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Dude! Snap out of it! You been down all week! No gym? No makeup? If you don't smarten up I'm going to pull a Jillian on you and show up at your house in spandex.


...Or I might just give you a hug. What's the problem? I thought you'd still be happy about kicking butt in your courses.

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I've just been tired. I did end up doing some makeup, but wore spandex to work. Sick of wearing too-tight denim all week. I'm fine all day--hyper even, but then when I get home I just feel really done. I'm waking up earlier on my own now- it was 4:45 this morning and haven't been having coffee, so that's good. I went to the gym Sun-Tues and am going today in a little bit, and tomorrow as well.


It's so strange being back in that call centre after years away out in the real world. Nothing's changed, but everything has changed. Looking at the teenagers working there now, it's hard to believe that I was ever like that, and it's hard to believe that Alex was ever 19. It's weird being there without him when we worked there together for close to three years. I'm making some great friends in the class, but I just don't want to be there, you know? It's for a paycheque yes, and I know that if I want to make sales I have to get out of that mindset, but I feel like I've already done my time in the whole call centre scene

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Last night my friends and I spent a good couple of hours at Tim Horton's just talking girl stuff. It was really nice to be able to have some girls to commiserate with about how horrible this period has been and how off kilter I've felt. I love my friends


Went to the gym yesterday and worked hard on the bike. I basically used my last reserves of energy to bike 8 miles or so, doing intervals. I feel it was very effective. After that I stopped in to this thrift store beside the gym and I heard this guy talking about the great guys' clothes they had in right now. I found a pair of pants still marked as being $120 that I got for $13, and a pair of Columbia shorts. I was all proud of myself, and they were a size 36. I figured that'd be plenty big, but Alex couldn't button them up around his hips!! I was so sad, $20 down the drain when I was trying to be all thoughtful and frugal He's definitely gained weight, but he's also wider than he was when he was younger. I didn't know guys' bone structure kept growing after age 20...

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I don't enjoy being 11. My waist has just gone so weird. I seriously have abs of steel yet my pants don't fit. Sad! I'm buying some jeans today, I've decided, because I can't take it anymore! I'm sooo uncomfortable sitting in all of my jeans right now.

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But you're not 5'0


Ahh facial was nice. I have a pedicure and a hair appointment left on the card, so I booked a pedicure for Tuesday and added a mani for $20. My friends and I are scrambling to get our errands done so we can go and hang out in this little village full of cool shops and things today.


Poor Alex isn't getting a day off. The guy who works part time there when the boss is away is more than a little confused today, so the phone has been ringing all morning. He finally just gave up and went out to the worksite.

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Yesterday was fun. I tackled the messy messy house and then two girlfriends and I went to this tourist village. We took the convertible and sang cheesy songs at the top of our lungs This village is filled with shops full of unique things. I lost my silver ring at some point so I picked up something new-- a costume jewellery ring that is CZ and designed as a vine with flowers...hard to describe, but really pretty. My friend is designing her own line of clothes and jewellery, so she was getting ideas, and she got some great deals on real gemstone beads.


We all especially loved the market. There is a bacon section (bacon lipbalm, even) extremely rare hot sauce..an amazing deli/bakery. The whole thing is basically goods that you can't buy at regular grocery stores. At the back there is a goods market with paintings, dishware, toys, etc... I found a nice hardwood cutting board for $10 and a set of bamboo utensils with a holder for another $10. I am going to save my pennies so I can get this one painting that was there.


I bought Alex a jar of baconnaise and was joking that I'd propose to him with it, but glad I didn't. He didn't think it was funny I asked several guys if they'd say yes to that, and they all said yes! Maybe he was just tired...


Then we headed back into town and had dinner (all you can eat sushi for two of us) with some additional friends. After dinner we went to a friend's house. Alex came to play because he was finally done work for the day. We played Apples to Apples until I was like must...go...to...sleep. Then I slept until noon today and it was AWESOME. I just had a chat with my Dad and I'm going for a nice long walk with a friend pretty soon. Yay weekends!

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I walked for two hours with a friend today. First we did a 5 km walk at this seaside trail and then we went downtown to the seawall/waterfront and walked there. She kept wanting to take my photo and I was like no..not feeling so photogenic today..unshowered, etc... Well she took one and I cooperated and posed for it. I just saw it on FB now and my first reaction was wow, I look good! My body is definitely looking healthier and more toned.


I came home and Alex had made cookies again. He also bbq'd some chicken thighs and I made a spinach/lentil curry for lunches and for a side-dish. I also made a chili. He was going to do it, but he kinda sat down and didn't get up again...7 day workweeks are rough. I feel for him.


We've been so go-go-go lately that today we just kind of stopped and embraced and smooched and made the world go away for a few minutes, and I said that I could stand there hugging him forever. Ever the smart mouth, he said "well you have 15 seconds before the oven beeps." (cookies were done) LOL

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I got new eyeshadow today. I stopped into the drugstore to pick up pads and shave cream...the fun woman things. Being me, I HAD to go into the cosmetics section. Glad I did because I found CoverGirl triple and quad eyeshadows on sale, PLUS they were buy one get one free.

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Actually L would have popped with, "You have until Dec 2012 according to some nut cases."


Are those the one with like 3 or 4 different colors in them? I love those. I need some natural colors or pinkish colors. All I have in that is the Ice Princess - shades of purple - but I just don't do purple well.

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Yeah, I got one called crystal waters--blue, teal, seafoam green, and silver...and one called tropical fusion-- indigo blue,emerald green, papaya orange, and moss green. All I had were neutrals and metallics, so I think it will be fun to play with more out-there shades

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Ran into the trainer at the gym. She was all confused as to why I was there and not heading up to where we do bootcamp outdoors. Told her I just couldn't do it today, but I wanted to get some cardio in anyways. I did alright. Burned 400'ish calories in a half hour and I am a sweaty betty. Tomorrow's class is cancelled but that's okay because I have a movie date with some work buddies anyways. (Bridesmaids!) I hope it doesn't make me bitter about waiting all over again...


Next week I am going to bootcamp on Monday, Tuesday, AND Weds. No ifs ands or buts about it.

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