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Very strange morning. I'll write about it tomorrow. Fighting a migraine and only turned on my comp to email a classmate about tomorrow's plans for an assignment. I came home from the paper and headed straight for a bath with Alex. Got a face massage and a neck massage, as well as an extra-strength ibuprofen. Time to lie in the dark until I feel better.

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I napped for an hour and then my mom called. I think the last time she called I was also napping in the middle of the day...and I pretty much never nap! Anyways, she called to let me know that this week my grandma and poppa were in a car accident... poppa had a heart attack and he's in the hospital waiting for an angiogram. They're both okay, just banged up and my poppa has a pacemaker/defribillator so that shouldn't have happened. The car is totalled, but who really cares about the car. I'm hoping to go with my mom and see them on Friday.


Migraine is downgraded to a headache now, but I feel nauseous and just plain crappy. I wonder if I'm getting that flu that everyone else has had. I hope not. I don't have time to be sick! It's 7:30 here, but I'm just going to go ahead and go to bed.

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My boss is working on getting me Friday off so I can go with my mom to see the grandparents. I want to bring them something, but I'm not sure what. They're both 80, grandma has slowed down a lot, and poppa is usually the infallible one (minus a heart attack over a decade ago.)


I made it through school today... sort of. I was there in person but my mind definitely wasn't there. Headache's back, and I'm pretty sure I'll be in bed by 7. What fun! I wish I could bust through this mental fog so I can do some homework. It's piling up already! At least I'm being taken care of. Alex made dinner, covered me with extra blankets, and turned the heat on (he's always too hot, so it's always freezing in here.) I really don't know how I am going to do 4 courses, the paper, and a part time job. Having serious doubts...

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Still up and refusing to go to bed until at least 10. I feel a LOT less tired right now, so I did a quick assignment and am doing a reading for Global Studies on ethics and the poor in world nation states-- how developed and prospering countries should or shouldn't feel ethically obligated to assist. I know I can do these courses-- they're all extremely relevant, and I'm only working about 2 days a week now. It's the paper that is my real concern right now, time-wise. We only have 7 issues left for this academic year Uh oh, I'm procrastinating. The strange day yesterday was this: got to the newspaper office on campus and our entire office was out in the hallway and locked in the student union office. They finally got around to waxing our floors, and didn't bother to put things back! Imagine coming to work on the main production day and finding that. It was ridiculous. We're all pissed at the student union for arranging our floor cleaning on production day. We had to call in a lady who works on the student union board to unlock the door so our art director could get his computer! We had no phone line, no network, and no server until almost 10:30. I took pictures.

I learned that we have a lot of furniture and a lot of crap...threw out a lot and found some really retro stuff too, from the '50's-- like a "twist" dance instructional record. Back to reading!

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So poppa needs a triple bypass. I called my mom to find out if she was staying until saturday and found out that she went there today. There's not a whole lot I can do by going-- she's just being there for my grandma. The whole family is taking her to see him everyday, and he should have the surgery sometime next week. To get my mind off of it, Alex baked cookies with me and then I went skating with some friends. I got home to chicken marsala and chocolate chip cookies. This chicken dish...SO good. I love this man. My grandpa is tough, but I can't help but worry about him, and my grandma. They've been together for 60 years and I can't imagine one without the other. The last time this side of the family went through anything remotely this scary was when I was about 12 and he had a heart attack, resulting in a pacemaker and defribillator, so everyone's a bit freaked.


It's snowing here (wow, twice in one week!) quite a bit. I still went skating anyways. On the way home things were a bit hairy. I was doing fine until I reached this accident site. I went to turn right and my car decided to swerve left and I lost control. I got control back pretty quickly, but for a minute there, I thought I was going to join that little pile-up. Kind of unnerving to feel the wheels slip. I hope class is cancelled tomorrow morning! I don't have waterproof boots so I'm not walking, and I prefer not to drive. Plus, it would be nice to just be able to stay home and read and do homework all day-- until work that is.

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Oh no... Im so sorry to hear about all this. Here's to your grandfather soldiering through the bypass really well - and re: your grandmother.. the thing about grandparents.. they may have frail bodies but they have the strongest souls in the world, don't they? They just have the most amazingly strong emotions and personality.. I guess living a long time does that for you. I think she will be ok.


