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Yup. They broke up in January just shy of one year of dating, then got back together and she moved in, then they broke up again, and then they went and got married LOL. If this is a prank it is extremely elaborate. I'll go ahead and be happy for them, but I don't think they're doing the institution of marriage any favours. It's funny because it got Alex and I talking weddings and we started trying to figure out who we would each want for our MOH/BM if we could only have ONE person each (they just had one witness/Bridesmaid) That's a tough one! I think he was a little worried that I'd be upset, but I wasn't. I'm happy for my friend but that's not our way of doing things at all. Alex said so himself that his family would never forgive him if we eloped. Mine wouldn't be happy either. I said that on the one hand, it IS about the couple, but on the other, I can't picture our wedding without all of our amazing friends and family there... and I wouldn't want that. Eventually it will all come together and it will be great.


H&R Block (tax co) screwed up his return, so he came home to find a big cheque in the mail. Turns out, they only gave him half of what he was supposed to. Woohoo! My last T4 finally came today too. I'm just hoping for a couple hundred bucks haha. Had a day of doing nothing. It was nice. I met up with my buddy and we poked around a thrift store, had some sushi, and convinced Alex to come out to the mall with us. We're such a threesome lately. We all joke that she's our child We went to the mall and I got some new pants for the gym, a t-shirt, and some hair pomade to play with my new style, and they poked around at the video games. After that we all went to the new BBQ place because Alex is in love with it-- now she is too. It's just so good. The cornbread alone is amazing. I bet it has a zillion calories and fat in it but I don't care. Om nom nom nom!

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Maybe they broke up over the issue of getting married? And then finally decided to do a court house wedding to be done with the stress and expense of planning or something? It is rather strange..


We got engaged on 31 March - and so everyone found out about it on 1 April and a bunch of them thought it was a prank too I also have a friend who broke up with his gf, clearly had no respect for her etc - and then proposed to her. The engagement didn't last very long though. I hope things work out for your friend though!

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Today marks one month since I started being active and eating less/better. It seems like there has been progress! On Weds. the scale said 142. I know I was closer to 150, so some weight has been lost. I'll check again next Weds and see if anything has changed.


Abs butt and thighs made me hurt this morning! Sooo many lunges and varieties of crunches/situps. Regular situps are getting easier... my goal is to be able to do them perfectly, with my hands on my ears instead of arms outstretched.


I'm excited because spring/summer bootcamp starts up this Monday. It'll be Monday and Tues. night, indoors and out, and then there is the usual Weds night class, then Saturday and Sunday morning classes (every 2 weeks). I don't have to pay for the bootcamp until my current punchcard runs out, and it's brand new, so I still have 7 sessions left on it. I'm going to be hardcore. I was proud of how toned and strong my calves were looking in the mirror during class today.


I've got to head out soon and go to this battle of the bands with a friend of mine. I'd prefer to stay home tonight, but I'm going to support her in trying to successfully flirt with the guy she likes. I so can't relate LOL. So, today:


breakfast- raisin bran and 1% milk

10 am-11 am- fitness class

lunch- vegetable sushi

snack- leftover vegetable sushi

dinner- vegetable korma, no rice, just veggies

dessert- two cookies, coffee w/ sugar

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8 am feels like another world now. Tired. Definitely feeling the thighs this morning! So it wasn't a battle of the bands...it was a shoot for a music video... I was surrounded by teenagers. Lame. After that we met up with another friend and after the original friend went home, she and I went and played in the big fancy cosmetics dept of a drugstore, got some wings, and went back to my place to watch really bad movies Probably shouldn't have stayed up till 2 when I had to get up at 8...

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Thanks M! I don't have a scale either, I refuse

I'd say you have more than enough on your plate right now to not have to feel guilty about not training for a marathon, just sayin'


I feel sick today and have very sore legs. BUT, we finished the last issue of the paper for this school year. Woohoo!!

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Tomorrow is the first day of bootcamp, but it's not until 7 pm. I'm starting to get bored...we're going into week 4 of the strike and our student union president today said he's not hopeful based on the bargaining from this week. Maybe I'll just write the last paper anyways!

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Well Alex wasn't able to get in to see the doctor today (he's so mad) and I have nothing that needs to be done, so we slept in till noon. Now we're just kind of moping around. It's raining so I can't even work on crafty things... I guess I could paint my toenails, bake, clean a bit, maybe start my last paper... I'm finding it so weird that after nearly a year solid, I don't need to write news articles anymore. I think I'm having withdrawals.

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I didn't bother logging anything yesterday because I only ate a subway breakfast sandwich and I had a can of coke. Today I had a bowl of cheerios for lunch and garlic bread, meatballs, and beans that Alex made for dinner. Was really good! I couldn't work on the coffee table today, so I painted an unfinished shoe rack that we keep by the front door. I figure if we're always looking at it, it may as well be finished. I painted it a Tiffany/robins egg blue. Adds a nice pop of colour. Other than that, I put a good dent in a new book, and went to the gym-- worked my arms and legs, but I didn't do cardio because I was still so full!! Afterwards I stopped in to a drugstore beside the gym and I found a set of three Borghese brand nail polishes on sale for $3, just because they're "out of season" I also got a nail hardener...hopefully this will help my poor sad nails to grow and get stronger!

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Alex has decided he no longer wants to be called boyfriend...he wants to be called "my greatest one" LOL. Tonight he was rummaging around in my dresser drawer and found the card from a jewelry store with the id number of a ring that I love, but was keeping secret for myself. I begged him to put it back but he kept on reading it. Urgh. He was amused. I wasn't.

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Ahhh! Went looking for my plaster knife in the crawlspace today and found a PILE of insulation that had been ripped out from the vapour barrier in the wall. EFF! I know exactly who has been making a nest back there... like he doesn't have enough cozy places to sleep. I'm worried that he might have done the same thing in the storage areas in the attic as well.


I finally got around to patching and painting the walls and the paint colour I picked matches perfectly. Hallelujah!! Next are the white walls. How two people managed to dent the entryway walls up so badly in five years is beyond me... They really should have fixed it up before moving.

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Alex finally took a piece out of his mother and told her that he is really done with everyone speculating over what could be wrong. He said something about chemo and my heart stopped. If he had something horrible like cancer, I would officially stop believing in a higher power. I went to the bar for ladies night with some girlfriends and now I am home and he is snoring away and the alcohol is making me feel even more worried about him. He can't even go and see the doctor tomorrow because of a work meeting. This is BS!

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Oh he and his mom were talking about the radiation coming over from Japan (in the water now) and he said that maybe it could be a form of pre-chemo. I HATE that he even considers that he has some horrible disease. I personally still think he is okay, but hearing that was really hard.

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