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I am full of fried chicken and shiraz.


Oh yummm.. I was really tempted to get a bottle on the way home today. I thought it would be the perfect thing to warm me up. But drinking at home (and by myself) is really not a good habit for me to start so I refrained

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Woke up this morning and looked around me: clutterville! I need to get rid of some of this crap and get some pictures on the walls. I still have a box of picture frames upstairs that has been sitting there since moving day.


On another note, woke up to hear a bit of a commotion. Upstairs is a loft and we have storage in the eaves. The doors aren't locked or anything, they just swing open and closed (another project for Mr. Alex). I heard all this banging and meowing and went upstairs, but it was totally quiet up there. I checked the front screen door to see if he was opening and closing that, but no one was there! It sounded like a person was up there though, minus the meowing. I checked the door behind the guest bed and sure enough, there's a very upset Moe. Somehow, he still managed to squeeze in. Of course, he couldn't get out LOL. For a minute there, I thought I was being robbed! Meanwhile, Java is just sitting on the couch upstairs, snickering at Moe

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Okay I'm sorry for all the ring talk. You guys must think I'm so materialistic! So I got my nails done today and I had some errands to run (new Moe collar, order a tag, look for a job) and my ulterior motive was to check out People's jewelers. I must have spent about an hour in there and compared to the "service" I'd had thus far, the girls were wonderful! They had me trying on this, that, and the other thing, and I even looked at wedding rings for Alex (so exciting!!).


Well OG, I remember you saying that you had always thought that you were a marquise girl, and now you love your round stone, well I've always been a round stone girl, but I fell hopelessly in love with a princess cut. I still can't believe it.


Most of the rings they had me try on were just too flashy, too blingy, or too boring, and the girl had me try on a framed princess diamond with little diamonds going down the band, and it absolutely stunned me how much I loved it. I could hardly bear to part with it and she kept giving it back to me and watching my reaction. The service there was just so great. They wrote down all of the likes, and she made a list for Alex of what I was drawn to, sizes (nothing over a half ct), NO hearts, etc... and starred the one that I love best. She even wrote (this is the one) beside it.


Well anyways, I am still grinning like a fool because it was such a great experience and I felt the same way when I put this ring on that I did when I first saw Alex (in a different context of course). Paired with a skinny diamond band it was just amazing. I love how the wedding band looks by itself as well. So elegant and classy. Ramble ramble. Again, I'm sorry.


ANYWAYS, Alex came home not long after I got home and he knew something was up, so I asked him if it upsets him or bugs him that I am looking at rings. He said no, not at all, so I explained how I spent my time today and told him things like I discovered I hated big diamonds, how that aquamarine ring is just too blingy for me, etc... it's gorgeous, but if I wanted to wear red nail polish or something,I would hate the way it looked with the colour. So we had a nice talk about it, and we're going to continue to save up. I think the goal is to get my tax return done, pay the mortgage and bills, and then see where we're at. I don't understand how a piece of jewelry could make me so excited!

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I love ring talk!


I like Princess cut - but I have this thing for square things. lol. It's odd. You really don't know what 'your' ring style is until you start shopping - why I always thought I was a marquise cut girl - and I remember trying on a round stone in a store to see how it looked and l.o.v.e.d it. I'm so happy you found one!!!


And see, Alex doesn't think you are crazy looking at rings, lol.

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No way, it makes you this excited because its synonymous with getting engaged and married and that's what you are really excited about - I think it's awesome! And I'm glad you can share all this with Alex.


But it's funny - taste does change. When my H first pointed to the ring he saw when we went to find a ring and said "what about this one?!?!" (all excited) I thought "are you kidding me?" (it was this maaaassssive white gold flower - on a ring - with a little diamond in the centre) - when the one I went with was just - very plain - just a diamond and a tiny band - but now I kinda wish we'd gone with the big flower because I've really gone off the idea of wearing my very traditional ring and I think a massive flower would be cool (in a kind of humerous/fun/so-him way).


I think the whole "upgrading" or changing e-rings every now and then is a good idea. I really don't want to wear the same jewelry forever unless I have to. I feel I "have" to with the wedding ring - esp since he made it with his own hands - but I'd rather not with the e-ring. :S

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We are upgrading my e ring - and our wedding band set - in the next few years. Our wedding band set is Sterling Silver I believe, and we both want White Gold. CS's family has a wedding ring that has been through about five or six generations I believe, it's the man's ring. Each new male has the top shaved off and his initials put on them. CS has it - as he's the only male - but it's gold and CS and I both hate gold jewelry. So that ring will be passed down to our 1st son and his 1st wedding band - the sterling silver one - will go to our 2nd son. My e-ring now will go to our 1st daughter. She may never wear it but it'll be there to say 'this was grand's first e-ring'.

