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With the work guy, it was gross. He ate the 6 slices in 5 minutes. Eeewww!


It's just so rude! I made the loaf before I ran off to bootcamp and it smelled sooo good. I guess I'll just make another tomorrow on my day off


Training ended today and I had perfect attendance. If I get good sales, I'll be in a really good position

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With the work guy, it was gross. He ate the 6 slices in 5 minutes. Eeewww!


It's just so rude! I made the loaf before I ran off to bootcamp and it smelled sooo good. I guess I'll just make another tomorrow on my day off


Training ended today and I had perfect attendance. If I get good sales, I'll be in a really good position


Oh I better jot down what I ate today before I forget. Seemed like a big eating day, but it wasn't really.


Breakfast- small banana, cup of cottage cheese, and a small piece of the famous banana bread

Snack- green salad and a coffee

Snack- cup of miso soup and one california roll piece

Lunch- 1 slice meat pizza, 1.5 slice veggie pizza, small piece cake

Not really in the mood for dinner-- maybe after bootcamp I'll have some tomato soup or something.

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Wow, he seriously just came home and completely ignored me. That's cool.


I'm job hunting a little bit...toying with the idea of staying in a resort town for the summer and doing housekeeping. Pays well, but it costs a lot more than here to stay out there and buy food, etc...

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I did end up having dinner (I know you were on the edge of your seat haha) waited a bit and decided that I really was hungry, so I had leftover pasta and some fruit salad. Later in the night I had a few crackers.


I learned my lesson not to text Alex with trivial stuff at work. Apparently at the same time I was texting him, he was in a business argument with 5 other people, so he was right stressed out. We both just had bad moods and it collided, badly. I ended up working myself into such a snit that I no longer wanted to go out with my friends that night. Once we both cooled down, we hung out and watched a few hours of intervention.


I'm going to apply for my old job today, since a bunch of people are leaving and there are plenty of hours to go around. The telesales job isn't full time anyways, which I was really hoping for, so at least I could be doing 24-40 hours per week at a job I'd actually like to be at

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Yesterday my first day on the phones was reaaaally dull. Very slow. Alex and I went out for Mexican food last night at our favourite place. We were going to go see Hangover 2 or go to the pool after, but we were both so tuckered, so we came home and watched intervention--which we are mildly obsessed with for whatever reason.


At least I'm not up for 6 am anymore! Well, tomorrow I work at 6:45, but the rest of the week it's either 9:30 or 1:00. I'm just waiting to hear from my old job now and counting the days. I have such a headache this morning, and a toothache to boot. Yech!

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I slept in this morning...till 8 when I have to work at 9:30, but I still managed to do a Jillian Michael's workout. It's so nice to have mornings again and not be up and out the door by 5:30. It's nice to have evenings too. Last night I went to the gym and worked out like a guy. Sore today!


This job is incredibly boring, but the two or three nice people I talk to on the phone make it better. Haven't made a sale yet. There are so many hurdles it's incredible... be kind to your telemarketers!

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Something shifted for me yesterday even before I made my first sale. There ARE a lot of perks to this job, benefits, paid vacation, comp, being able to sit for 8 hours and read between calls...I dunno. I'm torn. I haven't heard from the deli and it's been almost a week, so I'm not sure what to do at this point...which job to keep.


Last night I had every intention of coming home and going to bootcamp from work, but I got home and Alex informed me that we were going to a potluck. My friend and her mom are hosting two Japanese students and they wanted to cook for us. My friend went to China last year and tried her hand at making steamed buns, so we wound up having an Asian feast. We also wound up drinking a lot of wine. It was really fun and totally worth missing bootcamp! I don't work until 1 today, so I got to sleep in, and now I'm just trying to drown myself in water to kill the hangover. Tuesday hangover...classy

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Ended up spending the whole day driving around collecting plants, soil, etc... planted a ton of flowers and even made a hanging basket. I finished the table and chairs and they look so cottage-chic. Hauled the old set outside for pickup tomorrow, and threw in an old headboard as well. I've just been cleaning most of the evening, dishes and vacuming and whatnot. At least this way tomorrow I can relax and enjoy a day OFF

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Decided to keep my current job. The pros really outweigh the cons. The deli girls are disappointed, but my heart was telling me to stay where I'm at. I am so tired today. I am giving myself a day off from exercise. I'm going for a walk in a bit, but that's no big deal.

