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It's my niece's 7th birthday party today! Such a little lady! I'm stopping by before I go to work just to say hi and give her a book I bought for her back in Sept. I never realized it, but my sister and I are her only aunties. She only has uncles, so it's really important for me to be around. That was evident by the way she was clinging to me during lunch the other day. Her mom has been busy with the new baby in hospital, so I think she needs that playful aunty relationship. Hopefully we'll be able to spend lots of time with her this summer. I will be working a lot, but she's not in school in the summer, which makes things much easier.


Aww happy birthday to her! Time flies doesn't it!

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Yes! I remember my 7th birthday pretty clearly and it doesn't seem like it was eons ago. It's unreal that the little one is celebrating hers already. I never held her as a baby and I wasn't around for the first couple of years, so it's really special that I can watch her grow up now


The little girl accross the street is also having a birthday party today

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Years ago, mothers day was a hard day, but this year everything is finally a-okay with me and my mom and I feel really thankful that as an adult I can understand her character, how different we really are, and how we can work around that. She is so reserved and conservative (most of the time) and I am happy go lucky, usually smiling and giggling-- unless I'm emotional...I'm extreme, she is steady and constant.

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Day two of not spending. Hope this gets easier! I've just got to remember the end goal. I feel like I am driving myself insane! At least the house is messy and I can put my energy towards that. I'm glad I have a busy week coming up: filming and bootcamp tomorrow, homework day and bootcampl Tues, work at the publishing house and bootcamp on Weds, and then Thurs/Fri at my retail job. I guess it's not SO busy, I'm just all over the place at all different times, so I feel busier.

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Sometimes the universe sends you a not so subtle signal to get your head out of your bum. I just found out that an old friend of mine lost her husband on Friday. He was killed while falling trees. They had just gotten married last August, and have a young son with another on the way. I loved looking at their photos because they both just absolutely glowed with love and admiration for each other and their son. I feel literally sick for her right now and I am sucking back tears. Just can't even imagine. It really hit hard because of similar ages I think. Such a shock! I'm so ashamed I was ever jealous.

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Neither could I. L and I have of course had the talk so we both know what the other wants - what we want done with our orgins, do we want to be kept on life support, etc - and of course L is a rational thinking person and told me if anything were to ever happen to him he would want me to move on, find someone else to love, even if it weren't in the same way. I of course would want the same but when I hear him say it it just tears me up. God, even writing it just now did...

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I just got a B on what is hopefully the last research essay I will ever write. Phew! I struggled with that one, definitely. So far I have an A and a B in 2 classes, just waiting on the other three.


Last night was not great. Some aspects of it were, but not the insomnia that followed, and I just could not get that news out of my head. I'm way too much of an emotional sponge. Both of us were awake most of the night. Thank god for coffee.

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You gave me your headache...j/k..the lights in the studio gave me a headache Three hours of those bright lights and people yammering in my headset will do that I suppose.


Today was more of a challenge, but in a good way. I had to work around different lighting and crew scooting around (for those who don't know I'm volunteering with a local media company--creating an hour long talk show.) I was on a different camera this time and shooting different angles. It was a lot of waiting around and testing and subtly fighting my partner for the camera (she didn't want to share LOL) She is an older lady and clearly thinks I'm a child compared to her. I was nice to her and eventually she was cooperative. I'd prefer not to work with her again though. She has some experience I guess, but she was leaning right into my personal bubble when I was filming and I found it really distracting.


Once we got going it was liquid smooth and everything looked great. One segment was so awkward for me because my camera was raised waaay high up so I could focus in on the card tricks, and it wasn't a natural position for short little me at all, but whatever gets the shot! The first show airs tomorrow evening. Hooray! I got talking to one of the hosts and I am going to shadow an on-location shoot tomorrow morning At the end we sampled what the guest chef made. Oh my gosh YUM. It was a crab roulade. All fresh seafood, avocado, cucumber, some form of tomato salsa..I missed all the ingredients. (When you're filming you are focusing too much on the visual and don't actually get to SEE the show as it happens.)


I'm glad I'm doing this because having experience in all aspects of media makes me so much more employable should I choose to pursue a journalism career. So tomorrow I'll be on a shoot and then Weds I'll be working with the publishers. Yay! I really hope I can continue with this show, but I'm thinking my training at the new job will be 9-5 ish Monday-Friday... so I'm probably going to miss out. At least I got my foot in the door for on-location shoots though, so that might pan out.

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I can safely say I definitely see a change in tone and definition (and strength) in my arms and legs. However, my waist is as thick as ever, although it feels smaller and more toned. Pretty frustrating when my jeans are only getting tighter. Maybe it's because my cardio is still pretty bad and I'm not burning enough fat? I don't know.


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This woman needs to be thrown into rehab and sterilized. I don't care if you were on drugs and not aware of what you were doing...that's why you don't get all messed up in the first place.

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I can safely say I definitely see a change in tone and definition (and strength) in my arms and legs. However, my waist is as thick as ever, although it feels smaller and more toned. Pretty frustrating when my jeans are only getting tighter. Maybe it's because my cardio is still pretty bad and I'm not burning enough fat? I don't know.


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This woman needs to be thrown into rehab and sterilized. I don't care if you were on drugs and not aware of what you were doing...that's why you don't get all messed up in the first place.


Child neglect charges??? Ummm I am speechless.

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I can't believe some people are allowed to parent. For one of my college reserach papers I did it on mothers who killed their children - can't remember the exact term - and one of the main ones I used was Susan Smith. Thinking about that woman just makes my blood boil..

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I did one on children with terminal illnesses in Psych... was really heart wrenching and also inspirational.


The news of my old friend's husband's death is now all over the news... I decided to send her a condolence message. I hope it's decent and maybe helps her in some way. I basically wished for her to find peace, and I mentioned something about her son and son-to-be (due in June) taking after their dad. Their one year old is a spitting image of his dad... That must be comforting and yet really really hard.

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