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Nah I don't think so. But ya never know. Birth control fails sometimes. I almost do want to have a child on purpose now, just to bring some joy to everyone. It's hard to explain. But I won't, cuz I have brains in my head.


Talked to my sister tonight-- grandpa is out of ICU and doing well (thank god) and she is going to see her opthomologist tomorrow... hoping that she can have a scan done right away because she's been having the same symptoms that she had before-- nausea, dizziness, loss of peripheral vision (now on both sides) and a new one-- pain and large amounts of swelling in her lower leg-- the same one that they used for an embolization last January. Apparently that's already been cat-scanned and it's not another AVM, but it is worrying. I told her that if she needs a bit of help, company, or whatever, to please call and not try to tough it out by herself. She can be so stubborn! Her boyfriend is moving away soon and though it's only a couple of hours, I felt much better knowing that he is there for her... I don't like that he is moving. I'm worried about her, and I can tell that she is worried. I just want her to be okay and to be healthy. Tomorrow is also her birthday... The store had no decent cards, so I am going to hunt down one fantastic e-card.

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Test was negative. I felt a bit sad. I think Alex will too, and then we'll feel relieved. One thing I definitely am is confused. No idea what's happened to my formerly completely regular cycles. It's annoying.


Horrible sleep last night. Woke up with a horrible kink in my neck--Going shopping today for a fancy pillow.


Yeah, he's moving for work. He travels so much for work anyways that she is used to not having him around all the time. He's just ready to sleep in his own bed long-term, no more hotels. They've only been together 6 months or so, but the whole family is rooting for the two of them because he treats her so well. I mentioned awhile back on here that I keep catching the clocks at 11:11 and 1:11. Well, it's been happening SO often that now I just say a little prayer/make a wish whenever it happens. I figure if I ask enough times for my sister to be healthy and happy that something's gotta give. It happens way too often to not mean something.

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I get that feeling too and it's so weird. I mean obviously because of the distance we don't have many pregnacy scares but there was a time after NY were I kept waking up queasy (and as some women still get periods when they are pregnant) CS wanted me to take one just to ease his mind. I remember feeling relieved it said no but at the same time... yeah. I was sad.

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Okay I'm bored. I haven't gotten much done today at all. I have the urge to go to the mall, but that means I have to put underwear on... At least I got the student loan app finished, dishes and bathroom are done, catbox is done... sort of read an article for media studies... OH and I bought a bunch of music from iTunes Hmmm bored. Time to go read more student lit!

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I love my journal even when no one listens hahaha. So I got some money rained down on me today. Gov't GST cheque came in, and a good-sized paycheque from when I worked my butt off during Christmas, as well as a big fat cheque from my Dad. He emptied out the mutual fund for my tuition and sent it to me. It's double what I thought it was going to be even though he has been complaining that it's not nearly the amount it was before the recession. It won't just cover tuition, but pay off the car from my sister, AND pay off the credit card bill which magically accumulated in Dec. We'll have savings again, finally! I don't think I'll be sending in my student loan application anymore. Good things happen to good people, I tell ya!

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I got cabin fever and went shopping. I got:


sheets-- found an egyptian cotton set at a great price

towels and cloths (nice fluffy spa-like ones)

bootie slippers so my feet can finally be warm ($7 down from $25--- gotta love January sales)

garbage can for the bathroom

laundry hamper

bra from LaSenza. It's nothing lacy or pretty, but I can wear it with everything and it's really flattering

lemon pie for Alex


tired now.

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Yawwwwwwwwn. Worked today-- got in trouble for not coming in on a snow day. Bleh. Apparently we have to take the bus on a snow day if we can't drive. I hope it doesn't snow again. I hate the bus and I'm not fond of driving on the highway when it's so snowy out. Alex and I had Pho for supper-- treated ourselves for our 58 month-iversary He decided that we're going to sleep upstairs because he hasn't yet, and when I'm done my homework, we're going to build a fort hahaha. Fine by me. Boys never grow up. I'm glad for that.

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Ah yeah we didn't even make it all the way through the movie before we wanted to go to sleep. He went upstairs and thought about building a fort and fixing the bed up there, but we both wanted to crawl into our "big person bed" lol. All my co-workers are sick so I've been called into work an hour and a half earlier. All of my contributors for the newspaper have dropped off into a hole somewhere, so I have to write 5 articles by Weds. I'm not really sure how I'm going to do this and my coursework, but I know it'll get done somehow! When I was on the phone with my co-worker, I looked over at the clock: It said 11:11 again. This is starting to creep me out!

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I'm cranky now. I felt fine all day at work, was busy so I was "go go go" but as soon as I got off work, I got hit with crabbiness. I think it's because I knew all that waited for me tonight was more work. I started being healthier again today, don't have time to exercise *literally*, but I had:



toasted english muffin w/ marg (no more butter)



In hindsight, I should have had an egg with that to keep me going


I slurped on a pina colada orange julius throughout my shift, and finished that plus had another apple on my break. No lunch-- I got called in to start earlier, so I missed lunch.




Spinach and cheese ravioli with sauteed mushrooms and asparagus, drizzled with olive oil and various herbs and spices.




2 kahlua chocolates


If I have time tomorrow, Alex wants to go swimming, so that will be a form of exercise. If it's not raining, I'll walk to classes also.


I'm hopefully going to go to Starbucks tonight with a friend, so it might be hard to not get tempted by the goodies-- but I won't.