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I didn't have time for a full level workout this morning, but I did 75% of one. Better than nothing. Worked till 6 and back at it at 6:45 tomorrow. Basically my evening will be book, bath, bed. On Sunday I work a half shift, so Alex and I will have almost a full day to spend together. Tomorrow I have some party to go to... a grad/birthday party. Will probably just be a small house-gathering more than a party, but that's allright too.


Breakfast- ham sandwich

Snack- blueberry muffin and coffee

Lunch- 2 slices leftover pizza

- green grapes

Snack- carrot sticks

Dinner- mango crusted tilapia and a green salad w/ avocado.


A very balanced day, I'd say. I'm up to three sales now, so one sale a day for the last three days... I'm making goal, which I

m happy about, and I'll be getting bonuses starting in 3 mos, after that it will be every payday. I also won $20 from a sales draw that will be on my next cheque. It's so nice to be making money again!

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Enjoying a three day weekend. I was looking forward to Canada day fireworks, but I work at 6:45 the next day and have kind of found that I could care less about Canada day! I'd rather not be a zombie at work the next day. Saw SIL briefly, she's coming back next week. I was hoping to have my niece for a day/night today, but she's gone on a trip with her mom. Soooo I'm trying to figure out what to do with my remaining two days off. I am now tied for #1 sales on our team and am looking forward to a big fat commission cheque in Sept (takes 3 mos to get the first payout after you're emplyed)


Yesterday I helped two girlfriends move into their new condo. They're renting a 2 bedroom one den (one TINY den) new build and it's so nice. I hope they'll be really happy there. Alex was such a sweetheart. He helped them move even after he'd been scaling cliffs and surveying the land at work all day. It was 10:30 before he even had dinner, after starting his day at 8. Needless to say, he was out like a little light last night. Everyone is so grateful to him for hooking up/driving the trailer because it saved them hours of work.


I have a friend whose mom is terminally ill with cancer. It's her fourth bout with it and the doctors just gave up on her recently, gave her 6 mos to live. This friends' brother is an alcoholic, her husband just lost his job (one income family) and the brother is living with the mother...it's just such a mess. My friend is worried that he is going to disturb her poor mom and steal her drugs. I was racking my brain trying to come up with a solution, but as with any alcoholic who gets violent, there is nowhere for him to go. I'm sorry, but I'm not putting him up here and putting us in danger. It did cross my mind, but I just can't do that. They just have so much on their plates right now and it's not fair, but there really is nothing I can do, and I hate that feeling.


After moving my friends yesterday, I said to Alex how glad I was that we don't have to move for years LOL. Hate moving. Glad to help out friends, but I had a wine hangover for much of the day. Wine is evil.

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Me too! It's been such a pleasant surprise I feel like I'm just rockin' it. At the rate I'm going I should be eligible to be trained in another line of business which will give me more opportunity for sales. The goal is to get one sale for every 100 people you actually talk to. I've talked to about 250 peopeople and have 8 sales. Cha ching!

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FIL is trying to convince me to skip work on Saturday so I can be with him and SIL and bf for Canada day. Sorry, no go! It's too early days to be skipping out of work. Other people do it, but I just can't. I have perfect attendance and great sales/ stats, meaning that I can get the shift I want when it comes time to go into production. SIL is now trying to convince FIL to come over here. I know Alex doesn't want to go over there at the end of a very long workweek. He's exhausted as it is.

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Not so happy today. Alex is going away for a couple of days to be with his family and I have to work. Our bills this month (student loans and regular) were $600... ugh. I just don't see how we are going to be able to get engaged this summer with the type of ring he wants to give me. I'm finding it so hard to keep my mouth shut about smaller/cheaper rings.

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I didn't go out and party last night because I wanted to be well-rested for work. Well, guess who didn't get to sleep till midnight? This one, right here! Then I woke up at 3:30, and fell back asleep until 5:30. Grumpy. The sky is finally blue, just in time for my Monday. Ha!


Picking Alex up today. We texted last night. Miss him!

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