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Mom. . . Dad. . .


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I've tried to tell you time after time.

Why do you ignore all of the signs?

I've tried to tell you so many things,

why oh why do you ignore my pain.

Why do you look away from the scars,

why do you look away from the bright red lines?

Why do you not notice them lying around my room.

You don't notice that they are gone.

I take 2 or 3 hundred and you don't even notice.

I don't think I'm going to even try to tell you anymore,

I'll wait for you to find me lying on the floor.

Cold, motionless, lying in a puddle.


I try to tell you, more or less you don't notice.

I keep photos of girls everywhere,

I guess you think they are friends or role models yea. . .that's it.


You always say I'll be here for you if you need to talk.

Yea right.

When you find out what I've been keeping you probably won't even acknowledge that you know me or that I exist let alone that I'm yours. You won't be able to handle it.

You don't' even know your own kid anymore.


I'm not your sweet innocent 12 year old little girl

who still thought boys were icky but liked them at the same time.


I'm your 16 year old teenage girl who likes boys and girls, I'm into music that you don't even think is music, and I do things that could kill me and would kill you to see me doing them.


You don't know me anymore.


Catch up or you may lose me.

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wow i found your poem really inspirational, i think if you really want your parents to acknowledge who you are and how you are feeling, i would show them that poem as i think it may just hit them what they have forgotten and what they are missing out on.


~LJ =;

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Part of it is I really don't want them to know. I do but I don't. They won't like it if they find out. I just thought that they would have noticed it by now. I don't want them to know. . .I think.

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Pippin- I don't talk to my dad anymore and my mom doesn't really communicate with me, I don't really have anyone. But the other day my mom asked me "why are you so unhappy?" I have waited for that question for a long time, but I couldn't answer it. I knew it would hurt her way too bad. If she knew that I'm really suicidal, that I hate life and wish I wasn't here, if she knew that I was bi-sexual she would send me away and think she failed in raising me and the music I listen to, I turn up loud and try to get her to listen to it so she could get an idea in what I feel on the inside. But she doesn't take the hints, or really want to know what's wrong. Or even care about how I feel. I know exactly how you feel. I mean I want her to know, so I could feel a little better but then again, if she knew she would be hurt, majorly. I don't know, I try to give her hints so she will have an idea so I won't have to come straight out to say it but I think she is being naive. Anyways, if you ever need to talk-pm me.



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That's exactly what I'm trying to say. I mean I can't tell them. It would hurt them too much. I would rather they not know than get hurt so badly. I do want them to know but I don't want it to crush them like I know it will. I want them to know so they can try to help me so we can be there for each other. Right now my parents and I barely see each other. We work different shifts and when we are both off I'm normally either at school, asleep, or with friends or she is asleep or with friends. So it seems like we don't even know each other anymore. Just two trains passing in the night. You understand exactly what I mean.

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