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Today's been good. I have my alarm set for 8 am every morning so I won't be tempted to stay in bed until the afternoon, because really, not many hours left in the day when you do that! I don't sleep well, so I feel the need to sleep in, but I figure once I start going to bed at a regular time and getting up at a regular time, my internal clock will eventually adjust and I'll start getting the 8 hours of refreshing sleep. I'm kinda sleepy today but classes were so interesting that I was pretty enthralled most of the time. It's only now that I'm home that I'm feeling drowsy because of the lousy sleep last night. I did well again today:


Breakfast- two pieces ww toast w/ marg and one with my sister's homemade jam. mmm


coffee w/ 2 sugars


Lunch- (at the proper time and everything!) cup of spinach and cheese ravioli w/ tomato sauce and leftover veggies from last night's dinner.


Snack- an apple (I'm going to need to add some more interesting snacks to the mix)


Dinner- Will be a roast chicken with probably wild rice and stir-fry veggies. Alex and I are going swimming in a bit. How lovely is it to live with your best friend? Last night he called me his wife and I got kinda mad... lol. I told him I am not his wife, not properly anyways. He said "soon". Oh I wish we could get hitched, because he's so my husband LOL.


At Starbucks last night I had a spiced apple cider w/ whip, and 1/2 of a rice krispie treat-- shared the other half with a friend.


On the homework front, I feel like things are under control, like I can relax a bit and just work on the newspaper. One of my big stories is dead, so that was a bit of a blow. However, in my news class I got some other ideas. It's such an interesting class! I just wish it wasn't 3 hours long, because after an hour and a half, my attention span kind of...goes away... So all I really have tonight is work for the magazine class-- typing out my reader's reports for the 80 plus submissions that I read this week, and some article writing for the paper.

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Oh that too hahaha. Sad to say I actually developed kind of a crappy mood after that... didn't have as much fun out with Alex as I should've. That's so stupid.



I've been working on magazine submissions for class ALLL night and both eyes are twitching, my butt's asleep, and my back hurts. I'll deal with the spreadsheets another day. Time for bed. or tv. or booze. Maybe all 3.


Trying to decide where to go for vacay next spring! Decisions, decisions. It might just end up being another all-inclusive. They're cheap and easy!

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Today was also a good day. Got up at 9-- could afford to sleep in a bit, did my thing, and was at the newspaper office by 11:30ish.. worked on the next issue so I don't have to do it tomorrow, and from 2:30-5:30 I was in class where we voted on all of the submissions. It was a tough crowd! We received 144 submissions and accepted 25 of them...16%. The numbers may change when everyone is done voting, but it's kind of crazy how picky everyone was. At one point I got on my soapbox and reminded everyone that when we hand in stories, the final story is never the same as the original one.


I got a bunch of friends to come skating tonight-- glow skating, and Alex came along this time too. I was so happy because in the whole time we've been together, he's never been skating with me. After skating for a good hour and a half, we went to this new restaurant. Alex was starving because he's been in hibernation mode all weekend, so he wanted a second dinner. I had a peach cobbler. It ended up being HUGE (for which the waitress apologized) but really, he ended up having dessert too, and not just a few spoonfuls either. It was a really nice night. SUCH a shock seeing this new restaurant. It used to be the local greasy spoon type place with great appie deals and fishbowls-- complete with jukeboxes and tacky 50's decor. Now it is "hip" and fresh and grey and modern... it's fine, but I miss the greasy spoon! When we got home I finally got my neck massage.


Today I had:



kaiser bun, 2 sunny side up eggs





Roast chicken breast

wild rice

cranberry sauce




soy mocha (med.)

cashews-- shared with classmate

bite of classmate's muffin



spinach/cheese ravioli w/ tomato sauce (very small portion)



peach cobbler

some of Alex's fries



cold pasta from dinner (honestly hungry)-- I went for the fresh veggies, but they weren't so fresh. mmm slime.



I put a shoutout on my facebook last night asking who wanted to come skating, and this friend (used to be my best friend) jumped on the bandwagon and when Alex found out she was coming with her kids, he was kind of like oh...*gloom*


I asked him what was up and he confessed that she is pretty rotten to him. There are always underhanded comments, and mean remarks when she is around (towards him, and sometimes towards other things) and he's had enough. He's been nothing but nice to her and to her kids, but she has never liked him. It's not that I haven't noticed, but I kind of sweep it under the rug and tell myself that she's still a good friend.


But, these days she's not a very good friend and things are different between us. She doesn't try with any of my new school buddies, and she just doesn't "fit" with my life right now. She's almost poisonous to be around. I didn't think that she would be one of those temporary friends (we've been through a lot together--on both sides) but it's starting to look that way.


She kills my mood when she comes to parties we host just because of all of her comments about this or that. Like, she brought her kids to an adult new years' party (I love the kids, but none of us HAVE kids. This isn't a kid-friendly house.) and she complained that I mixed up the food, complained that there was no music, then made fun of my ipod speakers... it was just never-ending and I was SO glad when she left. I'm not including her in any more parties because she really does ruin them for me.

At our housewarming, there were tons of people to talk to, it was a beautiful night, good food, drinks, etc... but she insisted that she was bored. I'm sorry, but you don't tell the hostess that you're bored! You're only bored if you're boring. My feelings are still hurt from that. I take pride in planning fun parties and everyone else enjoys themselves. Plus, it's a housewarming, it's a big event and my memory of it is marred by "I'm bored."


She's just turned into a whiner. I know she's not happy with her life right now, but I'm not making any excuses for the way she's treated my WONDERFUL boyfriend for the past 5 years. She never gave him a chance, and ultimately, it's going to blow me and her apart. The sad thing is, I'm beginning to be okay with that. I've been needing to say all this for awhile. Alex wants me to talk to her about it, but I don't even know how to broach the subject.

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