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April 5, 2011 log:


30 mins of bootcamp (got the times mixed up)

breakfast- bowl of cheerios with blueberries

snack- blueberry muffin I made

dinner- veggie korma with basmati rice and a steak

snack- blueberry muffin

went to the bar and had one shot of appleton rum, 2 candy apple, and one rum and coke

when I got home I had some rice crackers and spinach dip/hummus.


My jeans are still uncomfortable in the waist. My lower belly just seems to be getting bigger! No I'm not pregnant, don't even say it

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I have felt sore (from working out) for almost a week solid now and I like it. I wore a tube top to the bar last night and while I kept my shoulders covered because I was cold when not dancing, I felt much more confident in my body. I'm getting strong and soon I will be getting lean. Got class tonight, then tomorrow morning (if I wake up before 10!) and then I'm on my own until next Tuesday. Got to get some more cardio in.

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Bahaha, no offense UMA - but I can see that happening. I'm the opposite, I can wear something so revealing which most people can't, and I still don`t look * * * * ty cause I have zero boobies. Or sometimes, I'll see one of my friends (all have very large breasts DD+) who bought the same top as I wore, and then I start questionning myself as to if I looked like a complete prostitute. Often enough I don't.

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I love my boobs. C36. Perfectly sized to wear pretty much anything. My friend has DD's and she is always sad that she can't wear cute bras. Boobs are great accessories.


I left dinner until late again today...hope I don't start feeling gross during bootcamp tonight lol. I spent all day cleaning. Vacumned the whole house, unpacked the last book of boxes that had been neglected in a closet, did some laundry, and organized Alex's computer desk of doom. I had things in there from 2006 and earlier! I went through my schooldays treasures book (like a scrapbook) and read old letters from my grandma, read old letters of reference that make me look like Mother friggin Teresa hehehe. Ego booster!

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No not small, but surprisingly average! It's never hard to find the bra I want in my size.


Fitness class was amped right up tonight. After spending all day cleaning and then doing intense exercise for an hour, I'm feeling a bit bushed. We were doing everything under the sun tonight, and my partner and I increased our dumb-bells to 12 pounders. Definitely felt the difference from the 10's!


What'd I eat today..not much. Raisin bran for brunch, and five perogies with two scrambled eggs and some steamed beans/carrots for dinner. I ate a blueberry muffin at some point. Having a glass of milk now and I'm pretty sure I will be hitting the popcorn later tonight.

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Bahahaha Alex wanted to bake something but was too tired, but I was in the mood for coffee cake, so I baked us one. We each had a huge piece before bedtime I'm up early today, early enough to have time to chill and then go to the morning fitness class. If I go tomorrow as well I'll have done five days in a row and be able to take Sat and Sun as rest days to just go for a walk or something. Give my muscles time to recover.


There are four days left to go before students can apply for a tuition refund and withdraw from the semester. I am really leaning towards withdrawing.


I'm sick and tired of being in limbo and I want to get on with it. At the same time, I realize that since Sunday will mark a full month since the strike began, we probably won't be expected to have everything done and the two projects that I don't have done (need to confirm with prof what to do) will likely have more time for completion stacked on.


I could withdraw on Monday and be done with this whole cursed semester and get my $2000 back, or I could stay in and continue to wait for the strike to end, and possibly be in classes until the end of May or later thus losing out on two months (of more) of summer work pay...

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There will be no academic penalties, but yeah, I won't receive any credits. I'm so torn, esp. because I'm not sure yet if I'm going back to the paper next year, and this semester I am basically being given three credits for having worked there, so instead of my usual 12 credits, I would get 15 credits.


Don't know what to do.

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It depends if the classes you are taking right now are particularly useful to you from a professional stand point or not. Most of my classes were completely useless in my Engineering degree to what I do now, but I have some core classes which are really helping me.

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Well I just called my Mom and asked for advice and she said that I should not withdraw, that I should stay enrolled and see what happens, but at the same time, try and go back to my old deli job or apply for a different job that will be more flexible and offer 8 hour shifts. I think she's right, because at some point, all the other students are going to be job hunting and I want to be ahead of the game, with a job (or two) that can make up full time summer hours. The only thing we didn't agree on was support for the faculty. I still support them, because I have been in the midst of cuts and budget talks for the last couple of years, and I have seen how much the place has changed (for the worse) since it became a university.

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I just applied for one. My Mom just called back and was like..sooo...don't think I don't support what you're doing, but what's your plan for a career? I explained my plan to get into PR and she was like "PHEW!" She did suggest I get into a trade or get back into writing kids' books-- because I could illustrate them as well. She said at least while I'm waiting for school to come back in, if it ever does, I can spend my time getting my creativity back. Thats the problem with studying journalism-- it's zapped my creative streak. I think my Mom is secretly really pleased that I went to her for advice-- I don't think I've ever done that before. Felt good.

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Mommyhood doesn't make any money, and no. LOL.


I'd prefer children's books actually. They're actually quite challenging. I just don't feel like I'm in that place in my life right now. I don't have any kids around, and I hardly see my niece, who is already turning 7.


Alex suggested today that I just give my two weeks at my current job. He says it isn't even worth staying at. I mean, in one recent week I worked 3 hour shifts for 6 days. When you factor in wear and tear on the car, plus gas, it's just not worth it. That and all the silly on-call shifts where I have to wait all day to find out if I am needed for 3-4 hours. So, I am done. I'm going to give my two weeks' notice tomorrow. At least my manager is in the middle of hiring so it won't inconvenience her too much.



Bike and elliptical- total 40 mins- 400 calories

Breakfast: cheerios and 1% milk

Lunch- vegetable soup and a piece of coffee cake

Dinner- hamburger helper and steamed beans/carrots

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