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Alex update:


He went to the doctor's this morning only to be told that the doctor knew nothing about what had happened and had been sent no paperwork or x-rays *head-desk* Doctor then sent him to the hospital where he had a plethora of x-rays and testing done. He will have the results from the new x-rays and blood test(s) on Monday. Apparently his lungs are so large that they had to take multiple shots of each part of his each lung Doesn't surprise me at all since he can hold his breath for so long underwater. SO, we are waiting until Monday. My Mom is being nice and not speculating, but she is clearly concerned because when I phoned her today, her first question was "how's Alex?" I found out that my 51 year old uncle got a pacemaker put in for his birthday My Mom joked that he got some spiffy new electronics for his birthday lol. Apparently heart problems run rampant in my family. My mom has palpitations (nothing serious), my great-nana died of a heart attack, and my grandma and grandpa both have heart problems. I don't seem to have any issues, and it's all the more reason to strive to be as healthy as I can be. At my last checkup about a month ago I was told that my heart rate and BP are perfect.


Happier things: We've discovered that Java likes tv. We thought she might have been watching it before, but tonight she got herself right up in front of the tv and watched the birds on this documentary. She will park herself right in front of the tv and watch, and meow a little bit at the smaller birds. It got us laughing so hard. Of course a photo of her watching the birds is my new cellphone wallpaper.

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breakfast- cheerios

lunch- chicken nuggets and perogies with canned peach slices

dinner- 1/2 slice of lasagna

dessert- 1/2 small container pb and chocolate ice cream


5 km hike




Breakfast- few bites of scrambled egg, 3 sausages, 1 piece toast with strawberry jam, banana, coffee, oj, 2 hashbrowns

dinner- Greek kalamari platter with greek salad, rice, potato- appies were meatballs and dolmades. I didn't eat much of the meal or the appies-- way too much food just like at breakfast. Have an entire meal leftover. Glass of red wine.


Alex and I went to my uncle's 65th birthday party on a whim. We took a 2 hour ferry ride and met up with my brother. We went to a mall and I hit up an old navy so I could get some new jeans. Found some great dark blue denim skinnies. Still a size 10, sadly. After we wandered the mall and looked in the random stores, we went to my sister's place and picked her up and we all went to dinner for the birthday. Left right after the cake in order to catch the last ferry home-- whirlwind day, but lots of good quality time with siblings and other relatives. Alex was a real beast this morning.. SO grumpy and snarky to me. He turned around pretty quickly once he and my brother started talking shop and from then on he was in a better mood. He just has the weight of the world on his shoulders and nothing I can do helps. It sucks. He just kind of floats in and out of bad moods and gets really withdrawn. Sister confided in me that she and her doctors now suspect MS, and that her AVM is more of a pointer to this more serious condition. More than being freaked, she is relieved and focusing on how MS doesn't have to be this death sentence, and how it is better to know what you have, so you can actually fight it. I'm proud of her. All in all, it was a good day. I'm exhausted now but happy to have seen my family.

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Rumor has it that tomorrow for media studies we either hand in our essays or our group projects. The one chick who hasn't done any work for the group project is now asking me what she is supposed to do for it. Seriously? You've had a MONTH! We had meetings before the strike and we all hashed out what we were doing. It's an easy project too. It's just a bit of writing and a photo. I'm leaning towards dropping the class because we only have one class left whereas we should have had seven. Not a whole lot of learning going on, and not worth my $. I'd rather get the money back and take it again.

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It's getting too hard to focus, wondering what the doc will say tomorrow. *fingers crossed for good news*




breakfast- banana

lunch- leftover greek from last night

dinner-potato salad, green salad with cranberries and almonds, 4 dolmades

snack- cheezies


I speedwalked for about 2.5 km before work. It was just too nice outside to go to the gym. Then I worked like a chicken with my head cut off for 3.5 hrs. It was so busy today!


I realized something the other day. When Alex and I get hitched, my initials will be SAC and his will be ASC. Good thing my maiden name isn't Ball.

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* I also want to add just don't expect answers overnight, you'll be sadly disappointed. There will likely be tests, tests, and more tests. Even now I still don't have all my answers with Jesse's medical conditions and there are always more tests and more appointments.


Be strong, take notes if you have to and don't be afraid to research stuff. Often a lot of the information I can gather from the net, is stuff that I later find out from the doctors. LOL I'm like way ahead of them. hahaha

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breakfast- cheerios and 1% milk

snack- some white rabbit candies (from chinatown mmmm)

-chocolate chunk muffin and cheezies

After the muffin and cheezies I feel gross. I need to have a bit of dinner just to balance things out.


Went for a 6 km walk with a friend and her momma. It's been too sunny to be inside at the gym, but I have bootcamp Tues and Weds.

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Breakfast- hot cross bun toasted w/ marg

- half mango


Lunch- kraft dinner with mozza added

- salad with remaining mango, dried cranberry and almonds and raspberry dressing


Dinner- salad with pea pods, dried cherries, wonton strips and roast chicken with fig balsamic vinagrette


Dessert- cherry filled doughnut and hot chocolate (tim horton's)


Snack- banana and crackers with cream cheese


Hour long fitness class tonight. I'm going to have a new butt in the morning!

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Okay that's worse. I just hate how they want everything they can't have. It's like their joy in life is creating chaos. They both hate that they are now restricted from certain areas, and that we're keeping our bedroom shut so they can't *fur* all over the bed. It was bad. We had to get up one night and change all of the sheets and covers because there was all of this cat fur everywhere. LOL


Went to the bar tonight for a karaoke idol competition. Was there to support a friend and didn't drink because none of us carpooled tonight. She is so truly talented with an amazing voice, but I think she really has competition in this one other girl who sang the f*ck you song by Ceelo Green. So many people were just absolutely plastered. One girl was a walking bar * * * * cliche--- tiny dress ridden up so far that we all saw her butt and panties easily, stumbling around in too tall heels, OH, and with little star tattoos all up one leg. LOL. Then there was the handicapped guy who drank so much that he could no longer use his cane thingee properly. When he was talking to me at one point, I felt like i was going to have to scrub the skin off because he was spitting on my arm so much. I'm sure he's a nice guy and the handicap thing is a moot point, but man that was gross!


My gorgeous and charismatic friend found herself another hottie. I can't help but be a little jealous because I just don't even seem to attract guys at all anymore. I don't know what it is. It's not like I am looking or anything but it would be nice to feel desired at least. Alex is wonderful about telling me I'm beautiful all the time, but I think it would be nice to hear it from other sources too. Maybe that's selfish.



breakfast- banana

lunch- 2 hot cross buns w/ marg

dinner- 5 perogies with marg

dessert- banana

snack- cheezies


hour long workout session at the Weds night bootcamp. I was feeling sick (still am)--nauseous but I made myself go and I made myself do it. I'm really proud of myself for going the whole hour, with 15 lb weights on the arm excercises to boot. Scale still hasn't budged and pants are all still tight. Sucks.

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Oh yeah. Locking jasper out at night can not be done, he goes crazy so I just deal with washing the bed covers s little more than normal. Last night I had a bowl of cereal and had a little extra milk in the bowl. I set it down and guess who knocked it over all over my bed? Ugh. I think he is trying to get getting left behind when I move or something.

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Ew I still feel gross today. Have to go to work and then do last minute things for the magazine launch tonight (It's beautiful!) and then decorate and actually attend the launch. Don't even know what to wear yet, but I'm over pants. I am SO bloated it's disgusting. Last night I weighed myself and five extra pounds magically appeared.

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