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Well you're kind of in a tough spot with an LDR and already having to cancel one wedding...


What Alex doesn't get is that it's not him, it's me. It's that I have no clue what's going on with school, my job sucks pretty hard right now, and I am stuck between the two groups-- the ones who are off and seeing the world, and the ones who are settling with families. I told him it feels like I am in limbo, like I should be with one of the two groups instead of floating around... he took that to mean that he is holding me back :S Oye. I'm just an impatient, controlling person. I never realized I was a control freak before. I wouldn't say freak...but definitely like to be in control. Most days I am perfectly happy with where I am in life, realizing that school will eventually be done, and I'll be able to build a career too.

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Alex and I both feel gross today. Must have been lunch. I woke up earlier in the morning because Javvie was yowling again and saw an open pack of gravol on the bathroom counter. uh oh... I'm not feeling awful enough to take that, but I'm not going to the gym this morning, that's for sure. I guess tomorrow will be the big workout. I'm just sipping tea before I hop in the shower for work, hoping that I don't suddenly become super hungry mid-shift. Even with three hour shifts, I manage to get really really woozy if I don't have a nibble of something.

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Alex and I both feel gross today. Must have been lunch. I woke up earlier in the morning because Javvie was yowling again and saw an open pack of gravol on the bathroom counter. uh oh... I'm not feeling awful enough to take that, but I'm not going to the gym this morning, that's for sure. I guess tomorrow will be the big workout. I'm just sipping tea before I hop in the shower for work, hoping that I don't suddenly become super hungry mid-shift. Even with three hour shifts, I manage to get really really woozy if I don't have a nibble of something.


Yes make sure you have a little something in your tummy. You say you get woozy, do you think you might be hypoglycemic (sp)?


When Jesse misses a meal his sugar plummets and I have to give him a soda or juice or candy to build it up again. One time he almost fainted on me.

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Oh I'm sure I am, I just manage it best as I can. I had a toasted 12 grain bagel and that got me through the shift.


Going to a potluck tonight for board games and such. Some people have become total hermits since the strike, so it'll be nice to see the others, and my friend is bringing her five week old, so I am looking forward to cuddling him again. He's such a beautiful baby! Speaking of kids, my cousin just had her second baby, a boy. Now they have a boy and a girl. Best of both worlds


I feel so weird not having gone to the gym today-- a good sign! I actually WANT to go tomorrow. I don't think I work again until Friday, so I definitely have to finish some assignments this week!

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Could not get to sleep last night, so I slept in, and now my day is lurching ahead without the space for a workout. I really prefer going in the mornings, but I guess I am just going to have to suck it up and go after dinner. Tomorrow us students get to find out what the plan is for the semester... Thursday will be the 3 week mark. I've had enough.

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It's been a fun couple of days! I love my friends


I love it. I love that it is so colourful and the cut is so defined. I walked in today with shoulder-length mousy brown hair and faded out streaks and walked out feeing totally made-over.


After the salon, another friend and I went shopping. She wanted help finding some girlier clothes--an impossible mission, but it was entertaining. We hung out for hours and I finally had to leave just because I had plans with hairstylist friend and some other friends right after that. Alex and I, plus 4 other friends all went bowling. We had to wait an hour for a lane, so we played darts in the bar to kill time. Alex and I pretty much won I so did not win at bowling though, by the second game, my gimpy right wrist had had enough. After that I took Alex home because he has to work in the morning, and we all hung out for a couple more hours at hairstylist friend and her SO's place.


It looks like there is an end in sight for the strike. The exam period is cancelled, and the two parties spent all day in mediation, and have plans to resume on Weds. I really hope we go back on Monday. Classes will likely extend into May, but it's highly unlikely that the semester is going to be cancelled.

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Wrote two news articles and am just taking a little break now. Have to go and check out a rally in about an hour. I think this issue is pretty much good to go, just need a couple of photos and my last contributors' article. Last issue of the year! Woohoo! I figure we'll be going back to class on Monday, so I'm spending the next two days doing assignments. There is only one that I haven't even started, but it's not due yet anyways. I woke up this morning and thought omigoodness, whose hair is that?! It's soo different. Jaw length, longer in front and shorter in the back, with side bangs, plus a whole lot of white-blonde and red streaks. It still feels like a wig LOL. Wish I could post a pic. Tonight Alex and I are going with a friend to a Japanese restaurant. All proceeds are going to Japan relief, so it's sushi for a good cause!

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Thanks Yeah I don't know...ENA just gives me an option to post from a link.


I am so friggin tired, but wanted to journal my workout/food for today. Didn't work out yesterday--weren't enough hours in the day-- but I think I made up for that today.


Yesterday's food:


blueberry scone with peanut butter


small vegetable soup with tortellini


grilled chicken caesar snack wrap (McDonalds)


bowl vegetable soup with tortellini

Out with friends and eating badly:

cheeseburger and a small spicy chicken caesar salad

three nacho cheese stick things (like mozza sticks)




Lunch- 3 boiled perogies with beans and carrots

Snack- trail mix

Dinner-2 sushi rolls, some soup, and a few bites of tempura veggies (CANNOT resist tempura)

Snack- Some candies while watching movies at a friends' house



20 minutes on the bike-- 4 point something miles, 200 cals

30 minutes on the elliptical-- 2 point something miles, 275 cals

total calories- 475

After that I did a bunch of ab work until it hurt. Spring bootcamp is starting in April! It'll be Monday, Tuesdays, and Thursdays I believe... It'll be a combination of outdoor and indoor work. I'm excited!


