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I love her to death but she thinks any earthquake or natural diaster of sorts is a preclude to the end of the world. I should have banned her from th at 2012 movie.


I've known people like that. My family was friends with a family who was certain that the world was going to crash in 2000. We joked about sneaking into their yard and throwing the switch in their fuse box come midnight on December 31, 1999.

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LOL firiel!


OG- That movie was AWFUL. Alex and I still moan about how quickly the boyfriend was replaced by the dad, after he had saved all of their butts


Yeah I'm in Canada. It's amazing how far the impact of one event can reach. Earthquake in Japan, waves reach Russia, Alaska, Hawaii, etc... It just goes to show how connected we all really are (sans internet)

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It's monsooning here again today. I've barely eaten anything. Something is not sitting well again. It's strange, ibs flares up when I exercise more often. That needs to stop! I have no idea what it could have been. This is what I forced myself to eat today:



life cereal



toasted bagel with butter




med coffee



red grapes

oatmeal cranberry cookie


I'm having some mccain french fries and ginger ale for dinner


Alex isn't feeling well today, but he's much worse off than I am. I think whatever it is will pass quickly though, and it better, because the weekend trip is a GO!!


I went and had a gift made for him today, a glass stein with a pewter plate on it which I just had engraved simply with his first name, middle initial, and last name in an old english style font. I wanted him to have something nice to drink his rum and cokes in I didn't think it should have some schmoopy message from me on it, just something classic and timeless. I got it wrapped for free in the mall as well and it looks so nice.


I searched high and low in Hallmark before I found a fifth anniversary card. The salesgirl was so sweet, heartily wishing me a happy anniversary. I guess this one means so much because it's the first of the fives and I'm pretty sure it's been our best year yet. It's the year he graduated and started his career, the year we got our house and kitties, the year I fell in love with journalism and media...the year when everything has really started to fall into place.

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Oooh congratulations on the upcoming anniversary.. we won't hit our 5 year for another year but I think I'll be very excited when it happens. The gift sounds gorgeous and its wonderful that you made it - he's going to love it!


To be honest, I'm freaking out about the frequency and intensity with which natural disasters seem to be occurring lately. Not because I think its the end of the world but because I'm very scared of being caught up in any kind of flood. Neither my H nor I can swim. My H has no intention of learning, ever. He would if I forced him to - but I refuse to force. His decisions have to be his. But yeah - I'm scared we will both ... well I won't say it. I am going to learn during the semester break.

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I highly recommend learning to swim and hopefully he will join in. Does he have a fear of water?


Oh I hear you, a big earthquake here would be game over. It's very scary. I'd be devastated if our house was destroyed. Sure we're insured, but just to see something like that is heartbreaking. At first Alex didn't really understand how huge the Japan disaster is, then he started watching and we were both just in shock to see homes literally being washed away.

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He doesn't have a fear of water - he has a fear of looking like a fool.


We had a conversation that went:

Me: "You'll HAVE to learn to swim if I learn to swim"

H: Why?

Me: Well, if I learn, and there's a flood - there's no way I'm going to let you drown so I'll try to save you. But, I'm not strong enough to save you, so you'll end up pulling me down.

[Ok, I know this is grim but honestly - if he ever was in that situation - be it in a flood, at the beach, or in a swimming pool - tha is exactly how it would play out and I did want him to be aware of how important it is to learn].

--- H's face now crumbles BIg Time ---

Me: Aww - now you're upset - why are you upset?

H: Ok (sounding super grumpy) I'll learn to swim. But how is it going to work? How will we find time (excuses excuses)

Me: No - you don't have to learn. I'm not your mum, I'm not going to force you. But I'm going to learn.


He then sat there and moped about it a bit - quickly cheered up and said he'd consider it if I could find a place that did individual lessons and noone else had to see him learn and it fit into his schedule (yeah right..).


So the position now is that I'm going to learn during my holidays - and yes I'm secretly hoping he will want to come along - and if not - I'm hoping I can teach him when we go on holidays at the end of the year. If we stay somewhere with a hotel pool and I've learned by then I'm hoping I can teach him (as he won't have work as an excuse!)


And the old "we can use it to work off all this eating out" should be a good motivator..

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So at this point, he is embarrassed, basically? That's understandable, but he'll be glad once he gets over feeling stigmatized. Not every child learns to swim. My friend started learning when she turned 30 because her kids had learned and she couldn't get into the pool with them.

