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Another Poem


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I can't seem to get the thoughts in my head onto paper. This is what happens when you somewhat force yourself to write. Its not very creative, and the lines are far too long and wordy. But i guess it means something to me, so i'd thought i'd put it up anyway.




And it seems,

I've always been a little different,

A little excluded from the surrounding world.


I've felt the pain of death,

The longing of unrequited love,

The warmth of true joy.


I've soared above the clouds,

I've reached the melten rock of the earth.

I've seen life from both sides.


I am naught but that which encages me.

Sickness, health, despair, laughter,

Wellness and situations define me.


I sway like a tree branch in a strom,

Yet i am stable and steady as an aged stone,

I do not sway in times of need.


I am steady

I am the shelter through the rainfall,

I am that which shall not age, that which shall not stumble.






Yet it times of lonliness.

I waver.

I snap like the tree branch with the pressure of a footprint.


I am a puzzle, the pieces sprayed accross the room,

Some pieces misplaced,

Lost forever? It is an option.


You own the copyright to my puzzle,

You may allow these pieces to be recreated,

I belong to you.


You hear me?

I belong to you.

Treat me as you will.

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