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I'm going to try and shadow a PR agent here in town and find out a bit more about it, what training is needed, etc... it couldn't possibly just be a cert.. I doubt that, but you never know.


It really hurt this morning. Walking uphill is less painful than walking downhill. Weird! It's definitely still sore, but a little less so.

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Yup, 6 times. Alex called her tonight while I was out for sushi with girlfriends. The original plan was to go for all you can eat, but we got there and the restaurant was shut down (renovating) so we went to a take out style place and got 2 rolls each and had a smorgasbord. MMMM.


I'm enjoying this free afternoon/night sooo much!

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somehow I started looking at wedding dresses online and thinking about what might suit me. In the process, I came up with an article idea for my features class, so not a total waste of time. I would love to have very light blue involved, not just a sash or the trim, but perhaps a large part of the dress. I know I want lace in the form of a lace overlay over an A line skirt, a V neck with thick straps, or 3/4 length sleeves. My mom made my barbie doll a wedding dress when I was little and it's a satin dress with lace overlay, but only around the back and halfway around the front, so something like that with light blue maybe with white lace over top and either sleeveless or 3/4 sleeves. I think it would be really special if I could have that replicated. The hard part would be getting blue, but I would have the minister explain the significance of blue-- "married in blue, you will always be true", how blue was the most popular dress colour until Queen Victoria started a trend for white wedding dresses around 1840. I find the history of it all very interesting and for my next assignment, I plan to talk to local boutiques about any changes in trends they've noticed, and whether coloured dresses are coming back into fashion.

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I know a few Brides that wore a colored dress (one even had a complete light blue dress). I know this year the trend is colored shoes (mine are these red satin heels I have that I never wear). I will say before I got engaged I thought I had my dream wedding dress in my head (remember that yellow dress Belle wore in Beauty and the Beast? That.) and then as I got to trying dresses on I was like ehhhhhh... and my taste changed. I didn't want the flowy princess style dress, I wanted something casual and flowy.

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I've always secretly desired an aquamarine something (ring, earrings, whatnot) as a gift. I bought jewelry for myself a couple of times, but it isn't the same. There's no meaning behind it.


I really should have gotten up earlier today and worked out. I know I need to, I just don't seem to have the motivation. I'm thisclose to signing up for a membership at the gym. My foot is still hurting so yoga is probably going to be either a good or bad thing tonight, and I'm hoping that it will be feeling a lot better by Weds night for fitness class.

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Arghhh. This news job is SO frustrating right now. People are so goddamn whiny. Had to reject 2 articles and I've caught heat from both. One was a girl that I was beginning to become friends with-- but after her reaction, I have serious doubts. She immediately lapsed into "woe is me." The second was an article from two brazilian students. I said, only if you have time. Their response was to spend an entire Sunday formulating an article that has no real relevance to the university or the city as a whole. It was unusable. Yes, I could have gotten back to them quicker, I admit. I was holding out hope that I could fix it. No, I definitely couldn't. I wasn't expecting that at all because the wife said she is a journalist back home, or that she studied it. Can't remember. So anyways, the wife has sent an angry letter to every single member of staff. What is with people? Whatever happen to mature reactions? I worked my butt off for my first couple of articles as a contributor, and they weren't printed until issues later. I never got butt-hurt about it. I just understood that it was a timeliness thing and that sometimes, the quality isn't up to snuff. Great way to start the day, reading an angry email.

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My ex always gave me blue topaz jewlery (December's birth stone). I know what you mean by it's not the same if there is no meaning behind it. I told CS I wouldn't mind if he always got me ameythst jewelry, especially since we are marrying in Feb. now as well.


Some people have no manners. I mean, as a writer I can understand not wanting to hear what you write isn't good (or useable) but come on... constructive critism....

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Wow - I can't believe they wrote a letter of complaint! What?? Urgh. Turning people down for article submissions sounds similar to failing them. Horriblw akward experience and you really do not want to deal with reactions afterwards. I sympathise because obviously they put a lot of effort in and get their hopes high and expectaions up and its quite crushing to be rejected but there's nooooo reason to take it out on people who are just trying to do their job and make the difficult calls.

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I think it is fairly similar. Definitely awkward.


I asked a girl who I KNOW can write well to pick up the slack and she said bring it on. So very glad for that!


The day got better. Alex came home for lunch in his I'vebeenintheofficebymyselfallmorningandI'mbored!! mood, so that was fun haha. Then I bought a gift for a classmate who is having a baby on Thursday!! Went and bought my textbooks, went to class and sorted out contributor bios while everyone else argued about order and placement of the written work and photos. After that I picked up some newspapers from a girl in my class who very generously donated them to me for my clippings assignment for Media Studies. I now have a giant stack of newspapers, including ones I've bought but haven't read yet.

Bacon pizza is in the oven, then time for yoga, then a long night of reading for class tomorrow.


I don't know why Alex is humming the song "if you're happy and you know it..." but at one point, right after the verse, the oven beeped twice, right on cue with the part where you actually would clap your hands. We were both like "woah...that was perfect timing!" hahaha too funny.

