed. We had a talk about finances and he said that yes, he did buy the ring 2 weeks ago. Well, what is keeping him? He's dragged this out all summer and I'm tired of it. It's not like there is a surprise trip in store or anything, too many things to pay for in Sept/Oct.

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Okay well it's not just that, it's that he has slipped back into his old habit of being lazy around the house. Last Monday I got home and the house was a mess, same story this week. He promised he would take care of the fleas while I was gone, but he didn't. He just worked a little bit and played some games. They're worse than ever and I just want to go back to my sisters where I don't have freaking fleas jumping all over me!! So disappointed.

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Hmmm I've come to realize that regarding engagement at this point, I am just feeling annoyed. We had a talk about finances and he said that yes, he did buy the ring 2 weeks ago. Well, what is keeping him? He's dragged this out all summer and I'm tired of it. It's not like there is a surprise trip in store or anything, too many things to pay for in Sept/Oct.


It'll come sherry. Dint look at the negative of he hasnt proposed but the positive - he told you he bought them ring! ThTs one step closer! Do you want to pressure him and make him feel like just throwing the ring st you? That's not the kind of proposal you want.

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I'm not saying anything to him about it, I just had a moment there...


So today at work we were told that our department is shutting down and we are going to be training (FULL TIME woohoo!!) for a new department. Tomorrow is my last day on sales calls and starting Thursday, it's back to training. I chose the 6 am training time. It works out perfectly because I'm starting back at my old job pt on the 15th and that's the last day of the training. After training I go back to my 1-6 Tues-Saturday shift, so I can still work both jobs before school starts.

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