But this is really sad to hear about your sister. You are right in not overthinking what happens.. but it must be horribly tough for you right now, I'm so sorry

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I just need to write. What really bugs me about the grandparent situation is that he is NOT frail. It's my grandma who is the one who needs to take naps now, and is tired a lot of the time. My grandpa is the one who still chops wood for the cookstove all summer (retro cabin on the beach) and sweeps up the sand and grumbles about the long hair left in the bathroom from all of us women who visit. He's the caretaker and although he and I have never seen eye to eye, I hate to think of him laying in a hospital bed again.


My sister... it scares the living daylights out of me. This thing is obviously growing, she will need more procedures and what if those don't work? I'm really scared that she's not going to get to live a full life because she has always had health problems. I know she's scared too, but she really is much braver than the rest of us.


I'm trying to focus on school, but it's really hard right now. The chair of my department is going to have me do a directed study, and he is recommending it in lieu of his long form features class. He said that very few people who work at the school paper and take that class pass or get the grades that they could have otherwise. But for me, dropping it feels like giving up.


I just have no idea how I am going to get through this semester in one piece. I feel like a ball of tension right now, considering that I have to write articles for the paper, read over 80 submissions to our magazine, do all the global studies readings and come up with three feature article proposals in less than a week. Sometimes I really think I would be better off taking some kind of vocation, training to be a secretary or something. I don't feel like I have enough passion to pursue journalism anymore, and that's really hard to admit, but it's been on my mind for quite some time now.

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Sometimes you just have to drop a class. I had to drop my math class last semester because I just had too much going on and it was a tough class. I hate giving up, but was dealing with the death of my grandpa, my miscarriage, my own medical problems, etc. I don't see it as giving up anymore. I'm going to be taking the class this semester instead and will do better than before. I just postponed it, didn't give up by any means. Hope things get better for you!

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So poppa is in surgery right now. I called my grandma today and talked to my mom as well. They think he'll be home by Tuesday but will want to come home to just grandma, so it's just their kids making the rounds--- they have lots of prepared meals now and the gist of it was "don't worry about coming over." So, even though he's still in surgery, that's a bit of a load off. I just hope he'll be okay.


I am going to submit my proposals for the class and after that I'll take it day by day. If by class dropping deadline, I am really struggling, I will drop it. I'm really tempted to drop global studies, but I'm going to wait and see on that one as well.

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Last night I brainstormed article ideas for the next issue. It's going to be so much fun! The theme is celebrity and the pursuit of fame, so we're all just having fun with it. I did my delivery route today-- and really honed my parallel parking skills. Then was the paper's staff meeting which was fun because we were all discussing how awesome we are for pulling off last Sunday despite the odds, and only 20 minutes later than usual to boot! We also discussed tabloidia. It was a really nice break from classwork and literature and just kind of breaking things down. We're starting to give the art director flack because tbh, for what he is getting paid, the cover "art" is pathetic. He's just been pulling stock images and this issue's image is UGLY. I'm not impressed with the art team at all this year, aside from this one guy. Last issue I asked them well in advance to prep some images for my articles... On Sunday afternoon (production day) one of the girls slapped together something that looked like it was made in paintshop. So, that's been a bone of contention, and I'm hoping that things will change with the next few issues.


After that I dropped off my bursary applications (fingers crossed that I get at least one of the three) and two girlfriends and I hung out at Starbucks. After that I slunk off to the store because I discovered the other day that I am over a week late and there is no sign of my period, so I figured I'd better pick up a test and see what's up. I told Alex I was late and that I was going to take a test and he was just like, "allright." We don't even care anymore lol. Either way, we're happy, and I love that feeling. I'd be thrilled if I were pregnant but still happy if I wasn't.


A good friend and I have decided that a trip to somewhere warm and tropical is in order for next spring (unless... hahaha). Alex is game too, so it will likely be the three of us, which would be so much fun! She wants to go to Mexico, I was thinking of the Dominican or the Bahamas, and Alex wants to go to the British Virgin Islands or somewhere like St. Maarten. He wants to get a bit off the beaten track. We liked the resort in Mexico that we stayed at in '08, but it wasn't a cultural experience. I figure if you travel to another country, you should really try to take in what's around you and get out of the pool-house!


Well, it's 3 pm and I haven't done a lick of homework yet...friend is coming over soon and I may or may not work tonight, so I'm going to get my head in the books!

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