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I've really been thinking about taking a break from school, but I don't want it to turn into a big old break and I never go back... I'm pretty sure that a year working in a silly job would be a good plan for me right now. I'm just feeling really burnt out. I've been at it for 4 years and still have nearly 2 left to go. What I'd really like is to quit being a poor student, make some money to contribute to the household. I'm just so unsure about where I'm going right now. I'm really thinking about exploring other career options often these days.

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It's impossible to eat meals at a regular time when you work random shifts... dinner is at 8 tonight. Yesterday it was at 6:30. Lunch today was at 3 because that's when I got my break. I had a fun day at work, and now I feel tired. I think I'll feel better after I eat something. I'm disappointed because I bought a Transformers video game for Alex on a whim and he told me how much he appreciates the thought and all, but he's played that one before, and it wasn't very good. Well poo. Now I have two things to return the next time I'm at the mall.


Bug. It is dissappointing when you get it wrong, isn't it? I got brown leather shoes for my H for x-mas (thinking he doesn't have any in brown) and there wasn't much of a selection but I got the best looking ones there. I saw as soon as he opened them that he didn't quite like them although he was saying all the right things "oh wow - brown shoes, I need brown shoes.. this is great quality leather etc) - but I could just tell by his face that something was off about them. Anyway so I finally got him to tell me that he doesn't usually like shoes that are rounded at the toes - he likes more of a point.


So I totally see that.. the rounded ones look a little like school-boy shoes. So I returned those and when we went down to another city for his birthday - we got better brown shoes (much more selection there).


So you of course want them to be honest but it is a bit disappointing when you get it wrong ..

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I've really been thinking about taking a break from school, but I don't want it to turn into a big old break and I never go back... I'm pretty sure that a year working in a silly job would be a good plan for me right now. I'm just feeling really burnt out. I've been at it for 4 years and still have nearly 2 left to go. What I'd really like is to quit being a poor student, make some money to contribute to the household. I'm just so unsure about where I'm going right now. I'm really thinking about exploring other career options often these days.


You can always talk to a recruiting firm or something about what would be available if you did do that. I totally relate to the feeling of just wanting to make some money. I'm finding it hard to adjust from making the same or more money than my peers were while I was a full-time student the first time round, with a really great part time job - to making a proper, good full time wage for 5 years.. just like my peers.. and now going to making practically nothing. And to think there are so many more years left to go until that changes. It's not a great feeling. But I think it will be worth it in the grand scheme of things. It's really important to have a career that you are happy with, much of the time. And one that suits you as a person.


Is it possible you could be feeling this way because you know the study is a barrier to stuff like marriage and kids?

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Yeah, silly, right? What I didn't say was how if I took some time off to make some money, we could probably have a little wedding. But I dunno. I talked to Alex about it as we were going to sleep, he said that he's glad I'm in school and he understands that I can't contribute much financially right now, and that's what he's here for, and when I'm done, I'll be able to contribute too. But, I can't shake the feeling that nothing is going to come of this degree, it's going to lead to more schooling, and more delaying starting the rest of our lives. I feel like I'm going a bit crazy and selling myself short. I know I'd be an awesome journalist, I just don't feel so smart these days, and my options for where to work are quite limited, so that worries me. I know everything works out as it should, so I shouldn't worry too much, but I can't help but feel a bit anxious about where this degree will actually take me.

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A lot of it stems from a friend who finished her psych degree (with distinction) last summer. No jobs.


Any form of writing is fine by me, technical writing is something that intrigues me.


It's also who I am, I'm a quitter (sorry to say) When things get tough, I get going. I never stayed with one sport in school, I have written off a lot of career options because of my fear of math.


I'm studying hard for this exam though. I CAN do this. The course is just in a completely different format than what I'm used to.

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Sure, but then I'd be in school even longer and I don't want to do that. I just want to be doooooonnneee so I can get a job or advance my education.



Today was a mildly successful study day. They didn't need me at work, so I took advantage and stayed in my pajamas and worked through the potential exam q's until about 7 pm. (it's one of those fun in-depth essay exams) I have one question left. I probably should have just finished tonight, but when the guys came over I got all distracted and unfocused and wound up watching teen mom and reading celeb gossip.

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oh they got pregnant with twins a month after they started dating, but she is SUCH a good mom and so mature (after her initial stumbling) and he is an amazing guy, such a good dad, loves her, it's nice to watch. The rest is drama rama.



I ate way too much junk food today. I feel a little sick. The day started well enough with veggie stir-fry, then I ate some candies, then snacked on leftover ravioli, then alex brought cheezies and oreos as study snacks, the guys came over and brought chocolate chip cookies and I had two of those. Too much sugar. Blargh.

