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dying inside


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I don't know what to do and I have no one to talk to about this. Maybe someone out there can help.

I am 27 and have been married for almost 3 years. I went out of town and met someone else. It was like fate or something. We got into a cab together to go back to the hotel and we just started holding hands. It was like we just came together without a thought. We spent the next 6 days trying to spend as much time together as we could. We nearly professed that we love one another, but saying it aloud would make it too real. We are now 1000 miles apart.

He is also married and has a 4 year old. He told his wife about what happened and she does not care. All she cares about is them staying together. He feels he owes it to her after 6 years to try to make things work. He says he was not happy in the realtionship even before all of this happened.

We have talked on the phone, and he tells me all he thinks about is me. I feel the same way. I am in physical pain I miss him so much. I would drop everything to be with him and I don't know what to do with these feelings.

I don't want to be that girl waiting around for something that is never going to happen, but I feel like he is truly the one I am meant to be with. Am I crazy?

My husband loves me and I love him, I am just not sure that I am in love with him. We are more like friends than lovers.

Should I just try and forget about this whole thing or should I continue to talk to him and wait and see. It has only been a few days since I have seen him.He says he is going to wait a few weeks and see how things go at home. And after he told his wife what happened she is being nicer than ever. Before she was not so nice and did not give him what he needs in a relationship.

We talked about the fact that we both cheated and how that would be if we were ever together. We came to the conclusion that we would always provide what the other needs so there would be no reason to stray.

I know I am nuts. he will probably never leave her. What should I do?

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He cheated on his wife to be with you .. what makes you think he

won't cheat on you to be with someone new in the future?

Listen, I do sympathize with you. I know that sometimes love seems

to fade and we fall into an easy complacency with our partners, but

DON'T fall for it. Three years down the road with this new guy, you would probably encounter the very same thing. It's so easy to lean towards

instant gratification, but why not invest some time and effort, not to mention LOVE in your life-parter -- your husband. Forget this new guy;

infatuation is intoxicating, but it's also usually fleeting. I don't mean to

be a naysayer .. I just happen to have been there .. and am today a

strong believer in commitment. Work it out with your husband.

Try to rekindle that passion with him -- I'll bet it's there if you look

hard enough. Good luck and God Bless.

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