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Tried it myself. Moe is perfectly happy being washed with a damp washcloth, but he HATES getting his feet wet. However, the washcloth way was taking forever, so into the tub he went. He got tons of treats and loves, and I quickly shampooed him and then clipped a couple of mats. I guess it's just going to be a work in progress, and that Mr. Moe is just going to have to deal with being brushed everyday.

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Tried to go out for a movie last night with new work friends. Got there and...HUGE lineup. Cheap night is well known, apparently. I couldn't even find them in the crowd. After a bit of searching and debating, Alex and I decided to get out of there and we were going to go for dinner when I said, "hey, let's go play with the kittens!" (and see my friend D) So we got to her house and she and her mom were just taking dinner out of the oven. Her mom was like ooh ooh stay for dinner! So we did, and we played with kittens. And that was my night up until I flopped into bed at 9 pm.

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Today is the first sunny and beautiful day in over a week. It also happens to be the one year anniversary of my grandma's passing. I can't believe this year has gone by so quickly. I still miss her so, but in a peaceful way. Okay, maybe I'm a little sad...

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I always thought I'd get a white rosebush in her memory, but I saw this beautiful white begonia plant and it suits her much better. I took the lavender (have tons) out of the huge pot on the patio and planted the begonia in there. Alex came along and we picked out a grape and strawberry plant as well.


I don't think we're going to do the veggie garden. He hasn't shown any signs of motivation to get it done, and I am not doing it alone when it was his idea. I'm just as happy to use the existing soil. Less room for the weeds!


I think tomorrow I am going to try to exchange the broken weedwhacker and cut everything back down and just deal with it until the late summer when it's time to overseed.

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It's something I wanted to do since we moved in, but late summer/fall wouldn't have been a good time.


It's another gorgeous day here (20+ degrees) and I'm hoping to go on a road trip and do some boutique hopping with a girlfriend. Later on this evening there's the Canucks game at the pub. Love weekends!!

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Yesterday was one of those charmed days...until the end,but it could have been worse!

I found a lady online who is selling oodles of plants for only $10. On the way there, my friend missed the turn and we saw a yard sale sign and decided to check it out. I found the style of kitchen table and chair set I've been wanting for so long, but hadn't been able to find, and I got it for $10! My friend got some free stuff and what she got was what she'd been looking for for a long time as well. Note to anyone who likes to garage/yard sale--- go at the end of the sale when they just want everything gone


After the yard sale, I went and got pots and pots of irises, lily of the valleys, spindly daisies, etc... She sells the plants from her overgrown garden to raise money for her own son's garden. When I told her I'm brand new to gardening, she was so pleased that she could help. We loaded up my friend's old convertible with plants After that we went to Canadian tire and I got my broken weedwhacker replaced. It was a gift but it was defective, so they let me walk out of the store with a new one that they put together. I can't believe that Alex's Dad not only bought us a BBQ for our housewarming last summer, but a weedwhacker as well. And his mother is always so giving too. We are so blessed.


After that my friend found the herbs she wanted and I loaded up on cilantro and basil. Mmmm. The cats got some catnip too, but Moe already got into it We got paint as well because the side table hasn't been refinished yet and the new table needs a bit of a sanding and a new coat of paint.


THEN, we went to this awesome dollar store for more gardening stuff (domestic diva day) and spent a good hour in there. Got everything from patio lanterns to pots, to a gift for my sister's garden. We also found stencils that we're going to use on the new table and chairs set. It's our art project and I'm so glad I have someone to do these things with. My other friends aren't so into it. I'm a believer that what you put into a home should have soul. The next step was to drop everything off and meet up with friends at the pub for the hockey game, but right as we pulled out of the dollar store lot, the car started thumping and shaking violently. Somehow, the tire got torn straight through to the steel belting. It was just unreal how much damage was done to that tire, out of nowhere! No idea how that one happened! Earlier this week the starter on the car died... cursed car.


We called Alex and another guy (another Alex lol) and they came and got the spare on because we had no tools. Then Alex and I followed her home in her limping car and came back to our place. She helped me move the new table and chairs here and then we all collapsed and ate Alex's BBQ'd burgers, potato salad, and ice cream. We watched some disney movies but we were all falling asleep by 11 pm. Today is the day to clean off the furniture, whack the "lawn", plant all of those many plants, and just enjoy another sunny, beautiful day.

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I'm exhausted. Today I:


mowed the lawn

transplanted new plants and dug a new flower bed

cleaned out the shed

cleaned the new chairs

painted the table top

stripped the side table and gave it a coat of paint

put laundry away


Going to sleep well tonight!

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Used my free pedicure and got a $20 manicure add-on. Ahhhhh. Sooo nice to go straight from work to the salon. The lady who did my nails did a fantastic job. I actually HAVE nails now, and they're a lovely shade of lilac.


Bootcamp last night was ridiculously hard. I think she was trying to get us all back on track in a hurry lol. Strangely really looking forward to it tonight though. I think because it's at 5:30 instead of 7:30 so it's more on par with my schedule. I get home by 9 pm on the regular nights and have to be up by 5 am at the latest, so I have to be chilled out and ready for sleep in about an hour after getting home. Not always possible.


