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LOL! I went to the gym this morning and figured that I'd go for a hour long walk with SIL instead of doing cardio inside.


Me: "Let's go for a walk!"

Her: "Okay, I'm just jumping in the shower"

Me: "umm..shower after!"

Her: "I'll be quick!"

I work at one, it's already 11 and the walk takes an hour. You can bet that she will be putting on full makeup and drying/straightening her hair. No short showers here, and no walk for me I just hope I get to have a shower before work! Ah I love her but she is very high maintenance

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That was a nice little camping trip. No rain and a beautiful day at the river yesterday. Poor Alex is super sunburned now--waited too long to put sunscreen on...and I got eaten alive by mosquitos, but I'm glad we went and his sister was really appreciative that she got to go camping. She met a whole bunch of my girlfriends while she was staying with us and they all liked her She's gone back home now. There were some trying times, but mostly it was great having her here. Alex is up to 220 lbs since May-- muscle gained from his work. When we met he was scrawny (his own words) and he looks so different now!


Java has been pulling her fur out all over the place. I found a tick on her, so I ran out and got them both flea/tick collars but apparently they didn't work. Today Alex took Moe in to get his lion cut because he was so badly matted. They found fleas on him, so he's been coated with flea medicine and tapeworm medicine. He isn't allowed to go outside and he is so upset. Unfortunately, he also has two rotten teeth (so THAT's why he has such bad breath) so I can't even give him wet food or treats to make him a bit happier. It's going to be a couple hundred dollars to get his teeth out (urgh!) and clearly Java also has fleas, so I'll be giving her a flea dip tomorrow. Poor girl, she doesn't even go outside. My poor kitties.

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I have decided to challenge myself and exercise and eat right every single day until my birthday on August 24th. My birthday gift to myself will be health! Today I walked and jogged. The jog was rough, but tomorrow will be better I'm also planning my meals for the day each morning so I am less likely to become sidetracked.

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Ladies' night last night. Drank too much rum. Want grease but am on a diet...


I need opinions because I haven't seen this guy in 3 years, and I have no way to tell if he has turned into an a-hole or not.

My girlfriend and her bf were together for 4 years up until April when she broke it off. Reason being is after grad here, he went home to south america, she went with him, stayed there for a year and a half, and he didn't come home with her. They did the long distance thing, but he started being really flaky. Two days later, he started dating some new girl (wounded pride?) but they broke it off in June, I believe. He is due to come back to Canada and my girlfriend is supposed to pick him up at the airport (no small task given our geography here-- it's kind of a long trip) but he won't give her the itinerary or flight #. Last she heard from his cousin, he left home on Monday and was in our province.


Today though, his facebook says he's in Cali! To make matters worse, he addressed his "ex" on fb as mi amor. That's something that is reserved for girlfriends--- it's not something his culture tosses around lightly. Drunk me told my friend about that and she was so upset. I kept apologizing, but she was glad I told her. They were talking about getting back together, but she is at the point right now where if he does not come straight home to her, I think she's pretty much done being stressed and upset over him. I mean, if you'd been separated from your bf for a year and a half, wouldn't you think that he'd be dying to see you?


I think her gut is telling her it's done. I can't say because I haven't seen the guy in 3 years and I can't judge based on their tiffs, but I do know that in the past year and a bit, whenever I've asked her about him, she's been unhappy.

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Anyways. A week of really bad sleep and I am starting to go nutty. My hunger signals are off, I want to cry, I feel cranky and listless... BUT I did force myself to go for a nice long walk after work and I'm glad I did, rather than going to the gym! Maybe tonight is the night I will sleep well. I was at the mall today looking for Alex's gift, no luck there, but I did visit my ring. So gosh darn beautiful

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You MUST post a picture of your ring when you get engaged. I hope your sleeping improves... I hate it when I go through a period of really bad sleep. It's just so miserable getting up every morning.

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Urghh work is so bad lately. I have one sale for the whole month, and most of us aren't doing much better. They are going to start giving out mandatory undertime for people who have a low rate (me). I miss June, it was so awesome!


I did some online banking today (adding money to a private account I have set up for Alex's gift) and it doesn't look like he bought the ring. Maybe he put on credit, but I doubt it.

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