I haven't lost weight, unless I went up to 150 at some point. EGADS I hope not! At any rate, I'm sitting at 145 lbs right now. Way too much for my short frame.

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I can feel a difference all over. I look smaller. I've probably put on some more muscle mass. I am going to have to drag myself to the gym today. I hurt from head to toe. Alex and I are a sorry pair. We are both just exhausted and want nothing more than to go back to bed. Unfortunately, he has to work and I have to write. I'm so worried about him He's so tired all of the time and every day is like a struggle for him. Our family doctor is back in town in early April so he will be able to see him and hopefully expedite things. In the meantime I am going to pump him full of good foods full of vitamins and see if that helps.

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When we get an appointment card in the mail Regardless, he's going to see our family doc.


The gym was tough today. I just didn't have the energy. I am thisclose to being finished the article that's been haunting me for weeks. 2000 words is a lot when you don't really care about what you're writing about. I'm so happy to be almost done though! Now I just need some multimedia. I'm thinking of creating my own little newscast to go along with the print version.

I went to a volunteer orientation for a local cable network-- I will be volunteering as a crew member/reporter/etc... for a local channel that produces human interest stories. As long as I have the schedule and the motivation to participate lots, then I should learn lots of new skills and build my resume. After that, I went grocery shopping. I worked out a meal plan in my head and I now have meals for tomorrow-Sunday planned out, to prevent us from going out to eat.


Alex is baking peanut butter cookies right now. He's turning out to be such a good house-husband




Lunch- vegetable soup with tortellini

chocolate pudding cup


Dinner- Wendy's apple pecan chicken salad with only 1 packet of dressing


Snack- rice crackers and various dips

- 2 reverse chocolate chip cookies

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Ahem...to add on to last night-- I also had some cookie dough and two peanut butter cookies.


Trying to figure out what to do today. I need to do some writing, but I also really want to paint our coffee/side tables. They're mahogany and my Dad built them in shop class back in high school. They were in my grandma's house since he built them. I thought about staining them, but staining would mean stripping and sanding. They're kind of ornate, so I don't want to do that. After 40-plus years though, the original varnish is faded and some nimrod left a hot mug or something on the coffee table so there is this big white circle. I think a nice bright white gloss would look nice and kind of bring them back to life.


(This is how boring I get when I've been out of class for 3 weeks) Not sure now if we'll go back on Monday, but both sides are still negotiating!

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I also had two cookies before I even poured my cereal. I went to the hardware store (right by the gym) and got white gloss spray paint and a robin's egg blue coloured paint for the accents. I'm thinking I will find my stencils that I used to make my old kitchen table look all retro and chic and stencil the blue on the sides of the coffee table and the drawers of of end table.


HARD workout today. I actually went on the machines (prefer free weights) and did the leg press- 160 lbs for probably about 50 reps, arms didn't want to work today but I made them anyways, used the 35 pound setting, I did abs as per usual, and then I did 30 minutes on the elliptical on a level 9 interval setting. I really had to push through it, and fought really hard at the end to get to 310 cals. After that I went to the thrift store and found a shower curtain just like one I've been looking for, for $2.99. Woohoo. I love home improvement days

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Wellll I screwed SOMETHING up. I gave the table a bit of a sand until everything was smooth, wiped it all down, and let it dry... but certain sections of the table are not cooperating. It looks like a chemical reaction or something, because the paint is bubbling in patches. Gross. Looks like I'm going to have to sand it all down and just do it with a brush instead.

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Ahhh I can't wait to get engaged. I hope it happens this summer. I'm going to be such a happy girl!


I ate a lot of cookies today. Probably 6 or more. Yikes. Cookies in the house is a bad bad thing.


Breakfast- Cheerios with frozen blueberries and 1% milk

Lunch- none

Dinner- cheese tortellini with tomato sauce and italian ground sausage, fresh veggies and dip, and garlic bread

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My H is the cookie monster at our place and so I've been forbidden from buying them because he just devours them when they are there. Speaking of subway - I saw a sub advertised on TV yesterday that had wagyu beef in it - yuummm. I think I need to head to subway this weekend..

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It was so beautiful here yesterday, and today it's pouring rain and chilly. Too bad. I really wanted to make some progress on this table project, and I have someone knowledgeable to help me. Maybe I'll make a mailbox instead. I can do that inside. I'm not exact done my school projects, but at this point I don't care. I haven't been in class for three weeks, and I should have been done next week. I doubt we're going back on Monday, so for me that means another week of no class. Lots of us just wish that they would cancel the semester and be done with it. I can't even remember what we were learning about in some of my classes... SO, today is arts and crafts time!

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Okay so it's April Fools' day, but I don't quite think this is a prank. A friend of mine and his gf got married. They went to the courthouse, she had a cute little daffodil bouquet, he wore a suit, they've got photos AND a witness, and they've created a reception party invite on Facebook for the end of the month. I always knew these two would get married and likely elope but they were broken up a week ago (for the second time) lol. Dude I am SO confused right now.

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