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I can safely say I definitely see a change in tone and definition (and strength) in my arms and legs. However, my waist is as thick as ever, although it feels smaller and more toned. Pretty frustrating when my jeans are only getting tighter. Maybe it's because my cardio is still pretty bad and I'm not burning enough fat? I don't know.


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This woman needs to be thrown into rehab and sterilized. I don't care if you were on drugs and not aware of what you were doing...that's why you don't get all messed up in the first place.


I feel terrible for the child, terrible for the family and terrible for the woman.

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I don't feel terrible for her. Her family tried to get custody of the baby while she was still pregnant and someone clearly screwed up. Her actions directly caused her child's death. But I digress.


So cold out today! I peeled myself out of bed in order to get to the studio on time. Spent the morning downtown helping to shoot a story. I interviewed an artist and I'm hoping it won't be broadcast because I had not showered, had only slapped on some foundation and mascara this morning. Short hair is a problem for when you're running late. You can't just tie it up to hide the fact that it's dirty.


The condolence message- I don't expect anything back, and I don't expect her to be on FB at all. The memorial is going to be this weekend and I just hope that she is able to keep her stress level under control to keep baby #2 in until the due date. Such a very sad situation.

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Not spending is really hard, but instead of rationalizing why I should have something, I rationalize why I don't need it. Instead of, "oh we have $__ in the bank, $5 won't hurt," I think "This item is on sale for $5, but I already have plenty of __ and this money can go to other things. I want to be a responsible grownup about finances..someone that Alex will feel 100% secure sharing a life with, knowing that I won't blow our savings or something. I'm not THAT bad, but I definitely do need to be more conscious of things and to have more control over my actions. I took $11 in cash out of the bank for the bar tonight and that's it. Maybe I'll just be the DD anyways.

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I'm so proud of my friend. I love all my friends, but I was literally bursting with pride during the singing competition tonight when my friend A blew the competition away singing Florence and the Machine. So amazingly talented and she's just getting better and better.


Friend D's cat had kittens, so I spent the day with her and kittens, lazing around, playing scrabble, and then her momma made us dinner. Kittens!! We have 3 of the 5 named so far (they're fostering momma and babies for 8 weeks)... Harper, May (political names) and Owl (has the cutest little owl-like face) Truth be told, I miss them and their meowling, and the momma kitty. She is definitely the sweetest cat I've ever met.

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Shot appleton rum at home before going out...and didn't really eat a whole lot that day


So annoyed at Alex. I feel like I am going to freak out. He has literally just been coming home from work and crashing. I asked him to do two things last night: clean Java's box (because I always have to do it) and put my parking pass back in my car so I could go up to campus today and get those student loan forms sent off. No and no.


Actually, I got to wake up to a pile of cat * * * * on the kitchen floor because poor Java finally gave up. Other than that, I asked him to take the recycling out on Monday night. Sure enough, I get up on Tuesday morning and have to do my regular run/haul to the curb to beat the truck. I just don't get it. This is not fair to me at all.

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It doesn't sound like he would do particularily well at assigned chores anyway.


Is he normally like this? Or is he just having a rough week? If it's the latter, why not tell him you noticed he's having more difficulty this week and ask if there is anything you can do to help. If it's ongoing, I'd say definitely work through this before you get married.

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Harper, May (political names) and Owl (has the cutest little owl-like face) Truth be told, I miss them and their meowling, and the momma kitty. She is definitely the sweetest cat I've ever met.


Haha! A cat named Harper.


I once named my cat Kofi, after Kofi Annan.

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It would at least try to assemble a structure. Or ask him what chores he really hates doing. Like you hate taking the trash out, what chore of his that he hates would you be willing to do so he could do the trash? If he wants you to do less spending he has to step up to the plate as well in this area.

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He hates dishes and vacumning, so I do it. However, it's graduated back to me doing EVERYTHING. He is having a really busy week at work, but then he's home from 4:30 pm and goes to bed around 11. Tons of time left in the day. I need him to get better at this because I am not comfortable having kids or more pets with someone who I feel I can't trust in this area...


If he wants you to do less spending he has to step up to the plate as well in this area.


Exactly. I am not spending at all, and it's not easy. I've even given up coffee dates with friends. I get that cleaning and such is not in his nature, but I pointed out to him that the chores I ask him to do are always small ones that take a couple of minutes.

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I pointed out to him that the chores I ask him to do are always small ones that take a couple of minutes.


Why? What you're basically telling him is that cleaning is your job and he's just your little helper.

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He does the bathroom and does most of the cooking, but lately he's really dropped the ball on any other cleaning. He's making dinner tonight at least. At lunch he brought home a bottle of wine and I saw "how did you know I'm mad at you?" LOL He didn't. How random.

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LOL! Alex is so stressed about this conference tomorrow. His company is changing its title and he will be presenting the plans for the second phase of development. He spent the past month on this huge report/statistics/etc... and he is freaked right out. He doesn't like to fly and has to take a plane to get there. After dinner he went to go find a nice pair of pants and proceeded to tear the bedroom apart. He finally stormed off to Walmart cuz it's the last store open in town tonight. He's like, "are you gonna help me find them?" I just said, if you've already torn apart the drawers and closets, there's not much I can do...? He finally conceded and decided to buy a new pair. Oye. Drama. Poor boy. Too bad he doesn't drink wine. This wine would chill him out

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Have to be up at 6 to drive Alex to the plane. It's midnight now. Urg.


Today's drive home from work was so odd. A truck decided to change lanes in the middle of an intersection and I swear that if just one person hadn't been on the up and up, there would have been a pileup. There was no room to change lanes. Then another truck veered accross both lanes (this is a highway with speeds of 90 km+) and pulled over onto the shoulder. Further down the road, a cone came flying down my lane so I had to swerve to miss it. THEN, right by the university, a big rig had pulled over onto a painted island, with its turn signal going the wrong direction (couldn't turn where he was) Must be a full moon or something.

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Didn't fall asleep until 2 am, had to get up at 6 to drive Alex to the plane. The car was so fogged up and my eyes were barely open. Don't know how we made it alive LOL. He was getting out of the car and still had the door open and I started slowly driving away hahaha. I went back to bed at 8:30 and slept with the kitties til 1pm. Felt good.


I have no idea how I am going to make it through this first week of early mornings... :S


My friend (she's half black and half native) got yelled at by some racist woman this morning: "get out of my country!" Seriously? My friend and her family were born here. Can't believe such horrible ignorance still exists.

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