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I can tell I completely over-ate last night because I haven't even really gotten hungry. I had a veggie stir fry for lunch but I wasn't even really hungry...just peckish. Going to a birthday dinner tonight (mmm organic chicken) and I think I am going to pass on the cake and ice cream.


I had to tell a classmate of mine that we didn't accept her article for this issue of the paper. We don't normally turn down submissions from students, but the copyediting team refused to include it. I tried to be gentle, but she is really emotionally fragile and her pieces were also just rejected from the literary mag we're working on. I feel bad. It never feels good to be rejected. I hope she takes it okay.


I officially decided today that if don't get the associate editor job for next year, then I will not be going back-- I'd rather focus on my classes-- and if I do get it, it will be my last year on staff. I think two years of experience with different sections is enough. I'm competing for the position with a friend, so while I'd like to get it, I'd be happy for him if he gets it. I'm slowly realizing that I take on too much sometimes, and I've got to let some things go. If I can only stomach 3 courses a semester, so be it. Some people can take several, while others can't handle such a course-load.


Have an hour to do a bit of studying until it's time to go. Last night when the guys were over, Alex said that we should take two cars there so I can go home earlier if I want to study more. I balked at that, because the last few times he's driven when we go to my friends (if I want to have a drink,) he wants to leave earlier and I HAVE to go with him (I'm mostly over the whole "crashing" at other peoples' places thing.) So, I got a bit indignant and the guys instead offered to come over to our place so we can all watch movies here, and then they can all have as much time as they want together and I can study and then hang out. I thought that was really nice of them to do. It would be a total waste of gas to take two cars imo.

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Something just happened... you know when you stumble on something and it really resonates with you? Well I stumbled on a website for another college in my province and landed on the Public Relations program. I saw journalism mentioned and I got curious, so I started reading. The more I read, the more I thought "that's me, that's what I like to do, that's what I enjoy most about journalism." Now I think my main issue for the last while has been that I know there isn't much of a future in journalism as a whole, and I don't want to be a reporter. I think I've known that for awhile, but wouldn't admit it to myself. There's got to be a reason why all of the veteran reporters I worked with this summer were like, "get the hell out while you can. You do NOT want to be a journalist!"


Something clicked and I checked out the program, very appealing! At this particular school, it's nine weeks, five days a week and undergrads or those with BAs can take the course. So for the past little bit I've been reading about PR and I don't know how else to explain it except I got really excited, and this sounds really promising to me!


I would still be able to write, meet new people, form connections, all the good stuff that comes with journalism, minus the complete lack of jobs anywhere in my area and terrible pay. Everyone needs a PR agent. I checked a job searching site for my province- Journalism- 5 jobs, PR- over 100 jobs.


I went upstairs and told Alex all about what I'd just discovered and he's encouraging me to go for it. They offer it all year round pretty much, and I would just miss one semester if I got in and chose to go before I have my BA. Or, I could wait until after I have my BA, but I'd rather go before then, shake things up, maybe even get a job upon returning and work on my BA part time. If I got a good job with that training, then I could finish my BA and work at the same time. PR jobs even pay well. Hmmm something about this feels right.

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Oh my...Alex's mom got back from Mexico either yesterday or the day before and has since called us SIX times while we were out. No emergency or anything, just the usual. She's left at least 6 messages on the machine, the last few were angry. We've been out, or when we're not out, I'm studying or working and Alex is working. We have our own lives. Be patient! SO demanding. Frightening.


My foot hurts! I don't know what has happened but it started last night at this birthday dinner. I noticed I couldn't put weight on it. When I was heading to bed, I noticed that it was still hurting, and it was still hard to put weight on it. I have no idea what could have happened, but this morning it's sore all on its own...

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Well I'll be darned... changing the oil does help a car run better. I guess I waited a bit too long. Car is running much smoother now, and seems a lot happier. I have an afternoon free (woot!) so Alex and I took the car in (so I didn't get gypped like last time) and went to the mall to return some stuff. He decided to just return the video game and wait for this new one to come out, and I took a t-shirt back to Aeropostale. I was sad because there was only S-M left for the same tees, and I was about to just buy a M one, when I saw this wallet in a 50% off bin at the till. Wallets for me are one of those things that are really tough to find. I checked this one out. $5? OK. Then the girl processes the exchange and gives me money back (from a $4.50 t-shirt hehehe) because apparently it was another 50% off from the last price. So, total win there. a new wallet just like what I've been looking for, for $2.50.


It's so windy here that my car was blowing all over the road and it sounds like the house is going to blow over!

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