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I love Anthony Hopkins. I'll have to watch it when it comes on Netflix, CS doesn't do horror movies.


Jasper is doing his PCP cat inpersonation right now. He's running through the house at full speed (which sounds like a herd of elephants because of his weight) and he'll run into my room, stop dead, look at me, then run back through the house and repeat the process. I think he fund some cat nip some where...

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they've both been scratching the couches lately, so I bought an emery cat for them. All they've done with it so far is break the toy and lick up the catnip left on the surface. Moe's lying on the ground and grabbing at his tail with his "hands" so he can wash it and Java is completely spaced out now.

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they've both been scratching the couches lately, so I bought an emery cat for them. All they've done with it so far is break the toy and lick up the catnip left on the surface. Moe's lying on the ground and grabbing at his tail with his "hands" so he can wash it and Java is completely spaced out now.


Yea, thats one reason I'm not a cat person... don't like claws.

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Haha that was fun. We ever got Alex dancing and we were playing mini games with the kinect. That machine is pretty cool. I was going to make Alex's lunch tomorrow to discourage him from getting more fast food, and I couldn't find the sandwich meat I bought today anywhere! Alex put the groceries away and said he didn't see any ham. I even checked my trunk. Nope. Finally I checked the pile of grocery bags on the counter...there was the ham, in a bag. Gross. I'm wondering if it can be saved. It was out for a few hours...

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I must have needed to be lazy. I laid in bed until noon, flanked by two snoring/purring kitties. At one point I rolled over and put my glasses on, but decided that bed was way too comfy. Then Alex came home and put his collllld hands all over me. I got out of bed when he made lunch hahaha. I do have to leave the house today, unfortunately. I must be hormonal... this new McDonald's commercial came on and it was all flash-backs of when people were kids, young lovers, before having kids, etc... and it was sooo cute. I got choked up, and I don't even like McDonald's! hahaha oh boy.

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It really is! Rarely do I stop and actually pay attention to what's on tv, but this one made me go wow... whoever made this is a genius! It starts with an older couple sitting at a booth, flashes back to when they were young, then there is a businesswoman ordering at the counter, flashes back to the 80's, etc.. My favourite part is this young family sitting at a booth, a mom, a dad and two kids. One of the kids is in a karate uniform. It flashes back to a late night McDonald's run with the husband and wife eating their favourites. The wife is hugely pregnant and dipping McNuggets into her ice cream. bahahaha. Way to pull at my heartstrings, Ronald!


I mostly had a lazy day. We were supposed to go to this party tonight, but I'm not in the mood. I went and registered for my directed study ($400 for 3 credits now...ugh!) and picked up the Plan B. I was happy to see that you can get it right from a pharmacist now. I was so not in the mood to do all the paperwork and waiting and pregnancy testing at the planned parenthood clinic here So I took both pills and I'm hoping 1. that they work, and 2. that I don't spend my night feeling crappy with Alex holding my hair. Blech! Other than that, cleaning the house. FUN DAY!

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Holy cow I have a six hour shift today. It's been awhile!


Last night Alex and I had a talk about babies. It had been awhile and a lot has changed since the last time we really talked about what we would do, etc... so it was nice to rehash and know that we're on the exact same page, except that I am clucky and he isn't.


I'm a little bit worried about how unwilling I am to get out of bed in the morning. It seems like a major task.

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It's impossible to eat meals at a regular time when you work random shifts... dinner is at 8 tonight. Yesterday it was at 6:30. Lunch today was at 3 because that's when I got my break. I had a fun day at work, and now I feel tired. I think I'll feel better after I eat something. I'm disappointed because I bought a Transformers video game for Alex on a whim and he told me how much he appreciates the thought and all, but he's played that one before, and it wasn't very good. Well poo. Now I have two things to return the next time I'm at the mall.

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