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Weddings bring out a whole other side of men, it's so funny. On the tv shows and in the few real life weddings I've been to, the groom is always the one whose job is to "show up." I wonder how many men just listened to tradition about "it's a bride's day, etc..." but really wanted their own touches. I love so much that Alex will be one of those involved, enthusiastic grooms and that he is also dying for us to get married. I think this is the right path for us, to take our sweet time, even if families balk. We also had a talk about kids and concluded that we both have changed our stance on that to kids in the 30's. We're enjoying our 20's so much, all the freedom, fun, selfishness and I told him that I have NO desire for children right now, and neither does he. It is such a relief to not feel clucky, and I haven't for awhile. I want to finish school and we want to get married (obv) and go to Greece first. At least Greece, if not somewhere else as well.


Would you want this on your wall? link removed





I am looking for wall art, but not even sure where to start when it's online. It's that one touch that this house needs to stop feeling like a rental. Anddd I came accross that monstrosity. I would have nightmares, I'm sure.


I just read the letter from the previous owner of this house and now I'm all antsy for spring to come so I can create "her" dream garden. It's so funny because in the days after we first viewed the house, I was creating the exact same thing in my mind, and then upon reading her letter after moving in... I had to laugh. We are so similar. Too bad we never met. In the end it is going to have a courtyard feel, with wisteria and clematis growing on the trellis and vines growing up the fence. I can't remember what I planted already, but I hope that if I plant a wisteria in the spring, it will grow quickly. The letter is so nice. I always like to read it She talks about how her dad built the shed, how her brother built the trellis and finished the fencing. Our one woe about the trellis is that they painted it blue to match the fence. But oh well, it's going to be covered by flowers in a few years anyways Other than that, I am so grateful for all of the finishing touches she did, like the shelving system in the front hall closet, the nice waterpik showerhead which makes mornings soo much better.


Getting a gym membership tomorrow! Woop woop woop!! I had to promise Alex that I would keep going hahaha. Trust me, my jeans were so uncomfortable all day long yesterday. I do not like the way I feel right now and I miss the gym. I'll go.

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I don't think most men are very involved in wedding planning. There are definetly some, but usually the women is the one who is more involved in how she wants it to look. The guy will usually only have an opinion as far as price goes. The bad part is that when the women feels no desire to plan a wedding, no wedding happens - eugh crap


That is one bad decoration I will admit I'm sure the flowers will be better, even if it's all you put!

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Yeah, he said he was worried that an engagement could drag on for several years. I pointed out that in all of the instances we've personally experienced, it's because the guy didn't even want to get married, he was just doing it to please the girl. ( a few friends of ours were engaged for several years.) We both want to get married and once I focus on something, I follow through with it. Once I have the focus to actually plan, and he has the focus to plan, it will come together.


I'm trying to find him a gift for our anniversary-- a piece of art for the living room, but I want it to be his style... I was thinking about something by Davinci like sketches of machines, something techy... modern but not stuck up or nonsensical. I think I'm going to wind up on ebay.

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Do whatever you feel comfortable with. I'd probably be more eager to plan a wedding if I had actual spare time on my hands. The last thing I want to do after work and looking after the kids is to plan a wedding.

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It's not a company, it's a class. My grade depends on how well I did the position I was assigned/applied for and my teacher really has the wrong impression. I worked hard! Maybe I didn't do things exactly right, but there were no guidelines. I tried and I put plenty of time in. But now I am looking at everything and seeing that everything I did was changed by someone else in some way. Even the contributor biographies are being changed from what I had edited them to. Even worse though, the guy who announced to the whole class who was getting "demoted" is a friend/co-worker of mine. Why would he announce it and embarrass us like that?! "the people who we feel (he and the teacher) did not contribute or put enough effort in, etc..." will be simply listed as editorial assistants. I WAS second in command. He really should have just told us privately.


Then, I got to my car and had a parking ticket waiting for me. My student parking pass had fallen off the mirror onto my seat. FML. Definitely going to contest that ticket.

