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Check and mate. Except I mopped, didn't vacumn.


My log: Monday-


Breakfast- Tim Horton's chicken salad sandwich, med coffee and a cruller

Snack- sausage (LOL)

Dinner- Korean BBQ feast- salad, vermicelli, various grilled meats, lettuce wraps, seafood pancake, etc...

Snack- sausage on the way home




Lunch- vegetable soup and garlic bread

Snack- Alex's peanut butter cookies (2)

Dinner- really crappy veggie lasagna

- garlic bread

- scoop of heavenly hash ice cream




Breakfast- Honey nut cheerios

Lunch- leftover crappy lasagna w/ mozza added

snack- 1 cookie

Dinner- Wendy's apple pecan chicken salad w/ 1/2 portion of blue cheese

- junior bacon cheeseburger

- garlic bread

- crackers with cream cheese (way too many)

- big bowl ice cream


Today I lost control

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Okay today!


Breakfast- honey nut cheerios

Lunch- Some weird veg. soup concoction that the man made on his lunch break

- 2 peanut butter cookies

Snack- Baked tortilla chips

Dinner- green salad with oranges, cranberries, almonds and raspberry dressing

- peppercorn pork steak w/ peaches

Snack- some more chips and a couple glasses of oj


Went to the gym and did 40 mins on the elliptical. Did intervals at level 10 and burned 405 cals. I also did slow/weighted sit-ups for about 3 mins along with side crunches and standard stretching.


I'm trying really hard to grow ladylike nails. Mine have always been brittle and prone to peeling, but I am currently trying 3 different products to see if there is some solution. I got this Sally Hansen vitamin growth gel that I brush on and massage into the nails and cuticles, then I massage some OPI Avoplex oil in, and once it's all absorbed, I brush on a coat of Sally Hansen "Miracle Cure". It's a super hardening topcoat. I hope something works, anyways. Any tips, ladies?

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Oh sherry! Do I look like someone who knows about elegance? Im not even fashionable - I wear tank tops and jeans with flip flops, and that's it. It's all about how you will want the wedding to look. I want to go for a casual but elegant feel and I think I have it, no idea thoug because I have no idea what elegance is. Lol

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On the positive side of things, I may only have three semesters left after this one! Not sure what I'm going to do after that...go on to a PR education or take a chance on Journalism and wait for a job here in town to open up. Either choice has Alex and I apart for three months to a year. My Mom is urging me to train for something practical. Everyone I know who has a practical job (office admin, health care aide, etc...) has plenty of money, but HATES their job and usually works casual, so that deters me a bit. I think I just need a bit of patience and to trust that things will work out how they are supposed to. They always have before.

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Because they only collect garbage every 2 weeks, so if we forget to put it out, we're SOL. Especially after having parties, that big ol can fills up fast, even with recycling and composting programs.


I applied for some more jobs. All admin/office type jobs. I'm waiting for a call back to find out about a nail tech certification program. I figure if it's reasonable and would result in a steady job, I could do that program over the summer and then work part time in a spa/salon doing nails.

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bahahha. Every two weeks the garbageman/ composter/recyler comes, and every 2 weeks I run outside in a panic in my pj's because I forgot. I had just brushed avoplex oil all over my nails and cuticles


What's avoplex oil? I use almond oil.


I always forget to take out the garbage too! This was one of the few jobs that was exclusively handled by my husband. So when he's away, it's really hard for me to remember! Usually I'm pulling out of the driveway when I notice that all my neighbors have bags piled in front. If I have time, I'll go back and get the trash. If not (like this morning), I'll just let it pile up another week! Yuck. I wonder if my neighbors notice and laugh at me?

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