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Oh wow, so bored. I really could have been doing yoga or cleaning or doing homework, but just..too..bored. Anyways, enough whining.



half glass 1% milk

cranberry oatmeal cookie



few bites of ataulfo mango

5 leftover perogies and green beans- sans margarine

strawberry yogurt



Wheat thins crackers

100 cal granola bar



caesar salad with lox



2 vanilla sandwich cookies



Last night I felt snacky so I also had wheat thins and hummus. I think I'm doing really well so far!

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Haha love it.


I'm always hungry too though. Ever since I've come back from the resort (where I kept indulging in deserts) I can't seem to function without high sugar. If I keep healthy meals I have no energy to function and crash.

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Both classes today were really interesting, but now I am not in the mood to start the new projects at all. Just over 4 weeks of classes left and I've got 5 projects to do LOL. I'm dying to know if I got the associate editor job. I have an inkling that I did because the current associate editor (Managing next year) and I were slacking off watching youtube videos and she was like, "you know we're going to get nothing done, right?" So that was a pretty big hint. Just waiting for the phone call.


Gotta love the government...they FINALLY sent Alex's tax return cheque from last year out. I got it today and was all "woohoo!" because I'm not getting my return anytime soon. My old manager did NOT forward my new address on to head office like I asked her to, so they have sent it to my old address. But it's nice because the cheque that came today can cover our entire weekend. I love knowing that he's not going to propose so I can just relax with him and not be on edge lol. I can't say that I'm 100% sure, but he is so busy right now that I don't think he could possibly have had time to think about anything other than work. He's just not having fun right now, the systems at his work site are all hooped, they're not able to sell power right now and they're losing money everyday. That and the engines keep going down, which is hard on the engines themselves, not just on Alex who can't even take a hot bath without his cell ringing... Ever since the storm last week the systems have been haywire. I called him after class today to cheer him up with news of unexpected cheques in the mail, and told him I missed his face... that made him smile/laugh. Goal for this afternoon is to clean the house and bake some banana bread.

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The rest of the month, minus the 11th-14th. He's got engineers on it now, so the site is shut down until they figure it out. They're not making any money right now, but at least he knows that he is home to stay for tonight.


I just cleaned for 4 solid hours... right down to the window panes. Got groceries, did dishes, cleaned the stove and the elements, dusted, swept, vacumned, did the bathroom, sorted recycling and mail, put the snow tires into the shed....I'm so exhausted now. I'm trying to remember what I was going to be doing tonight--school wise--


I can't wait for spring. I bought exterior paint in this beautiful shade of teal and I am just dying to get out there and fix the exterior up. I'm hoping to get some paint for the front door as well (it's metal) in a matching colour. Alex and I need to sand and seal the deck, I really want to either paint the existing address numbers or buy shiny silver ones, and I would like to paint the outdoor lights (they look like lanterns but are faded black/silver) white or repaint them black. And of course, I want to work out in the garden. The lawn isn't even lawn anymore, it's a mix of moss and weeds I'm tempted to just rip it all out and plant grass.


I told Alex that when we are in the other city for the day I'd really like us to look for a piece of art that we can hang in the living room on the blank wall. For the interior of the house, it feels like that is the final piece of the puzzle. I hope we can find something we both love

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Aw, that sounds like so much fun to paint the exterior. It's going to look so fresh and clean.


It's a lot of work to rip out the old lawn. Plus, the best time to plant is the end of the summer so you'd be without a lawn for another summer. Is there any possibility of overseeding instead? How big is your back yard?


I've already started some of my sunflowers, vines and herbs indoors to be transplanted outside after the frost. Spring is technically in another 2 weeks but it sure feels like winter, hey?

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We just have a small front yard. it's a front/back duplex so the neighbour behind has a bigger back yard. What is overseeding? Just saying "screw it, I'll sprinkle grass seeds and hope it defeats the moss?"


Oh yes the exterior is going to look so fresh and bright and 'us'


It's starting to feel like spring here, so I think that's why I'm getting antsy. We could be in for another snowfall, but I doubt it. What kind of herbs are you growing?

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What is overseeding? Just saying "screw it, I'll sprinkle grass seeds and hope it defeats the moss?"


Yes. It worked well for my sister. We decided to lay sod instead because we were told sod was really cheap last summer around here. It only cost us about $120 for an average size back yard but I've never worked so hard in my life.


So far I'm just growing basil and parsley but want to plant a whole herb garden. Wish I had a kitchen window for that.

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Mmm basil!


I do have a kitchen window, but nothing is safe with Moe around. he's even been munching on the big recycling bags... He tends to leave the main kitchen window alone though, so maybe I could try to start some herbs.


Thanks for the tip. I will try overseeding and see what happens

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Forgot to log yesterday:



toasted bagel with marg

slice of watermelon



large coffee



ramen noodles



Roast chicken

beef tortellini with tomato/mushroom sauce

french style green beans (with marg.)



chocolate pudding cup

one vanilla sandwich cookie

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University is on strike starting Thursday. I'm feeling a bit relieved because I have 5 projects to do/finish by the end of the month and I could use a little extension. I'm fully in support of our faculty!! Don't think I'm going to class today. I am going to stay home and work on said projects instead, rethink my sources now that the profs are unavailable...




10 mins bike

20 mins elliptical



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I'm going to be lazy and just buy the pre-started plants from Rona. We're finishing the basement atm, so the last thing we need is to move plants around.


For the paint - check with your baw-lays, especially for a color like teal. Around here you aren't even allowed to have red brick with a green roof since that's considered 'ugly'.

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Good point! I don't think there would be a problem because it would just be the trim and posts, but I'll definitely check.


I had a nap :S somewhere in the middle of reading an article I dozed off and got sooo comfy. I'm really sleepy today. Just kind of trudging through assignment prep.

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Booo the media training orientation thingy was cancelled today Spent some time poking around a thrift store before coming home. Found a top I want to wear to dinner this weekend... it's a sheer navy blue peasant top, so cute on! I looked for cheapo wineglasses to smuggle into the hotel room, but didn't find anything. I'm scared to bring ours because they're expensive lol.


This strike has thrown me off kilter. I feel like maybe I can take a break, but then I worry about it only being a weekend-long strike or something so there'd be no excuse not to have things done... For my own benefit, I am going to list what I did today:



phoned possible sources for my second feature article-- no dice

read three research articles for assignment prep


devised a plot for my advertisement for media studies

went over my teacher's edits of a feature article and edited as necessary


I just feel like I didn't get anything done today...

delegated a story to a news contributor

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