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Went to the bar tonight for awhile to support my friend in an idol competition, but me and another friend were just too tired to stay until closing. I'm a mix of tired and stressed and I just wasn't feeling it today. Hanging out with a 6 year old all day may be part of that too

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Oh wow. Tried to apply for interest free status for my BC student loan online and got: "you cannot apply for interest free status once your study period has ended" *head-desk* But whatever, those ones are only $35 per month because that loan is much smaller, so I think I am just going to leave it. That loan will be taken care of much sooner that way.


Our Canada student loans combined are $500 per month which is way too much right now, so I'm not going to bother paying mine off while I'm in school. I called them and the lady there was MUCH more helpful. More forms, they didn't receive the form I sent off in Sept...gotta do it again and then do it again in July. All so I don't get charged each month despite the fact I am still in school. Never knew going off student loans would be such a headache.


In other news, I am going down to the bank today to open up my own chequing account. I'm not digging this joint account thing. Not liking how I get an earful about how I spent money... I bought my niece dinner and a party dress for her birthday present... oye. I'll get a direct deposit form so my paycheques from my new job can be sent into my own account instead.


Turns out my little niece (who is SEVEN today! Missed me just as much as I missed her. She clung to me all day and kept asking when she was going to get to have sleepovers at my house again. I forsee lots of sleepovers this summer. She's so stinkin cute.

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I'm just tired of him examining my expenditures. To tell the truth, he's kind of been acting like my keeper lately... Gotta nip that in the bud and fast.


I learned how to use pro video cameras today! The cable company in my town is starting a show with a different format- - a one hour live "talk show" and I was trained on the cameras for today's dry run. It was pretty cool I had the headphones and mic and everything. I'm going again on Monday morning when the real guests are there. I want to get super good at camera work so I'll be able to do the on-location filming as well.


I also gave my two weeks' notice at work. Boss was not happy, but she understood.

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Ohh...turns out he was only upset because I have been sabotaging his efforts to buy me a ring. He really wants to, it seems. I thought I had been good with money, but he went and added up my unncessary expenditures for the past 3 mos and it was a lot. So, no more clothes or accessories for me. Going out with friends for coffee is fine, as is makeup and phone minutes, etc... but he asked me to help him and just not spend. It's going to be hard, but I guess the end result is worth it.

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I told him that some things he has been doing lately have been bothering me and making me feel like a child, so now he knows and he is going to watch it. One thing is for sure: no more nagging me about going to the gym. Yes, it may be costing money, but I am an adult, and I get to decide if I am going that day or not. My body hurts or I feel sick and tired...therefore, I am not going.


Ah well, just another bump in the road. As long as the money is there, we're getting engaged this summer for sure... so that's good to know. The end/beginning is in sight.

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L nags me about going to the gym too, but I know were he is coming from. I witch about being over weight and I'll do goof for a while but when I hit that wall I give up. And he knows I can do it and wants me to be happy with myself and therefore he nags me when I don't do it.


It's his fault, he shouldn't have fell in love with me when I was big as a house and told me I was beautiful, lol

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Well, no. I'm the same size I was when we met - 18 1/2 jeans, about 205 lbs - but with my ex when I got bigger, our sex life stopped and he told me at the end it was because of the weight gain. So here I am thinking no one wants me at this size and here comes L and spoils me rotten.

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Big girls are still very much desirable OG. My daughter is at her heaviest 230lbs and the men love her. I have never seen so many men stop and stare or try to flirt with her, no wonder her bf hates when she goes out without him. LOL

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Oh my lord...the girl who is supposed to be editing my article for the online magazine (final project for one of my classes) hasn't done anything. "I have work, and spring school and I haven't even had time to look at it..." COME ON! Prof said himself it barely needs any editing. Meanwhile, prof is just now getting to sending me readings for my directed study. Guys...it's MAY 6. Classes ended on the 29th...should have actually been done April 10. LAME lame lame.


I actually work today. Yay! hahaha

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Squeee! Financial ruin rectified. So happy! I was really super good today. I bought gas and I bought some groceries. I explained to my co-worker (who convinces me to buy things) what Alex said and she is in full support of operation no-spend.


Holy moly cannoli I am tired. The gym just totally wiped me out today. It could also be because my blood sugar hit the floor near the end of my shift and I am still being punished for not eating right... Breakfast I had a banana before the gym and for lunch I had muffets with blueberries. Clearly not enough sustenance to get me through till dinner.

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It's my niece's 7th birthday party today! Such a little lady! I'm stopping by before I go to work just to say hi and give her a book I bought for her back in Sept. I never realized it, but my sister and I are her only aunties. She only has uncles, so it's really important for me to be around. That was evident by the way she was clinging to me during lunch the other day. Her mom has been busy with the new baby in hospital, so I think she needs that playful aunty relationship. Hopefully we'll be able to spend lots of time with her this summer. I will be working a lot, but she's not in school in the summer, which makes things much easier.

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Squeee! Financial ruin rectified. So happy! I was really super good today. I bought gas and I bought some groceries. I explained to my co-worker (who convinces me to buy things) what Alex said and she is in full support of operation no-spend.


Holy moly cannoli I am tired. The gym just totally wiped me out today. It could also be because my blood sugar hit the floor near the end of my shift and I am still being punished for not eating right... Breakfast I had a banana before the gym and for lunch I had muffets with blueberries. Clearly not enough sustenance to get me through till dinner.


Tsk Tsk, haven't we talked about the importance of eating enough so your sugar doesn't take a dive? Mama Metro is seriously going to put you and Jesse over my knee.

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