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The diamond one is smaller as well. I guess I'm picky, it has to be just the right size. One thing I have learned is that you do not know if you like something until you see it on. Jewelry is just like clothing, it turns out. Just because something is pretty doesn't mean it's right for you.



Opened the blinds this morning "oh eff!! It snowed again! %$$#^!! Whyyyyyyy" LOL poor Java must think I'm crazy for yelling at the window.


No more snow. Heck no I won't go (anywhere). No more snow!


Still snowing actually. A lot. I guess the groundhog saw his shadow after all.

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Sooo Alex had said that he wasn't able to even leave town during March. His boss is going away on business and it's down to just him and Alex running the company. Today he told me that he was able to get the 11th-13th off because he is having a former employee keep an eye on the site. We were in tune or something today because I randomly asked for the 12-13th off from work The 13th is our anniversary, so I think he's planning something, a trip to a nearby city where our favourite Korean restaurant is, or something. MMm a night in a hotel with a jetted tub, wine, good food. Sounds like perfection to me! I said oh well I thought we couldn't afford to go away this year and he was just kind of like, well, maybe we'll feel like going somewhere after all. Should be fun, whatever we end up doing I'm just going to let him take care of it this year. I did last year and he did the year before that, so clearly we're in a pattern.

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I'm feeling better. Oh thank goodness for Alex. He wouldn't leave me alone until I laughed and smiled

I decided to just let things be. No more looking at rings, no more hints, just letting him take care of things the way he wants to. TBH I am sick to death of rings after just a few days! I want to be surprised.


A few minutes ago there was this loud crashing noise and the sound of a plate spinning. Alex was upstairs and I was in our bedroom so we were both like...what on earth was that?! Moe decided to jump down from the loft onto a kitchen cupboard again, and landed on a plate/fork weirdly. It was hanging off the counter. Glad it didn't break! Poor Moe broke though. At first we thought he was hiding because he was ashamed, but then I noticed that he was favouring his front right leg and limping. He can put weight on it, so we don't think it's anything serious, but he cries if I touch it and he doesn't seem very impressed with the situation. He's all curled up now and sleeping it off. Poor lil Moesey.

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Oh Bugger. I was going to show you a website I found but I guess I shouldn't if you have decided to leave the topic be for a while.. although to be honest you'd probably found the same website ..


It is annoying looking for something if you can't hit "add to card" though

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I FINALLY got some housecleaning done. Did a solid hour and a half of dishes, organized the junk drawer, swept. Work was much better today! My Mom came to visit which was nice. She fractured her elbow awhile back when she was skating, so she's been going a little bit stir crazy not being able to do her usual things. I don't think she misses work at all though. After 20 years, she hates her job and she's looking for something else until she can retire/semi-retire.


Alex decided that we should have a Mexican night, so when I got home he had made some taquitos and his amazingly delicious enchilada casserole. Oh so good. He's always sweet and thoughtful, but lately it's been ramped right up. He's cleaning without complaint, finally getting around to all of the little "man" chores around the house, etc... Dinner was ready right after I got home and he did 3 loads of laundry. I am loving this. There's so much love in our house. My favourite part of the day is when we just sit together and cuddle, usually with a cat on our laps. It's bliss.

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Argh some of my classmates really piss me off! I FINALLY didn't hold back what I really wanted to say. I don't care if they feel bad, or are sorry, they're being jerks. My life is not centered around this one class and some people need to learn the art of tact. You know how hard it is to narrow down a 200 word rambling to a 40 word biography about someone you've never even met? Do that 22 times. I did my best. Of course someone has to complain. *rant over*

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No actually I'm not done. This is what my journal is for. My thoughts. I'm not even going to apologize. I'm getting crapped on from all sides. My retail boss treats me like a moron. Despite the fact that Alex is working hard to get time off work so we can have a weekend away, I'm told that too many people have requested time off on March 12th too. So either the other girl gives up her requested day off, or Alex and I stay home so I can work a FOUR hour shift on that Saturday. I can have the 10th off for an info-session, and the 11th and 13th off, but the 12th... not likely. Today my boss even nitpicked which way I was hanging the clothes on the roll-rack. Well sorry, I've been on my own all day while you sat on your butt in the back and crunched numbers. I wanted to clear the debris and not leave a mess for the next girl. I also wanted to get the stock put out so you wouldn't have to deal with it that night. BTW, thanks for the "good job, thanks for working so hard." I did just fine helping customers, ringing in sales, etc... all day long without you, so I am perfectly competent to do my job without being constantly nitpicked at.


I have a pile of assignments to do by Wednesday, but my days are being eaten up by this stupid job. 6 days of 4-5 hour shifts... driving accross town, stopping on the way home to get groceries, and before I know it, it's 7-8 p.m. I am so stressed and I can't get this marriage stuff off my mind. Stop caring Sherry!! Focus! Don't read into every little silence after something nuptial related is mentioned. I am PMS'y, I want a day off. An actual day off, not a "oh yay, I don't have to leave the house and I have all day to do homework..." I mean a day OFF, in which I can do whatever I want. I want my sweetie to take me in his arms and say marry me, I love you, don't worry and for just a little while, the nitpicking by bosses, the snooty attitudes of classmates, the grumpy customers and the deadlines just WON'T matter. I need sleep.

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Oh I am so sorry - that sounds awful. I'm so sorry people aren't appreciating all the hard work you've been putting in and are just making life even harder for you for no real reason I really hope you get the time off so you guys can have the break you've been hoping for - and its a real shame it has to come at the expense of someone else not getting their day - but I hope you get yours. It sounds like you really need it and it's certain that you deserve it.


I think the fact that Alex is trying even harder to show you how much he loves you is a really great thing for your relationship - and a really good sign that you are going to get everything you want from him.. including all that stuff you are trying not to think about.


Gosh I really hope you get a real break soon 6 days a week at a job where you get micromanaged by this retail manager sounds - uurrrghhh. Thank god its not forever hey?

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Well I did 3/4 of an essay, assigned two articles to someone else, and have spent quite a bit of time browsing rings (can't stay away long). There are sooo many tacky rings out there, and dare I say, way too many halo/framed styles. I saw the ring I fell in love with on the hands of 5 other girls within a 3 hour period...turned me right off from it. I'd give my right hand for an asscher cut solitaire

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Ok - now that you are back onto this - have you checked this site out?


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I've been reading up a lot on this - on the difference between this and a naturally mined diamond - the difference seems not worth mentioning. They make these diamonds by replicating the natural process by which diamonds are made - but upping the pressure x 100 so instead of taking 100 years for the diamond to form, it forms more quickly. Their technology sounds fantastic. The stone is meant to last just as long as a diamond and the properties seem to be the same. There's a lot of information on this site as to how their diamonds compare to the best quality "natural diamonds" out there. It would take a gemologist examining your diamond under a microscope to be able to tell it wasn't "naturally mined" - a jeweller wouldnt be able to tell by just looking at it without scientifically testing it.


They have heaps of great designs and they are sooooooooooo much more affordable.. AND you can get a message inscribed inside the diamond (that will never be visible to the eye - but you'll know its there - and they send you a magnified photo of it) that previously only stores like Tiffanys did for their diamonds - for an extra $100 I think. This site just seems so awesome to me.

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