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I hope his appointment is soon!


I def. think the new job would be better for you guys financially. I understand loyalty and all that but in the end, it can't be looked at as him and his boss, he has to look at you guys and not only in the here and now but your 5 year plan and beyond.


I know what you mean about big burly men holding tiny babies... L had never held a baby before my nephew and when he was down in October he held him. My heart just melted.

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The only con really is him having to leave the boss that he is loyal to and the startup that he has been with since the beginning. I can see why that would be so tough. He's going to talk to his boss when he gets back this week. I said even if he has doubts, he should apply because in this economy and in this city, it really is a golden opportunity. There are no jobs out there, certainly not for people who have only been out of school for a year and definitely not on that pay scale. If he jumps in there, that job is very likely his. The fact that the manager there asked him directly what his current pay is speaks volumes for their interest in him. Fingers crossed!


I think I need a bit of a snack before hitting the gym. I borrowed three books from the library after work today and am nerdishly excited to dive into them after dinner I figure I have at least another week off school so in between assignments, I am going to read and enjoy myself rather than going stir-crazy like I did last week.

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He should totally apply for that job. I'm sure his boss can understand that people need to make money to survive, his boss would probably do the same thing if he had too.


I hope it all works out for you guys. It sounds like an amazing chance at a great future.

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It really does.


Went to the gym today (finally). Biked for about 40 mins and burned 230 ish calories





Life cereal



italian subway with lettuce, tomato, olives, green pepper and onion, a bit of mayo-- was not tasty nor filling lol



Bowl of Life cereal

some mango



Frozen chicken biriani meal, 6 southwest chicken taquitos (oops!)

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Today is the start of the second week of the strike... I would have been in Global Studies right now, and after that, Media Studies. Some people aren't even bothering to work on their year end assignments, but I just can't leave that to chance lol. They will be due eventually, I'm sure. There is always the possibility of the semester being cancelled, but I don't think it will come to that, so I'm just chipping away at various assignments.


Alex is just a bundle of anxiety right now. I've never seen him so unhappy. He knows the job opportunity is a good thing, it's just the actual leaving behind his boss (possibly) and this whole health scare. Fingers crossed we hear back soon!

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The faculty is on strike because there have been/will be a lot of course/program cuts, and staff layoffs. All faculty really wants is to be involved in the decision making process (in a nutshell).


I just hate everything right now. Alex's whole family is all worried and calling all the time, he's super tired all the time, waffling about this job. Tomorrow I hopefully don't work. I am just going to paint the hallway and sweep and vacumn and control the things I have control over!!




breakfast- 2 muffets with brown sugar and milk


snack- 2 pieces banana bread


lunch- none--at work


dinner- indian takeout-- veggie korma, beef curry, butter chicken and a samosa


snack- teeny tiny slurpee, some livewire candies


Need to go shopping and load up on fruits and veg again tomorrow.


walked about 10 blocks-- too dispirited to drag my butt to the gym.

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My patience is running a bit thin right now... just because you are stressed out doesn't mean that you get to be a whiny, snippy, un-fun person to be around. I'm kind of glad I'm going to work this afternoon..how horrible am I I wanted to paint but Alex doesn't want to deal with the fumes. I'll get it done eventually I guess. Today so far:


Breakfast- 2 muffets with milk and brown sugar


Gym- 30 mins on elliptical (intervals) 250 cals

abs and arms-- tried some new things on my Jillian Michaels app



California roll

jasmine tea


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This retail job is making me unhappy (a bunch of reasons I'm not going to get into right now) and making me barely any money. The story won't change in the summer. There may be more hours, but that just means a lot of on-call shifts, 3-4 hour shifts 5 days a week instead. Not how I want to spend my summer. I am going to apply at a call centre and I am thinking about trying to get my old deli job back. Looking back, I had it pretty good. I'm not sure if I am going to continue with the paper next year. If it's just a superficial raise I am not going to bother, but if it's a decent raise then it would be worth it. Focusing on school is more important.

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Annd today was pretty good!


Dinner was pork chops coated in a magic crumb mix that Alex made, with fresh green beans, acorn squash, and a pasta "sidekick"... neither of us wanted to wait for rice to cook


Watched Megamind together tonight. I think Alex has a little celeb crush on Tina Fey, it's so funny. While he was drooling over her in Date Night, I was drooling over the suuuuper hot guy with the sweet apartment lol. Tomorrow, it's back to homework! Must keep going!

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Elizabeth Taylor passed away. I know she was 79 and unhealthy, but I still felt shocked when I saw the news.


Soooo the lovely leaders of my university have sent a notice saying that they will have a plan formulated for the rest of the semester on March 28... another five days from now. Tomorrow will mark the two-week mark of this strike. 3 weeks, really? As long as I get my assignments done I'm good I guess, but I had really wanted to start the summer job hunt and get on with my life instead of being in school for an extra 3 (maybe more) weeks. The semester being cancelled is still a possibility, but it's a very last resort. At any rate, today I am going to work my butt off to get the assignments done and to start the last one. Don't want to...


I have a confession to make: I munched on cheezies and dill pickle crispers and two pieces of banana bread late last night :S

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Okay, in two weeks there will be an appointment set for Alex. He's feeling a lot better today, much less tired than he has been, which is good! His Dad will arrange for a CT through a private clinic if he doesn't want to wait the two weeks, not sure if he is going to go for it or not. Today:


Breakfast- 2 muffets with dried cranberries and milk

Snack- a coffee mocha granola bar thing

Lunch- Mr. Noodles with carrots and beans

Dinner (which I am making now at 9:30 P.M... will be veggie pizza with goat cheese and baked yam fries


Bootcamp tonight felt markedly easier, except for a couple of things Planks are much easier now, as are wall squats. It was such a beautiful day...really motivated me to get the paper done so I could get outside and go for a walk/check out the garden. Some things are sprouting! Wish I could remember what I planted... I guess I'll just have to wait until they flower.Some people are still opting not to do any homework at all, but I refuse to screw myself over like that. They are going to be sorry, I can guarantee it! At least this way if the strike drags on, I won't still be working on assignments I sincerely doubt that the semester will be cancelled, but if it is, oh well, joke's on me, I can always reuse things.

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GReat to hear that the appt has been scheduled.. and really good to hear he's been feeling better. That looks like a really good eating plan too - keeping some of the "traditionally unhealthy" stuff in but mixing them with veggies to make them healthier - great work!

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