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I like that you can just bring your own food and drinks. When you go to a regular theater, they usually don't let you in with your own stuff and then they rob you at the concession stand, 20 dollars for some popcorn and a coke. Phhhft


I sneak drinks in. I hate eating candy but I usually bring a 20 oz. Soda in my purse.

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I'm glad you and Jesse are having lots of dates!


We don't really have to sneak anything in. Nobody cares if you have outside food, as long as you're not being blatantly obvious about it.


Done at the retail job. Used my discount one last time and got a knee length denim skirt, a tee in a pretty colour, and a replacement for my worn out white tank.

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Haha when Tom was a student him and a female friend used to make cakes and take boxes of homemade cakes in the cinema. We've taken stuff in lots of times but no one really seems that bothered. The prices there are ridiculous.

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I'm watching a marriage unravel and it's not pretty. I hope they can make it work.


I went to this barbecue last night for my friends' 2 year old's birthday. It was kind of awkward... the wife refused to do anything, and ordered her drunk husband around and talked the whole time about how she threw a hissy fit that morning because things weren't getting done that morning. I helped with the BBQ, brought all the food out, but he kept walking away from the grill and leaving it on high. I finally took over the barbecue because it was already 7 pm and people were hungry.


After that I snuggled with the babies Ahhh baby snuggles. The birthday girl decided that she wanted to be attached to me all night, and her 6 month old cousin looked too snuggly to resist, so I gave him some love for a bit. Gotta love mellow babies that don't mind being passed around.


Later that night my now ex-coworker and I went and saw Pirates. I got there late because drunk friend was in the way of my car... but we wound up totally lucking out with our seats. Got to sit smack in the middle of the theatre, and we had seats together (it was packed!)

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Beyond yummy.


So a combination of larger ab muscles with not losing the belly fat fast enough has resulted in NONE of my jeans fitting. It is so depressing. Even my go-to jeans are super tight. So, I'm eating low-fat, lean, vegetable and whole grain laden meals.


As soon as I started working full time again last week he started doing things around the house again. I got home and everyone's garbage cans were out, so I was like oh no I forgot! But he had put everything out, and when I got inside, he was sweeping and cooking dinner. Loooove it!

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Beyond yummy.


So a combination of larger ab muscles with not losing the belly fat fast enough has resulted in NONE of my jeans fitting. It is so depressing. Even my go-to jeans are super tight. So, I'm eating low-fat, lean, vegetable and whole grain laden meals.


As soon as I started working full time again last week he started doing things around the house again. I got home and everyone's garbage cans were out, so I was like oh no I forgot! But he had put everything out, and when I got inside, he was sweeping and cooking dinner. Loooove it!


I want one of those (house keeping boyfriend). LOL

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My abs are stronger than they have ever been, BUT I still have belly fat (and lots of it), which means my waist is actually bigger. So, I am focusing hard on cardio and eating wholesome, healthy foods. I'm also going a bit low carb, because that's what worked before.




breakfast- woke up to a fridge full of man food. Settled on a bowl of leaves with salad dressing, and some carrot sticks. Had a ww bun with pb

lunch- Don't recall having it...

snack- a chocolate oatmeal cookie

dinner- homemade curry with brown rice

snack- banana

dessert- hazelnut chocolate ice cream cone (at the fireworks)


Burned 300 cals at the gym on the bike and the elliptical.

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Having a good day but feeling bummed that it's the last day of the long weekend already. Went to the gym and went hard on the elliptical and then rewarded myself with lots of stretching. I bought a shovel to start digging up the yard but underestimated how many rocks are beneath the surface. We're better off renting a roto-tiller. The plan is to get rid of the grass (it's just a patch and 90% weed anyways) and plant a veggie garden.

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Okay, counting my blessings:


1. I have a job at all

2. I have a wonderful pre-fiance (LOL)

3. I have a wonderful pre-fiance who loves to cook. Last week it was the barbecue, this week it's the slow cooker, AND he took out the trash AGAIN LOL

4. I have snuggly kitties

5. Yesterday I got to snuggle kittens (2 weeks old) We named them all after politicians and Layton (after Jack Layton) is by far the snuggliest. He crawled into my cupped hands, rolled on his back and stretched his little kitten arms above his head, and proceeded to yawn, and wiggle, and fall asleep. My heart is still melting with that memory. There is Harper, May, Iggy, and Gilly. The boys are tabby cats and the girls are calicos and the finally opened their eyes a couple of days ago. **love** I'm trying to convince Alex that we need to adopt Layton or Harper, but he's not budging on having a third cat.

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