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Yes - exactly. Same reason he'll exercise at home on a machine if he thinks he has to (say if he wants to lose weight or if he thinks there's a real health issue involved) but will never go to a gym because he thinks its embarassing to exercise in front of other people when he isn't happy enough about his fitness level.


So with swimming - he doesn't like that he didn't take to it like a duck takes to water (heheh) - because he doesn't like things he doesn't have some level of flare for - and he absolutely hates that he's an adult needing lessons for something that its usually toddlers getting lessons for..

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The number of women who give ultimatums/have pre-engagement breakdowns after only 1-1.5 years of dating is astounding me! That's still the honeymoon phase for crying out loud. I just do not understand this at all. This really is an "I want it now" culture, I guess. Yeah if I had my way, we'd have been engaged long ago, but I think if you're 22-23 and freaking out because you've been together an "entire" year and he still hasn't proposed...that just may be excessive.

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The number of women who give ultimatums/have pre-engagement breakdowns after only 1-1.5 years of dating is astounding me! That's still the honeymoon phase for crying out loud. I just do not understand this at all. This really is an "I want it now" culture, I guess. Yeah if I had my way, we'd have been engaged long ago, but I think if you're 22-23 and freaking out because you've been together an "entire" year and he still hasn't proposed...that just may be excessive.


I have noticed this too. And I guess that comes off hipocrtical of me with me being 22 - 23 next month! - but I guess I never expected it from L.. I knew about when he was going to do it - which was actually later than when he really did do it - but it was never an all consuming need of 'we need to be engaged NOW'. I did, however, have that with my ex after the 3 year mark, especially once we moved in together. So happy we never went that step now because looking back I can see moving in together was a horrible move.



I can't swim. No lie. I use to be able to but I fell off a dock when I was about 8 I guess and hit my head, almost drowned. I have just never tried. I can swim in a swimming pool somwhat, it doesn't scare me like it use to. I suck at treading water. And I can't jump into water, that is what scares me. I don't know why but in that moment I go under I feel the water pressing down on me and I panic thinking I won't be able to get back to the surface... and I have done this with a life jacket on knowing I wasn't going to drown. :s


So yeah... I don't jump into the water.

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I love swimming... once I really learned to swim with correct technique and everything, my whole attitude towards it changed. It's just so relaxing to jump into the pool and swim laps. It's like even if the pool is full, you are still totally alone under the water. I find it a great way to de-stress and be alone with my thoughts.


B hates the water... he hates the feeling of water on him, and he can't do much in the water anyway because of his previous sinus surgeries. He's been getting better... but with surgery potentially looming, it'll be back to square one soon. If someone told me I had to change something about him, it'd probably be that.

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Hehehe that's okay. I had it made at an engraving shop that also sells the merchandise to be engraved.


I'm feeling so out of sorts today... going to skip the St. Patrick's day party I've been invited to. Woke up feeling nauseous and took a gravol. Big mistake, because then I napped until 2 pm and I feel sooo groggy. When Alex came home from work this morning, he had brought me a present and insisted that I open it today, so I had him open his too, and he loves it! He thought it was very cool He got me a digital voice recorder, a really nice quality one too, and I am so glad because it's been one of those things that I could really use for reporting but have never bothered to buy one. Now when it's pouring rain outside and my notepad gets destroyed, I can bring that baby out and get some great quotes from interviews! I told him that my writing hand thanks him.

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I'm having a day to myself. Just watched Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and am painting my nails and toes I just love old movies! Everything from the music to the clothing and makeup is so elegant.


I've got my work cut out for me with this third article about the strike... I need to find out the salaries of other profs in my province as compared to my school. NO idea how to do that thus far. Asking about salaries is always so taboo. I can't wait to use my new toy in an interview lol

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The number of women who give ultimatums/have pre-engagement breakdowns after only 1-1.5 years of dating is astounding me! That's still the honeymoon phase for crying out loud. I just do not understand this at all. This really is an "I want it now" culture, I guess. Yeah if I had my way, we'd have been engaged long ago, but I think if you're 22-23 and freaking out because you've been together an "entire" year and he still hasn't proposed...that just may be excessive.


My husband was totally that girl, except that he's a guy! To be fair, he didn't break down or give ultimatums... we actually talked about it fairly early on because he didn't want to wait forever, and I didn't want to make him wait forever... and he told me if I hadn't decided after three years that would probably be his limit. We got engaged after a year and a half, though, so I wasn't really approaching the time limit or anything. It's so funny... in most ways, he is such a typical guy and I am such a typical girl. But then in other ways our relationship just totally defies traditional gender roles and ideas.

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