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I worked till 6:45 and couldn't remember when Alex was getting back into town, and I've apparently lost my cell. I figured he'd get his best friend to pick him up anyways, since they're going to a friends' place tonight. Luckily, I was right. He got home right after I did and it was a quick kiss then he was off again. We're going out for dinner tomorrow night, so I'm excited for that. I've hardly seen him all week so it will be nice to go and eat something delicious, just the two of us.


I combined leftover rice with prawns, frozen veggies, zucchini and tomato and sauteed it all up in one pan with the last bit of dal stew. Really good, actually! Going out for coffee with friends tonight, and looking forward to it I kind of feel like garbage right now. I'm pretty sure I am allergic to Moe, which makes me sad. He and Java slept right beside me all morning/day and then he was cuddly even after I got up, so I really think it's him making my sinuses go nuts. Hopefully I can take him to the groomers and get him trimmed up so it's not so bad. May have to try some allergy medicine.

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Pretty sure I'm screwed for next week. Not only do I have a 7 day work week, but I have to be up by at least 5 am M-F. I tried to get up early today, I really did, but this cold (it's officially a cold) is making me so drowsy, and I slept through fitness class and through till 11. I feel like I am going to fall asleep during training and start snoring or something. So stressed.

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Do you think the cold might be bronchitis? Or some other sort of infection?


Anyway, I had a cold about a year ago that I'm pretty sure lasted for about three or four months... same as you, I kept relapsing. B started calling me "Deathy" because of my constant hacking cough. Turns out mine was actually just a cold. I think stress (which you've had plenty of!) can keep your body from completely getting over that kind of thing. I hope it clears up for good soon!

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Last time I saw a doctor she said I had a mild sinus infection, and I bought a sinus rinse and have been using it. It just feels like as soon as I have a crappy night's sleep or don't eat properly, it comes bouncing back. It's all just sinus and nasal this time, no sore throat or anything.


On the bright side, I just handed in my final assignment for my directed study! Semester is almost over!!

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I only have to do Java's. Moe takes care of his on his own.


Alex's computer broke down again. He got it running, but I told him that he really should get a new one, and that if he wanted, we could do that before buying a ring. He didn't even want to consider it. "You're the first priority on my list." Me: "What else is on that list?" Him: "Nothing else" *wink wink* LOL. He's so excited about getting me a nice ring and getting engaged. I am going to save up behind his back so he can get a new computer though, and even if I can't buy the whole thing, I can give him a chunk of money to go towards a new one. He deserves it.

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First day of "work" went fine. Very boring, but hey, I made more today than I make in a week at my retail job (last shift on Sat!)


Got home and decided that I would get my student loan forms sent off, so I went to financial aid on campus. She informed me that I basically can't do anything about them taking payments because I'm not currently in a study period. Went home and called student loans and got an incredibly rude woman. I have never been rude to any customer care rep, but with her, I snapped. She told me that it was my own fault and that I would just have to pay. My fault how? I sent off the forms. According to her, it's my fault for ignoring the letters. I've been receiving those letters in error for years and last year was assured by financial aid that they were just a mistake. Not impressed.


It just sucks that everytime we buckle down and try to set a plan in action, something happens to throw us off. I'm going to be charged $300 each month all summer and then likely through the next school year... unless by some miracle my school offers 3 or more upper level courses in my major.


Anyway, that's my rant.

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I would have asked for her supervisor. I admit, if they are rude to me I give it right back to them. I actually missed a payment on my sutdent loan - completely forgot about it - and I called to let them know I would make a full payment ($75) this month and try to catch the previous payment up. Next thing I knew she was getting my payments lowered to $45 and told me I didn't have to pay this month. I def. would call back and talk to someone else.

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I've talked to a few people.


Oh well, Alex and I had a long talk about our plans and how we can work around this little setback. We won't be able to save as much, but in the long run, we'll have less loan to pay off when I'm done. We'll be able to afford it this summer, but it's not ideal. Not what I wanted to be paying for, esp. since I'm still in school.


We got to spend a nice afternoon together, just cozied up. He's so great.

Bootcamp was good tonight too- a lot more cardio and I love being outside. I have a feeling that I'm going to have a nice deep sleep I feel all relaxed.

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