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With so much downer news about marriage and threads about unhappy marriages on here, I was really starting to question if two people can remain happy and committed forever. It's a scary concept. Alex has never doubted our ability to stay in love forever, but I'll admit that I have because I am more jaded than he is, and I feel self-righteous if I find myself thinking that we'll never be like "so and so in their unhappy marriage." I mean, what makes us so great that we have more of a chance than them?


Whenever I worry about marriage, I think about a professor of mine. He and his wife had a hard life. Their daughter was killed when she was just getting started in life. She struggled a lot with mental illness, and their son also struggles with it, to the point where he can't live by himself. They have had a hard life and have been through many of the "people almost always divorce after this" events. But he is a wonderfully upbeat man, and he always talks about his wife with love and respect. One day, they both came into our creative writing class to read some of their stuff. He does prose, she does poetry. He read us a fairly short piece and said it was so his wife could have plenty of time to read her stuff. It was just such a sweet, small gesture. He looked at her like she was still his best friend and the most wonderful woman on earth.


Whenever I start to wonder whether forever love is even possible, I think of them...

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that's such a sweet story I look to my grandparents when I need reassurance that love is an everlasting bond. Almost 60 years of marriage and they still look at each each like smitten teenagers, my grandpa still pinches her bum and takes good care of my grandma in those little ways that are obviously all about love and devotion

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So true.


I'm feeling drowsy even though I've been busy all day. I did dishes, laundry, bathroom, vacumed, did another coat on the coffee table, and edited an article for a classmate. Yet I feel like I'm slacking off


Tonight we're going to a bon-fire. Bringing bailey's, rum, and hot dogs and the tent so we can just drink and all crash in the tent instead of worry about a DD or getting a taxi. It's an end of semester celebration (even though I'm not done yet). Looking forward to it!!

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This is terrifying



Oh it was so much fun. The last of us were up and still carrying on until about 5 am. Right before bedtime poor Alex started feeling really sick (wasn't even the booze I don't think) and I guess around 7 am he left the tent and told me that he needed to go home, so he took himself home. The tent got chilly after that even though my two gfs were still there. I woke up feeling lousy, but after some McD's breakfast and tea (and advil) I was good to go. I always forget that sugary drinks are a recipe for a hangover... and we did a lot of jello shots and I nursed my bottle of raspberry smirnoff all night cuz I'm classy like that. Alex is just completely down for the count, but it's so sunny and warm out today that I'm just going to be outside Really glad I don't work today haha. I really love my friends. I don't regret starting college later than my high school friends, because I never would have met these guys, and everyone else that they bring to the table.

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This cold makes me sooo tired. I'm kind of glad we started later in the day. We got the little one a dress for her birthday party (SO cute) a white cardigan to go over top, a pink skull t-shirt (her mom likes skulls) sunglasses with a funky little case, and new shoes since during the shopping trip, hers were giving her blisters. My sister and I just kind of split things up. I bought her the dress at the one store, and paid for her dinner, and my sister bought the other things. It all worked out very well. I think we did pretty well keeping up with the little one's energy level. My sister still isn't well, obviously, and gets tired out really easily, and fighting this cold is knocking me down. But, I don't get to spend much time with my precious little niece, so I didn't care.

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I got a job. Yay! It's the call-centre one, but I feel way better about going back there now. Guaranteed 40 hour weeks for the next 2 months and paid training is a definite plus.



Okay, I got way off track diet-wise. I started over yesterday... sort of....


breakfast- muffets with blueberries and 1% milk

dinner- chicken ranch burrito (TacoTime)

Snack- twizzlers

Snack- chips and popcorn


Everything else is slowly getting trimmed down, but I still hate my waist. It hasn't budged and I'm sure the cakes, pop, chips, cheezies, etc... aren't helping matters.

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It always happens that way for some reason! Last summer it was the same thing with the internship and the news editor position within days of each other.


My niece's new baby brother is still in the hospital. He keeps getting fevers It's terrible because the mom has to sleep in her truck some nights, rather than drive home to another city. It's terrible that the hospital here doesn't have somewhere for the parents to sleep.


My friend and her husband and infant moved away on Saturday. I had just gotten to know the amazing people that they both are, and I am really going to miss them, and their snuggly tank of a baby. Seriously, 3 months old and 17 lbs, but not fat, just TANK.

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My sister and I took our Mom out to a tea house for brunch and tea leaf readings for Mother's day. It was nice to get together and chat a bit. That was not a great experience at a usually great place, but oh well. I think she enjoyed herself. She offered up her old wedding set to me but I declined because I really don't want a ring with bad juju--parents did not have a happy marriage-- However, she did say that we can melt it down and reuse the gold, so that's appealing. Gold prices are astronomical right now, so that would be a good way around it. I'm going to talk to Alex about it and see what he thinks of the idea. I keep having dreams of an Oct 2012 wedding, and I think that we could bring that to fruition as long as some key factors are in place.

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