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Going to seriously hurt tomorrow. Picked up a rate sheet for the gym. I really want to sign up for an 18 month contract. I'm supposed to have lunch with a friend tomorrow, but she went and scheduled something for 1 pm. My meeting doesn't even start till 11:30, so it sounds like as long as I'm out by noon, we have 45 minutes. Not very relaxing imo but oh well.

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I asked a girl who I KNOW can write well to pick up the slack and she said bring it on. So very glad for that!


That is so the right attitude to have. There was one time last year when one student in my grad class complained about my teaching style to the course convenor - who then felt like he had to have a talk with me about it. So I could have gone on the defensive and pointed to all the positive feedback I've gotten from others in the same class and gone on about how you can't please everybody - but then I just come off looking defensive and make an awkward conversation even more difficult for the convenor. Besides, I really do appreciate all feedback including the negative (even though that's harder to hear). So I listened carefully and worked in some changes immediately - which makes a great impression on everybody and I know the convenor really appreciates how easy it was to discuss this stuff with me and that I was able to be immediately responsive to the comment.


There's no sense in annoying the people who have a say in your future with bad attitude or not taking on constructive criticism. Even the pros can benefit from constructive criticism.

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Yeah 18 mos is $33 per month. I know Alex isn't happy about the thought of me taking out a membership, but I need to do this for me, and I hope he sees that eventually. In the grand scheme of life, it's a drop in the bucket.



I had a meeting for my directed study yesterday and I hear you on the negative feedback. Some of it was a bit hard to swallow and I hope I didn't get defensive. A lot of it was very useful though, and going forward I will be making some small but important changes.

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Stayed in bed so long this morning. It's just so comfy. Went to the staff meeting and then zipped out so I could meet a friend for lunch. Huevos rancheros...mmm. I'm sitting here debating whether or not I should eat the leftovers. I want to do some yoga so I better not...will be too stuffed. It's 2 pm and I am just now getting started on my to-do list for today. Yikes! Hopefully I don't work today and I can go to salsa later tonight

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on my facebook I saw that the girl who just broke up with her fiance is posting new pictures of her with all of these other guys. I asked Alex if she was "promiscuous" and he was like, oh definitely. Told me the story of why she and the fiance broke up and explained that she is the same girl who has been playing guys for years. It dawned on me that she is the girl who blatantly hit on Alex while we were at the grocery store a couple of years ago... she completed ignored me and flirted with him even AS he was shopping for dinner with me/going home with me. When he finally got rid of her, I was like, I really don't like that girl! I get bad vibes from her. That was totally disrespectful He agreed and said he doesn't like her much either because no one can trust her haha. I found it a bit sad that maybe a couple of weeks after breaking off an engagement, she is plastering photos of other guys all over her FB. That must really sting for the ex.

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Oh I had a waitress like that once. We were in a resturant and our waitress came up and CS opened his mouth and I swear, you could just see her eyes light up when she heard his accent. I told him he had to watch out for that here... well we were mid conversation (sitting beside each other) when she plops down opposite him, completely interrupts our conversation, grabs him arm (he has wrist tattos) and goes 'Oh my God! what does this mean?'




Could have smacked a witch. Luckily she got called off at that moment. Some women just do not have respect for boundaries.

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I hate women like that. I do over-exaggerate the jealousy though, because I know it's flattering to him.


Alex and I had a talk about money tonight. I absolutely suck at not spending. In the moment, I rationalize. No more. No more coffee/muffin runs, no more random purchases, just no more. I mean, now I definitely cannot get a gym membership, we won't be able to go on a trip, and we are further than ever from getting married. It's all so depressing and it's all my fault. Stupid school costing so much. Stupid impulse buys. Stupid ME.


He finally just said that I'm going to have to watch my spending and since our goal is to get engaged then we can work together on that. (he won't spend under $1000 on a ring.) I could insist that it doesn't matter, but we both know that it does matter to get something of good quality and something beautiful--because I love jewelry, and I've been waiting my whole life for this one amazing piece of jewelry. That's alright with me because I said that I hate that through our whole relationship it's been us, and ours, and making plans together, but when it comes to taking things to the next level, I've been stuck waiting for him, not knowing, and it sucks!


So he said we'll save up, forget vacations (getting married is obviously WAY more important--there's always a honeymoon.) and one day, a big chunk will be gone from the bank account, and I'll know that a proposal is on the way. Not the traditional way, but we're not traditional so I feel a lot better about that aspect of things. I feel good knowing that I have some control over this after all, and it feels good that he really heard me on that. I told him that I was tired of being told to be patient, that I've been patient for years. I'm super depressed that there's no vacation in the future, but maybe we can still do our road trip this summer... He did say when we bought the house that there would be no vacations for awhile, despite my desire to travel. I wasn't emotionally ready to buy a house and a big part of me wishes that we hadn't, but here we are and there is no going back. It's a lovely house and we're lucky to have it, I just know now that I wasn't ready. I don't feel as though I deserve it.


What are your guys' opinions on saving up together for a ring (not having a ring isn't even an option to this guy) do you think this nullifies all other proposal tradition, eg. him picking out the ring, etc...? I'm curious.

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