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I'm finally not mad anymore. That lasted awhile! I went to a thrift store and skulked around until I found myself a treasure-- a pretty hand-painted flower pot. Now my buddhist pine has a pretty home.


So Alex got the 11-14th off. That will be his only time off this month We're going to try to get away for a night or two. He's going to plan it because I did last year, and he wants to. I doubt I will have the 12th off, but I have the 13th off and if I skip Monday's classes then I have the 14th off as well. I don't really want to miss classes, but at the same time, I'm never really "present" anyways.


My essay is finally coming together. I'll just be glad to hand it in and get started on my research paper which to me is a waaay more interesting topic.

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OMG why is it that parking fines always get you on the worst possible days??????


BTW - I am soooo happy to hear that Alex has no issues with getting engaged now - isn't it funny that you went through all this grief over a misunderstanding!! But its very exciting that you've cleared it up - and its sweet he wants to pick the ring out for himself!


As for wedding planning - I think its good he's going to be involved. I didn't even ask my H if he wanted to be involved in ours. I told him the entire thing (except my dress) was going to be done jointly. Any time I spent on it would be time with him next to me and decisions had to be both of ours. Not because I'm an "equal opportunity bride" heheh - but because I don't enjoy planning big parties. So if I had to do it, he had to do it with me.

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Oh my Circe, I can't believe you read all of those pages


Sent my prof an email. Basically. I want to meet with you asap. No way am I accepting a crappy grade because I DID work hard. Tomorrow I go to contest the parking ticket. No one is going to keep me down.


I also have 2 shots of rum in me


Thank you for reading, and goodnight!

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Yes, have a goodnight - good move on contesting the demotion definitely - it sounds really clear (by what your friend/colleague said) that the prof has the wrong info or is acting on some misunderstanding and you absolutely have to get to the bottom of that.


Yay for rum

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Prof is in Costa Rica at a conference apparently, but I will be talking to her next week for sure. After I'm done with the paper today I am going to go contest the parking ticket LOL. I think after all that and my meeting with my directed studies prof, I am going to head to a store and see if I can't find a piece of art for the living room and get taxes done.

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I didn't because I was in the office with two guys LOL


So at this stage, I think a faculty strike is imminent. Our admin has yet to say how this is going to affect us, and what they are going to do to ensure the rest of the semester/ graduation for those who are nearly finished. I also found out that the program that Alex took was given only a quarter of the requested start-up costs and has now been suspended indefinitely. Makes me sad, but at the same time I am so glad that he took it when he did. If he had waited to go back to school, he wouldn't have had a program to take and he wouldn't have his job. In short, our lives would be very different.


I don't understand the rationale for a university to cut a green energy program when green jobs are so in demand and the industry is booming. Social Sciences are getting huge cuts, as are physics and engineering. At this point, it seems like it would make more sense for my university to become the school of how to come to Canada and get your MBA No cuts there of course. I'm getting really fed up with the university as a whole right now. I am glad for the union's president though, who is always willing to be honest and tell me what's going on. Today he told me that students should be worried. Oye.

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Okay. Today was day one of "get hot". I ended the unhealthy period in my life by having Whoppers for dinner. From now on, occassional treats only.


Breakfast: 1 steamed egg, 1 english muffin

Lunch- spinach, onion, mushroom salad with balsamic vin.

Egg salad sandwich (on white-- no brown available)

Snack- tiny portion of cherry cobbler, single serving pack of gouda cheese

Dinner- 2 whoppers


Workout: 1 hour bootcamp

Snack: bowl of ugli fruit

Water all day long


I signed up for a 12 month gym pass tonight as well and will be hitting the gym tomorrow evening, Saturday morning, and Sunday evening.

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I had to google what an ugli fruit was. At first I thought it was some kind of typo on 'ugly', but then I realized that word was really really hard to misspell.

Apparently i have no fruit education. My mom should have drilled me more with fruit flashcards. I didn't even know what a mango, passion fruit or a papaya was until I was 22.

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