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Wow. This chick in my online class is going to feel the e-wrath of Sherry. First of all, she didn't respond to anyone's messages about getting her friggin article edited (after my initial edit). Waited for TWO weeks for her, after the semester had already technically ended. Same old story for hte last week. I emailed her yesterday saying that I did another edit and could she please add the hed and dek that I sent her.

She replied with:

"Well, that's your job."


Grah. I'd be happy to do it, but I can't find the hed and dek that I sent her and frankly, she should have put it in much earlier. I emailed her back saying "I cannot find the hed and dek. Please put them in. Thanks."


Really I wanted to say. "Listen, you untalented dimwit. You've done nothing but slow the entire group down, and you are not the only one with jobs and a life. It would have taken you the same amount of time to put the two things in as it did to write that snarky ass email. SHUT IT."


Almost done, almost done, almost done.


Training was hard today. My brain hurts! On the positive side, one of my classmates wants me to tutor her because she isn't doing well with the grammar aspect in her uni classes. $20 per hour... I bought some nice steaks and potatoes to throw on the BBQ, and then I inadvertently asked my girlfriend to come for dinner (walk and then dinner) The original plan was to have a nice quiet evening with Alex in the sunshine because we decided to forgo going out for dinner this month. The more the merrier though!

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B+, B, A, A+, and one grade to go! I also just received an email saying that one of my instructors has recommended me for an internship course/internship next fall/spring.


Had a great day after work. Did dishes, a bit of a workout, a walk on the seawall with my ladies, and then Alex BBQ'd for all of us. Now I'm just relaxing, watching Mad Men, and drinking some tea. Going to try to be asleep by 9:30 tonight.

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Enjoy the A's while you can. Unfortunately, once school's some you're not going to receive A's anymore. The reward you get for a job well done is more work.


How are u going to celebrate the good grades.

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No celebrating until I get the last grade in. I feel good. Between being asked to tutor, being recommended for an internship and these grades I'm pretty satisfied.


Discovered we can't go camping this weekend because Alex is large and in charge until the end of the month and the campsite locks the gates at 8, so he wouldn't be able to get to his worksite if he needs to during the night (outage, etc...) but we're going to go out for dinner instead and hopefully get started on ripping up the yard/refinishing the deck.

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Time to start this up again!


So far today:


egg salad on a white (ugh) hot-dog bun for breakfast

sip of coke (upset tummy)


turkey and cran on white bread (meant to grab the whole wheat-- double ugh)

small bag of sour cream and onion chips

bottle ginger ale


So today blows nutrition-wise, but I am heading to the gym as soon as my ipod syncs up and I'm looking forward to it. I still hate my midsection, and something must be done. Begone back and tummy fat! I didn't drink coffee today and didn't get the mid-afternoon stomach-ache/bloat. Been drinking it too much I think.


There are some people in my training class that I just can't stand: the brown-noser, the opinionated one, the trucker mouth religious fanatic (yes, you read that right--he is an angry dude!)


Today the opinionated one took it upon herself to come over to my desk (and my co-worker's) and very rudely chastised us for being online (I was reading the Vancouver Sun and checking my facebook) and my co-worker was trying to make sure she'll be enrolled for school in Sept-- this was during a period of time when our class wasn't doing anything and we were done our work. Ahead, actually.


She was like "you guys should NOT be online, you're going to get in really big trouble. They're watching your every move, blah blah." Then she muttered to her friends "that's so retarded." This is the same woman who picks fights with aforementioned religious fanatic about religion. She just rubs me the wronnnng way. Bad aura surrounding that one for sure.


After lunch break our instructor told us that no one is to be online anymore (hmmm wondered who "tattled"? LOL) Thank goodness for the people in my direct circle. We all keep each other sane and keep each other laughing.

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It was all right. Nothing I'd see again, except for Thor's extreme hotness. It just seemed like something was missing. On Monday we're going to see Pirates and then I have put in a request for The Hangover 2.


Jesse and I already have our date night planned for The Hangover. . I think it's so awesome that we are doing more and more stuff together. YAY

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I have never been to one.


I like that you can just bring your own food and drinks. When you go to a regular theater, they usually don't let you in with your own stuff and then they rob you at the concession stand, 20 dollars for some popcorn and a coke. Phhhft

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I like that you can just bring your own food and drinks. When you go to a regular theater, they usually don't let you in with your own stuff and then they rob you at the concession stand, 20 dollars for some popcorn and a coke. Phhhft


I always sneak stuff in. I feel a little bad for doing so, but I figure I wouldn't buy their expensive popcorn anyway, so it's not like my sneaking stuff in is taking away from their profits.


Also, I love drive-ins. If I could stay up past 10pm anymore, I'd go a million times this summer.

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