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Yeah.. I have my grandfather's wedding band. The fact that it was his makes it very special. It sits in my jewelry box. Bright yellow gold. (My grandparents lived with us while I was growing up and I was verrry close to my grandfather. He died just before I turned 21..)

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That's so nice about the men's band and the grandfather's wedding band! Anything with sentimental value is immediately priceless to me.


My family doesn't have anything like that, and I'm okay with that. I did have a ring that was given to my mom on her 12th birthday (our girls' family tradition) I lost the one I was given and was SO sad. When my mom cleaned out her jewelry box, she gave me her 12th birthday ring, a garnet surrounded by tiny diamonds--kind of a snowflake/flower shape with a thin, wavy band. I absolutely loved it. My ex did something with it and I miss it. I think he pawned it. A classmate of mine has almost the exact same ring and it makes me very jealous that she still has hers haha.


The ring I miss most though is the right hand ring I bought for myself after I left my ex. I bought it to remind myself that I'm strong, etc... I loved it so much and I lost it at work. I wish wish wish I could find another like it. It was a thick white/yellow gold band with a leaf motif, and 13 tiny diamonds... so detailed and gorgeous. Urgh! I have a bad track record, which is why I am going to make sure the warranty and insurance is ironclad, and the ring isn't overly expensive. Playing golf (very drunkenly) one summer, I lost a gemstone ring that Alex had given to me for a birthday. We never bothered replacing it. I didn't *love* it like I loved the others, so I don't feel that loss, but my right hand ring, I miss it everyday. I replaced it with a $10 silver filigree ring, and ironically, I haven't lost it once!


I can't see myself wanting to upgrade an e-ring. I really love the idea of picking out the ring you'll wear forever. The story behind it, the memories behind it. On another note, I am REALLY surprised that I no longer want a plain wedding band. I absolutely love the thin diamond bands. Sooo gorgeous. I also used to love yellow gold and now I can't stand it. I have changed a LOT in the last few years. I'm right where I'm supposed to be at this point. Having a career would be nice, but that will come with some more time and learnin'!

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I'd have something engraved on Alex's. I have too many nicknames, but I'm sure something small could be engraved. I'm pretty sure that he would just go for a plain band, definitely no diamonds or anything. I looked just for the fun of it, but it'll likely be awhile before we need to actually pick one out. He won't be able to wear his ring much anyways, which I hate, but it's better than him getting caught in some machine obv.


The girls at the jewelry store said that for a first anniversary, a lot of women get a matching band to sandwich the engagement ring. Pretty sure that's a jewelry industry thing A first wedding anniversary is no big feat--- a 20th, yes. I believe that you have got to EARN your treats. I love that you like to talk about jewelry. I wasn't sure because you were so quiet about your lovely piece

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When we upgrade our wedding bands we will have them engraved.. the sterling silver ones just aren't worth getting engraved since we will only have them for a few years.


I agree, you def. have to earn treats. I don't even like waering my e ring on the outside of my wedding band - away from my body - becaue it just looks weird. I LOVE jewlery. I can't wait for CS to get me necklaces and stuff for anniversaries. Was I quiet about mine?

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You kind of were. Did you pick it out together?


I love jewelry too, but Alex has been smart about not giving me jewelry for every occasion (necklace for first anni, ring for my 22nd or 23rd birthday) I'm getting old, I'm getting birthdays mixed up For the past few years he has said no to any more rings pretty much, because he doesn't see the point in buying the $200 rings when that money could go towards one dream ring that I will really cherish and towards weekend getaways for making memories. That and he is practical. I love/hate that.

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Really? Huh. We did. This is the ring we want to upgrade me to in a few years, that was the first ring picture CS ever sent me and I fell IN LOVE wiht it.

image removed


And this is the one I have now. I love it but the band quality isn't the best - sterling silver - and this one ^ is white gold, much better. But we did pick this one out together as well.

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It IS lovely.. but you thought the aquarmarine was too much bling and this one is very similar except diamond instead of aquamarine - and square cut instead of circle - so if the first was too much bling wont this be the same? (but dont mind me - too much wine tonight)

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