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He checked the movies when he was out and there is absolutely nothing of interest playing, so we stayed in and watched Percy and the Lightning Thief. It was really good, and I'm glad we stayed in. The rest of the week will be very social, so this is relaxing. He won't let me do anything, brought me drinks, dinner, ice for my foot. Really nice to be waited on hand and foot


I wonder what CS is up to...


Oh btw Alex sends hugs too. I told him what happened. It started with "so yeah I'm a dork but I have this online friend..." LOL Now he knows that when I'm journalling I'm mostly just gossiping. Oops.

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Oh btw Alex sends hugs too. I told him what happened. It started with "so yeah I'm a dork but I have this online friend..." LOL Now he knows that when I'm journalling I'm mostly just gossiping. Oops.


My H says the same.. while I was explaining why I didn't come to bed till 2am last night Hope the surprise CS has is a good one..


Alex is cooking dinner - that is soo sweet! I don't think my H could cook anything but cheese on toast

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He can definitely cook when he wants to. I've taught him a few things over the years. Some of my favourite memories are of us making meals together... Tonight he didn't cook though, he just bought things that needed to be heated through, but he got all of the guilty foods that he knows I love, even the crunchy kind of cheezies. Bonus: There are barely any dishes.

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I bought a spa sampler package awhile back and I just made two out of five appointments. Yay! One is for a manicure for myself next week and the other is for a 30 min couple's massage the day before our anniversary (they're closed on Sundays.) I think he'll really like getting a proper massage after a long week of work.

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I have no idea where the last week went, but I am scrambling to get the next issue of the paper together. My contributors are slowly emailing their pieces in, so I've got to edit those, and I need to do an interview or two for my article. I'm very grateful that I only have to write one article this time around


Feeling lazy though, and watching the kitties sleep the day away is not helping

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Poor Moe. Such a wimp. I was trying to cut a mat out of his fur. He gets super matted-- the joys of a long-haired cat. He gets so upset! I held him to try and calm him down and he hissed at me! I couldn't believe it. I ended up getting two mats out and he has devoured a variety of treats. I hope he forgets that he hates me right now

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Alex had a super long day at work. He leaves the house at about 7:30 am and he still wasn't home at 5:30...so I got worried and called. Everything was fine, they just had a lot to do. So I made a big dinner for him and fixed him a drink for when he got home. Felt like a total 50's housewife but it made him so happy when he finally got home at 7 pm. He thanked me over and over for being such an awesome person to him

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Poor Moe. Such a wimp. I was trying to cut a mat out of his fur. He gets super matted-- the joys of a long-haired cat. He gets so upset! I held him to try and calm him down and he hissed at me! I couldn't believe it. I ended up getting two mats out and he has devoured a variety of treats. I hope he forgets that he hates me right now


Jasper was lying next to me and I leaned over to get something and apparently I leaned too much on him and he made this squeaky noise. I felt so bad.

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It's heartbreaking! That squeaky noise is the worst...


apparently he ditched his collar at some point. I'm wondering if I should bother getting another collar and tag for him. He doesn't seem to wander too far.


I was trying to read for class tomorrow and I was laying on the couch. I guess Java was bored because she kept coming up and meowing at me, looking at me with her big bug eyes.

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I know! I'm like 'how does that little noise come out of a fat cat like that?' lol


Jasper loathes collars. He never goes outside so no need but even flea collars to prevent them, he will bite until it falls off.


I hate when they do that. It's like looking at you and going 'why am I not getting attention?!' and they just go 'meow'. CS can always hear Jasper meowing on the webcam.

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I'm scared that if he got lost or hurt, no one would know where his people are...because the tag in his ear is licensed to alex's dad in another city.


Faculty at my uni are talking about a strike. Oh I hope not! It's not like high school where if faculty strike it's a vacation... it would mean a longer school year and a whole big mess. My prof talked about it for an hour this morning and then I went to a 2 hour budget meeting. On the bright side, I have an interesting lead story!

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What a laid-back day. I didn't even leave the house. I did some great yoga, and my foot's not hurting today *knock on wood*. I also made my to-do list for the week. Plenty of projects and papers to start/complete. Oh how I wish I were going somewhere tropical this week, but good things come to those who wait. I've been so good about finances. All week, I've spent maybe $50, and $27 of that was on these tooth whitening strips. I've used them for two days now and they seem to be working although my teeth feel markedly more sensitive.


Watching Javvie sleeping is so soothing. Her head is all smushed into the couch and the one foot I can see keeps twitching as she flicks her whiskers and lolls her head around. Must be hunting I'm the biggest cat nerd/pet nerd ever. I still miss my first guinea pig sometimes. He really was the coolest.

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Beach in Oct? Would it be mainly for the views or is it still kind of warm that time of year?


You know, it's weird. I can picture being "bethrothed" and being married, but I cannot picture any kind of actual wedding. I've never been able to picture my wedding like some girls can.


LOL Jasper sounds so cute. Bed hogger cats...gotta love 'em. Moe somehow let himself outside this morning?? while I was taking out the trash and he immediately morphed into hunter/speed racer, tearing it up all over the neighbourhood. No wonder he comes home sooo tired.


Uh oh, it looks like a faculty strike may actually happen...deadline has been set for March 4. I've got to make some calls today.

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It's usually still warm that time of year (might be a little Fallish) but summers hold long down here). But yeah, it would mostly be for attractions and just BEING at the beach. I haven't been in almost two years.


I thought I could picture mine but it's changed so much from what I had invisioned as a little girl, but in a good way.


Jasper does that running through the hosue... it sounds like a herd of elephants!

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