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life cereal with frozen blueberries



tortellini with tomato sauce and chicken

diced mango and watermelon



chocolate pudding cup

vanilla sandwich cookie



tortellini (in a rush) without chicken




trail mix

glass of milk

blueberry scone with marg



yesterday lacked veggies..

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I feel like I just ran a marathon!! Sitting down at home now with my feet up... I basically spent all afternoon after class running around and doing interviews about the strike. At one point, someone pointed out that our VP was heading up to the library, so I booked it and caught up with him. He complimented me on my last article about the strike and was very cooperative. After that I talked to some union reps and met up with the university's public relations worker. She too was very cooperative and not at all the villain I had built her up to be in my head.


I'm just having one of those perfect days that come about so rarely. Everything has been falling into place for me all day long. After class, I dropped in on a prof I don't even know, to get some input for my feature article, and she invited me to meet a guest speaker tonight who would be a really good source of info for my topic, so I'm really glad that I bit the bullet and knocked on her door.


Then I did all of the interviews and running around, got some lunch because I knew I wasn't going to be able to make it home until later-- red wine braised lamb with roasted root veggies-- When I set off to do my paper deliveries. I got a good parking spot on campus to make it easy to move the papers to my car. Plus, though it had been pouring rain all day, the sun came out just as I started my route! I also got the only parallel parking spot left downtown (makes my route a LOT easier)

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Alex has seemed down, so I got it out of him finally. He said he's not sure if we can go out of town this weekend, unless he knows that the site is permanently up and running, since his replacement doesn't know how to handle things if the site goes down again. He was so worried about disappointing me. Obviously I really hope we can go, but I told him there is no way he could disappoint me. *fingers crossed* that things even out and we can go and relax and have fun!



two boiled eggs




braised lamb w/ roasted root veggies






few bites of tortellini (didn't want to fill up right before boot camp)

few bites of chicken



half bagel spread with cream cheese topped with lox

few bites of papaya and apple


hour long bootcamp, dragged myself to it and powered through. Really proud. Bought myself another 8 session pass tonight.

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Sounds like you had an awesome day... I love it when days like that happen! Oh, and awesome job making it to boot camp after a hard day. My weakness has always been working out at the end of an exhausting day... I just can't do it!

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I honestly don't know where this willpower came from, but I like it. I ate only one scoop of cherry chocolate ice cream last night. It was my first dessert in over a week, and honestly, it tasted so much better because it was in moderation and it was a real treat.


Slept in this morning, snuggled with Alex and with Moe sleeping on my belly. Bliss. Last night we made this apple peanut crumble with the intention of having it for breakfast, but it did not turn out good at all. Probably the worst thing I've ever tasted, actually. I'm going to make a blueberry cobbler so we have that for dessert, and I want to finally get around to making muffins and banana bread. Day off for the win!


I guess I will have to leave the house though, I need to go and check out the picket lines today and find Alex's anniversary present. I think I am going to get him a multi-tool and maybe have it engraved.

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Ladies!! I need your input on what you think about facebook. I'm compiling different opinions and viewpoints and trying to figure out if facebook is merely a fad or a large part of social networking (which appears to be a bona-fide revolution.) It's just an article for a class, I don't use real names or anything like that.

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Revolution, absolutely. Look at the role facebook played in the Iranian uprising last year, and in the recent uprisings in the Middle East. My friend actually wrote a university paper on the role of fb in the Iranian protests. Fascinating stuff.


Here at home it's obviously less political. But it's really cool that I have all these relatives on fb that I haven't seen in years and probably would have never been in touch with again for the rest of my life, and they can watch my daughter grow, I can see pictures of their spouses, their children, their grandchildren. One time a distant relative posted an old picture of my late grandmother and all of us cousins started sharing our memories and talking about what a lovely lady she was. We're a very disfunctional family with no close ties so it's a way for the younger generations to connect. When my uncle had his legs amputated, I was the first in the family to find out about it from his daughter's posts. If it weren't for fb, I would have no idea what any of my cousins' children looked like (or even how many they had). I would have no idea that my ex's had gotten married, or worked in China, or whatever. I wouldn't have known what people from my old high school were up to except that they started adding me and now I almost feel like I'm back in high school again! It's a revolution, no doubt about it.

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Aww - I hope you guys get to go on the weekend break..


This FB - is it here to stay or will it be gone in 5 yrs thing is a conversation my H and I have a lot. He thinks its here to stay - I'm more skeptical. Its hard to think of things changing to and FB being replaced by a better social networking site (more likely than social networking being done with altogether) or of people getting sick of all this communication and easy accessibility and on mass rebelling against it - but I wouldnt be surprised if it happened.


I love FB but I'm getting very sick of this "instant accessibility, instant availability" expectation people have of us now. This is not a purely facebook thing at all. Mobile phones and email are the cause I imagine. For instance, if my cousin doesn't get a reply to her text within the day (sometimes within hours), she'll be in a flurried fluster wanting to know whats wrong. Even though she knows its not like me to be an instant replier.


I really, really dislike the feeling that socially, I'm "on call". So who knows - maybe more people will start to feel the same way. And maybe that will have wider implications for social netwroking sites too. Who knows..


So I'm in the "undecided" camp. H thinks its here to stay.

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It's def. a large part of the social networking. It lets family members stay in touch 1000's of miles away, everyone who has one is normally on it 30 million times a day.. it gives you instant access to the lives of people around you, even people you don't know! HOwever, I think in a few years it will be oblique like myspace. It'll still be there - I still have a myspace that I log into about 3 times a year - but at some point in the future the next social networking site will replace it.

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Thanks ladies! Another q-- do you feel like a lot of personal profiles are a facade, like facebook is a 'theatre' of sorts?


Circe- I feel the same way about being socially on call. Lord forbid if I miss an email. It's like my generation is now expected to be online, all the time. I don't want to be, but as a student and as a 'reporter' where things are constantly changing, I find I really have to be connected ALL the time. No one really uses the phone anymore. No one I know, anyways.


Did sooo much today. Super proud of myself. Am not going to the gym. Too wiped!!

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Huge earthquake, news reports vary form 7.9 to 8.8 magnitude. Even Beijing felt it.


This is the first I've heard of it. I've got a couple of pretty good friends in Japan, so I freaked out a little. Everyone that I know over there is okay, thank goodness!

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*rolls eyes* everyone on my facebook this morning is freaking out about the tsunami warning here. It MAY hit the other side of the island and the northern parts of the island, but there is no way it will reach us. MIL phoned at 6:30 this morning all worried that we were going to get caught up in a tsunami.


OG, just go to CNN or any news channel online. I don't watch my tv either

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If Canada gets reached by the earthquake, that forcily means that the crust's affected surface has crossed the ocean. If about 1/6 to 1/4 of the earth is in movement, I think we would have more issues on our hands.

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Sherry, aren't you in Canada???


People are freaking out on mine as well. I KNEW when my best friend hared about it she would think 'end of the world, 2012'... and she didn't let me down.


Over a year and a half before it's scheduled to happen? I didn't think it took that long for tsunamis to traverse the ocean!

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Over a year and a half before it's scheduled to happen? I didn't think it took that long for tsunamis to traverse the ocean!


I love her to death but she thinks any earthquake or natural diaster of sorts is a preclude to the end of the world. I should have banned her from th at 2012 movie.

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