Alex is away on a day trip for business again. I always miss him more when he's out of town, even if he's not gone much longer than a regular work day. Ever since my old friend's husband died I find myself worrying about Alex sometimes. I know it's silly to waste time worrying about what COULD happen, but I can't help but think of how different and strange my life would be without him. I never want to lose him.

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I guess I'm just writing to myself. Oh well


Bootcamp was great tonight. Upped the weights on reverse inclines by 10 pounds-- so a 25 lb plate, and used a 20 lb on my tris. We're doing probably 300 ab moves in total per session now. Last night we were doing sets of 50, and tonight it was sets of 20. Alex came home and we hung out for a bit, then later on I met up with friends and had Tim Horton's and we went for a walk. My new mission is to help the girls find a good house...hopefully near us!!

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It's going to be an accomplishment just to make it to bootcamp tonight. I fell asleep in class, twice.


We got our schedules for our first week on the phone. SUCKS. The hours range from beginning at 6:45, to 9, to 9:30, to 1 pm. Friday we work 1-6 and then Saturday we work 6:45-3:30. Gongshow. The only reason I ever applied to go back there was because I wanted a normal, steady shift. I can't schedule school around this! Many people are going to be quitting after training is done.

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Busy weekend-- flew by. This was my last weekend off since my weekends are now going to be Weds and Thurs.

Went shopping with Alex today for shoes and capris. Found some really cute pairs but none fit-- My waist is going up and up in size as I get stronger. I've been so frustrated about it for so long that it totally crushed my mood. All it took was Alex saying "aw hun, you look like you're about to cry," and the waterworks started. I just needed to vent, really. Now that I've had my pity party, I'm focusing on what I can do differently. No more soda, no more unhealthy fats. Nothing fried and healthy choices for dessert. If I must go to coldstone with my friends, I will either get a fruit smoothie or a frozen yogurt. And I'm going to run again.



Breakfast: 2 homemade waffles, 2 sausages, and a large slice of watermelon with coffee and water

Dinner: green salad with tomato, spinach, and sundried tomato dressing. Sauteed spinach with a fresh salmon steak

Three white rabbit candies (they have high fructose corn syrup, so three is plenty)

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Isn't that such a slap in the face? I get SO bummed out when I think i've been doing really good working out and eating fairly healthy..and then I put on a pair of pants or a shirt and it will barely button or the shirt will fit wrong in all of the wrong areas. Literally it will ruin my day..i'm sorry, sherry! Just keep it up with running, i've found that that whips me into shape faster than anything.

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Sorry about the frustration! Does your gym offer body fat testing? It might help to get your body fat tested every week-ish so you can see the body fat percentage going down... might make it easier to remind yourself that you are getting healthier and more fit, even if the scale is refusing to show it for now.

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Boot camp tonight was different, in a good way. We started off with a bit of a run, then we did all of these racing games-- we had to do sumo walks/bear walks/travelling squats, and walking lunges.. to the one side and then collect a golf ball, sprint back with it and do it again. Tons of reps of those. Whoever got the fewest golf balls for each exercise had to do 20 situps.


For abs we played duck duck goose. The goose runs around the circle two times and you have to do the specific ab move until you're picked, then you get to run around and pick someone else and save them from abs hell.



No breakfast, no lunch (this was NOT intentional-- I slept in and then my packed lunch opened up in my bag and got ruined) I leave my debit card at home quite often so I'm not tempted to "trade up" my lunches. Today it backfired.

Alex made spaghetti with ground beef for dinner, and I had snacked on a nectarine and carrot sticks during work. I just ate a package of pollock because it's sooo good.


I found too many pairs of shoes I loved-- some amazing heels out there right now-- but I went practical with a pair of sneakers I'm boring, I know.

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I don't know why guys have to be such pigs. At work today we had pizza and cake to celebrate the end of training. One guy took 6 slices of pizza (we all pitched in $5) and since he had taken 6 hamburgers from the free BBQ last week, some people jumped at him and scolded him, saying that we all paid and some people are only going to get 1 or 2 slices now. Some did, and that's not fair. He got upset and left, but come on. It's not your momma's house. So that caused some tension.


I got home today and found that Alex ate the whole damn loaf of banana bread I baked last night. I had half a slice this morning with my cottage cheese and banana, and that was ALL I got of the loaf. I texted him saying that I was upset that I only got half a slice and thanks a lot... he's now all, oh well, you got the pasta (dinner leftovers) so I had to eat in a hurry to get to this meeting. Uhh...you KNEW you were going to work at this time and you could have easily fixed something in advance. I left pasta in a tupperware container. We had pizza today anyway, so I never had any freaking pasta. He refuses to apologize. It's just plain inconsiderate and rude. I better get an apology.

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Ha ha. I always try specifically to make sure I don't eat all of something good at our apartment because I have the tendency to get "food crushes," which means things disappear quickly. I always try not to eat too much of a specific thing at parties. I'm terrified of being the person you just described.

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